Is it over?

Well boys...hope this is 8d chess.

12 dimensional tabletop cluedo.

But honestly its a bit concerning but you can't stump the Trump.


I'm so tired of this place saying "Trump BTFO" one week, "it's happening!" the next, then "Trump stumped!" the week after that.

Every week you faggots go from saying it's over to he's winning. Next week, if the polls show Trump ahead again, you all will swing right back the other way.

Serious answer: no but he's in dire straits if he doesn't shape the fuck up.

Given his history, he won't. Anyone pointing out his blunders will be called a CTR shill who cites rigged polls all the way up until election night where the people screaming shill will then pivot to calling the election rigged after he loses.

I want him to win, but if things keep going on like this he will not.

This desu

>up fucking 10 points in favor of hillary

something seems fucky here
maybe the CTR shills have taken over their polls too idfk

>why can't we use nukes n shit lmao why even have them if we won't use them?
He's literally trying to lose. I can't even support him now after that shit.

you realize its different people, mostly paid trolls right retard?

He never said that and you know it. This is getting old.

the real damage comes from the MSM painting Joo Stein as a nutjob and flip-flopper just like Trump. That's where the sudden surge of support comes from.