Why are all CTR threads deleted except controlled ones?

Why do the mod, ban people who post the pastebin ??!?!

Why are all the threads in achive about Correct the Record deleted?

Are mods betrajing us? Or they have infiltrated janny position?

Other urls found in this thread:



He shills are out in force

Not sure why today

Some videos made by CTR


CTR channel: youtube.com/channel/UCZvm1vYbnVZ2th-qah_fIAw

Mods are on their side

What does not make sense is that all CTR threads are deleted...
You cannot find them in archive.

No you fucking idiot because doxxing is not allowed on this site.

The shills are posting grey content that is not illegal here. The emails are doxxing.

So mods delete this thread because i am not part of CTR and i will post other info soon.

that's why

This is












Of politically



t. Moderator scum

When you go to their facebook page ass a member this is the position you can identify with.

Information about donors and money.
Not dox.
opensecrets.org/pacs/lookup2.php?strID=C00578997 - money

opensecrets.org/pacs/pacgave2.php?cmte=C00578997&cycle=2016 - donors

It was revealed that it was a lot more than $1 million.

Somebody chould bump, otherwise only cripple chan is trustable.

I know, these are just information for some people,
There are a lot os dox information people have gaddered, but seeing how mods are waiting for single rule break to delete this... i cannot post it.

Hope this sends people on the right track.

I made 3 today.
No bans or deletions.
They just slid of the board because Sup Forums would rather post in every slide thread than real threads.

Take off the tinfoil, mods only ban you if you break rules.

wtf is CTR?

Does not explain the deletion of CTR threads,
and it is not Sup Forumsacks who post in shill threads but shills making conversation between themselves and sometimes samefagging with different proxies.

If is was discovered that they are all connected to muslim brotehood, what makes it imposible that they have organized raid?
Look at /cfg/ it is well organized. So why can't oposition organize like that?

Correct The Record.

Hillarys online army of shills.

Don't let this slide, this is as much as i can give you without getting banned.

So bump at least if you can,

they're being deleted because no matter what way you cut it, it's basically dropping dox on people, and the (((mods))) don't like that

Im making a new site after the election called glyphy. In line with japanese minimilistic design and complete anonymity

We're all set to migrate there since Sup Forums is fundamentally lost.

We won't move before. We are currently at war, and this is the battlefront. Use the satellite chans for intelligence and coordinating for now.

Cuppy out


I know Sup Forums was shit, with shit jannys when election started, but now, it's even worse.
Ask you self... CTR can opperate without any problems on FB, Twitter, Sup Forums(now), and they have many domains. And we cannot fight them even on Sup Forums.

The onslaught of shills is a part of it and there is no doubt the mods are pro hilldog. Lurk the catalog for two days and the pattern becomes undeniable.

Got it, thanks.

Interesting fact:
cripplechan is again visiable on safenet.
Possibly in order so that shills can easily go to cripplechan.

Mods are mass banning people for:
"Posting in the raid threads"
It's a tool to silence people who worked on uncovering CTR
Pic is from random user on cripplechan.

Dont let this slide!

Well this is why we established these chans in the first place. Even back to 7chan it was because mods revealed themselves to have an agenda aligned with evil.

It had simply not been bad enough before for mass migration, and 2bh the owners of the new chans sucked.

Reminder that you guys I violating Sup Forums's terms of service and the mods are just doing their jobs (FOR FREE)

Sup Forums.org/rules
You will not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids"). Inciting or participating in cross-board (intra-Sup Forums) raids is also not permitted.

This german bro posted info that will get him banned, but you can see it if it is not deleted!

Anybody else having problems posting images on kikebook's mobile website?

Either way... fuck this board.
Sup Forums is shit if this is considered bad
thou money really buys people.

>CTR can work anywhere
>Freedom fighters cant even work on Sup Forums
Why? Is it just money?

Nigger go fuck off. Sup Forums has been through worse.

Slide thread is slide thread

Why are you mad?
I was just talking about priciples that these mods have.
Ocourse this site was trough worse.
And shilling will stop in few days, but because you are uninterested in CTR does not mean other people aren't.

What was it?
Yes! Tried linking to cdc page showing Hispanics are more violent, kept "disappearing" finally got one up of blacks though...

It was dox information, precisly emails of high ranking officials in CTR.

Got ya, Idk I've saved some stuff but not sure what/if I'll do anything with, especially find incriminating evidence. Worst would be prank calls but even that idk. This is just a bump amyway. Literally no one irl gives a fuck about the Khans besides Democrats who don't give a fuck about Benghazi. Shilling for Trump IRL will be exponentially more effective than CTR here. The worst part is big media will just start skipping Hillary stories. I really need to make a sjw tumblr and start shot talking her. After a few more muslim sex crimes and distorted through the lens of memory people WILL see Khans wife sitting there like a subservient Muslim woman and Trump pointing it out

I know.
Now we can only wait.
I have a lot of info, but don't know what to do with it right now, maybe make some pics showing connection between Hillary and Khans idk... Just stay safe.

>tfw Sup Forums used to be in charge.

Before this thread is slid.
I want to remind people from CTR that this only increased the zeal of our couse, and proved your existance.