Hey guys can you escape that phase where movies seem all shit and boring?

Hey guys can you escape that phase where movies seem all shit and boring?

Do something more than sitting at home not moving at all

you're probably fat, depressed, unemployed and in bad health

That's me but I still enjoy plenty of movies.

If a movie is shit and boring, it's because it's a shit and boring movie.

I was getting bored with video games too and I thought it was just me but then I found a glorious video game that was finally what I was looking for. It's called Nier Automata.

You aren't wrong though. Movies have always been a waste of time and now they make worse movies than ever before. I mean honestly seems a no brainer.
>you're probably fat, depressed, unemployed and in bad health
He said he doesn't like movies

i know this feel, movies i used to love just annoy me now.
the only thing that brings me joy like it used to is reading interesting wikipedia articles about spooky things, historic events, or science.
there is a short term cure, but it doesn't work forever... weed.

It's called growing up and realizing everything is shit

Try watching b-movies/Indie movies.

Television is better nowadays

You get between 5-10 times the amount of material, and unless its a Netflix series they usually blueball you for a week at a time so you're more invested than you would be otherwise

Watch better movies. Go watch some classics.
>Or if you're unhealthy, this:

Sup Forums ruined movies and my sense of humor

>and my sense of humor
This. It's much harder to laugh at anything anymore.

>tfw you always see the propaganda/agenda

i just want a good story damnit

take a break


I cant get fat even if I tried
I'd rather be chubby than a skeletal
how do?

Stop watching shit and boring movies, which includes most movies made in the last 30+ years

about 6 months in and i am more depressed and enraged than ever..

There's a lot of fucking movies. It doesn't take too long to find one that turn's your expectations upside down.

As long as you find happiness in watching movies

10 years here. They don't work.
I want to be a normie and enjoy whatever shit Hollywood throws at me. Why can't I have just a bit of happiness why God




tried microdosing shrooms?

more than anything in the world i want to try real psychedelics like shrooms or acid, but i have no idea how to get them.

Watch quality tv series

Stay at Sup Forums long enough and you'll look at everything in a contrarian, negative way

>I can get psychedelics legally if I walk to the smart shop 5 minutes from here

Lmao poor Ameritards

Yeah, you turn conservative and look for the artists trying to improve the assessment abilities of men's minds and ignore all those who debase the world with more ambiguous falsities.

You wouldn't


Take a break
music/video games/TV/books/podcasts/Wikipedia articles/porn kino

Watch less movies in general. I tried to do that 365 movies in 365 days and I haven't recovered three years later. Fuck movies.

Rewatch movies you've already seen.

Watch movies with your GF while eating ice cream and snuggling.

Go to the theater.

That is the last phase user. The only escape from that is death.

>tfw the most enjoyable thing you've watched lately was a shitty anime for teens but it just ended and now you don't know what to do
I'm kind of looking forward to twin peaks but the general is so gay and full of reposted memes.

B-but it's too early for disillusionment and despair. I want to be excited like a kid again

Fuck off rebbit

tfw no escape from your first world daily life imprisonment

Yeah, It just takes time. Took me half a decade. You slowly fall into complete apathy and one day you realize you're content with how shitty things are. Then you start noticing things that aren't really as shitty as you thought. Or you die of old age.

It works out differently for everybody. Some people only start to feel differently because they fall into a relationship. Others get involved with their community. Some dive into politics.

If anybody tells you there's one specific way that it works out they're lying. And to be honest it's probably going to be long haul to get past it. Good luck.

it ruined some movies but it made others so much better

embrace the red pill, it is the truth and there is value in it, even if it's hard to accept