You CANNOT refute this.
You CANNOT refute this
Other urls found in this thread:
>I am actually white. -Barack Obama
>You CANNOT refute this
>Not realizing he has two siblings who also inherited money
Fucking shill go away!
His hands probably aren't big enough to finger paint.
Gee I wonder how many people he could have employed with his money sitting in a fund
>mfw I can tell my grandchild I posted in a shill thread
shoo shoo, away dirty shill
Trump: shit politician shit businessman
You can't refute this
>small loan of a million dollars
This is the most flawed argument I've ever fucking heard in my entire life. He would've lost ~20% of his net worth 4 times in his life had he done that. Also there were no indexed funds back then. Literally kill yourself
If it was that easy to turn a million into billions, wouldn't every millionaire have done it?
Do you even know what a fund is? How do you think a fund gets profits?
Not realizing his father died after Trump already made himself a multi-billonarie
you realized hes created tons of jobs right?
>Put money into stocks
>Not allowed to touch it or use it
>Invest into businesses
>Employ thousands of people
>Generate enormous amounts of income
>To the point where you can fund your own presidential campaign, flying around in your own personal fucking 757
>Can sell off or otherwise liquidate all assets and businesses and walk away with double-digit billions
>investing in industry is better then creating your own industry
Trump wouldn't be here saving our worthless asses if he spent his life fingerpainting. t sage
If you aren't creative then yes. Also there are a lot of costs involved when you start your own industry from zero, my phd in economics friend.
>take a loan
>increase it by 289900%
>take student loan of 100k
>increase it by 0%
damn that trump is one stupid punk
I really wish trump would find someone who talks shit and agree with them to hand over a million dollars and give them the 4yrs of his presidency to turn it into anything other than 1million+someinterest. It would be hilarious to watch, we check in every month live from the whitehouse where trump via live feed asks how their business is going, if theyve hit the 10mill mark yet etc
Liberals can't into logic.
This is bonafide bullshit. It also doesn't take into account all the money he has spent in his lifetime.
What economics do you know besides how much the donkey show is?
I ignore "how much the donkey is" it seems that i know more than you though.
Is that why Mexico is a paradise and millions of my people are fleeing to your county? Cuz they passing out phds like soccer trophies?
donkey show*, godfuckingdammit
You can't refute the fact you're sliding to cover for Hillary's recent "discrepancies".
They are smaller than average
Low energy fingers to be honest familia
Hilldawg working directly with Super PACs CTR and Priorities USA.
He's an awful business man who acts on impulse instead of logic and facts
Why would we? He's telling the truth. He reinvested his money in businesses and made jobs for people.
What is 8 mil when you've already got enough to fund your own campaign?
>this triggers the shill
uh his dad died in 1999 so he didn't have access to his money.
Also his dad's money went to Trump's brother and sister too. Why aren't they rich?
>review of books
Oh so you got a degree in feminist basket weaving.