Where did guys like Clooney and Affleck go wrong in their portrayals of the Batman...

Where did guys like Clooney and Affleck go wrong in their portrayals of the Batman? What was it about West and Keaton that allowed them to succeed?
It can't all be about bad direction. What did they fundamentally misunderstand about the character?


>Clooney's batman
one day this meme will rightfully die

What about Val Kilmer Batman?

Clooney was relatively weak. It was beneath the performances of Bale, Kilmer, Keaton and West at the very least.

Clooney Batman had a weird dark outfit and occasional moments of sadness but then he'd be all campy and stuff his performance (like the entire script) was all over the place with tones

Affleck Batman was pretty much nu-punisher so he came off as boring and lacking nobility/self-control which Batman is better at then any other hero

For the story they were telling, Ben Affleck was a perfect Batman. At the peak of it's abilities, but having gone through too much shit to be all there mentally.

His Bruce was a veteran at the end of his rope, but Clark gave him a second breath.

There's plenty of wrong in BvS, but Ben's acting and portrayal is not one of them. Having him kill like it was nothing was dumb as fuck, but it's not his fault.

I really don't care how hard Batfleck triggered you divas. He's top notch.

>It can't all be about bad direction.

Acting is the actor's body and voice + their ability to remember and execute instructions. That's it. With the right instructions, Affleck and Clooney would have succeeded.

>so he came off as boring

he was the best part of the film. try harder. literally everyone is raving for his solo film.