Trump Comeback

Khizr Khan made a statement on CNN telling Anderson Cooper that Trump should return the Purple Heart he got from a veteran. Look at all the backlash against Khizr on YouTube. I really believed Donald was done for but this could be a sign that he's making a comeback and going to be in the Oval Office.


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All of CNN's videos have a fuck ton of dislikes, Trump is 10 fucking points down all thanks to this Khan twat.

It's all within fluctuation of previous presidential elections, according to my calculations Trump will win by 0,3%

Is trump finish?

KEK Hear my Prayers

Once Trump is elected and Kahns immgration loophole business goes under can you have him cut his wifes head off then go on a Sharia rant before getting shot by a female cop.

>Khan...2D thinking


Trips!!!! KEK is real


the guy sounds triggered

It's over for Khan!

>The media rolls around Khan like he's the secret weapon they've been waiting for to take out Trump
I don't think they realize that most people don't actually like muslims. They tolerate them at best, but people aren't really as stupid as the media seems to think. They know the real reason behind all the recent terror attacks.


>"you should have pinned it back to the veterans chest"

>implying Khan isnt right

post "shill" all you want, but it was childish and made Trump look like an even bigger piece of shit.

Witnessed !

Kek is back

Why sage? Hes saying Trump is making a comeback, idiot

Fucking get in, trips don't lie. Praise kek.

Wait, does Khan know the location of the mythical Lake of Common Sense? It's only been spoken of in whispered legend, but from his aggressive yelling in this video I believe that he not only knows of it, but has been there himself.

O to bathe in the soothing cleansing waters of the the Lake of Common Sense!

This old man really has zero shame monopolizing his dead son to make a political dent on trump, but it is expected from an akbar



Why is this even controversial? I fully get why people got all buttmad about the Mexican judge thing, but this?

>Here's my purple heart Mr. Trump. I want you to have it because I think you're doing a great service for America.
>Wow what an honor. It's a lot easier getting it this way (this is called a joke).


God speed

This is the source of all evil

Bless your soul user


This'll eventually go away and Trump's numbers will improve, but holy fuck he handled this poorly.

>LA Times


Still don't get it.

Thy will be done


Posting this pic because why not


He offered to give it back, the vet wouldn't take no for an answer.

The final boss of Islam is in that box


Thanks based Anderson for putting this retard on your show. Just saved America.


Someone help me set up a war fund and I'll get to the bottom of the jack-in-box with some navy friends


Trump is not down

These polls are made up

Literally nobody I know has even heard of this story

>All of CNN's videos have a fuck ton of dislikes
For the most part, I think that's because almost every airport and hospital TV has the shit playing 24/7. I hope cancuck courts don't, I'll probably be sitting in one for telling the would be explosive Khan 'he's got to go back' the other day on twatter (I may have posted some Captain Kirk gifs as well), kinda started a shitstorm. I really need to keep the beers and keyboard separate



I don't get why the media is latching so hard onto this Khan faggot.


Kek is our savior against the shills that invaded this board.


this lousy shitskin mudslime should be sent to Guantanamo for some lite re-education, and then deported back to Shitanistan where he'll be free to complain about the leaders.

Let's see.

Obama practically committed treason by giving money to people who held our soldiers hostage. Clinton is tied to Isis. The DNC just fired a bunch of their staff because their party is imploding. The Bernie people aren't coming to heel. Her rallies have no one in attendance.

This helps people forget all that.

keks gonna kek. khans just a pawn

>don't get why the media is latching so hard onto this Khan faggot.
He's the new 'religion of peace', 'not all mudslimes' poster cunt, pretty predictable once you think about it.


We've hated muslims in America since 9/11, even a lot of lefties do. They'll never win if they insist on promoting muslims.

Some-fucking-how the Dems went braindead when it comes to branding. Having an angry book-waving Muslim immigrant patriarch with a thick accent acting as a Hillary surrogate is fucking disastrous


Kek has willed it.

Kek arises.checked.


I don't think it's even anything as rational as that. Muslims could be as peaceful as they claim and more, it wouldn't make a lot of difference. They're small, hairy, unpleasant creatures with a culture that feels like a parody of outs - neither familiar enough to be comforting, nor exotic enough to be truly interesting. From the perspective of an average westerner, they're just an inherently unlikable and uncharismatic bunch, and that's really all there is to it.

Khan is just buttmad that Trump is making it harder for Islam to invade the USA. Never trust a muslim.


it's true

also distracts from the latest nigger who it turns out is a hilarious sovereign citizen retard

Can someone explain to me what a purple heart signifies? Do you have to rip the beating heart out of your enemy and consume it sort of like what Khaleesi did that one time to earn it?

Coronary disease.

That must be soooo painful...
What kind of monsters could do this to a woman ? Those sandniggers should really get nuked.


wounded in battle

>mfw Operation Pandora
>open up the box with an airstrike

The consequences will be most severe.

Praise him!

The day of reckoning will soon be here! Chaos shall reign!


The fact that people are this fickle and nearsighted is a shame. Americans deserve to be ruled into the ground

I will never understand how that many people changed their mind THAT FAST.

I was awarded 2 purple hearts. They are mine, if I wish to give one of them to anybody, that is my business. Mr Kahn himself never earned anything, his son did. He has seemed to make himself very important due to the efforts of his son. If he wants to honor his son there are better ways to do it then get on TV for that reason only.

I think, I am not sure that Trump's draft number was something crazy like 356. That number means that 355 out of 365 would have had to be called up before him. Call it the luck of your birthday but I am sure any of you fags will be overjoyed to get that draft number when Hillary starts the next war.

That girl is being raped by her uncle as we speak

+6 gorillian internets, your post sums them up exactly. We all know why they form their own enclaves in the cities and why laws are written just so they can get work (same for niggers), but unfortunately you guys have the BBC, and we have the CBC that keeps shoving the lie that they are human in our face. America at least has foxnews (not that they don't suck as well) as a counter voice

how do we know if the votes are rigged or not?

didn't AP just change their methadology by leaving out the "don't know/wouldn't vote" option?


Never understood people who didn't when Hillary got all the mails leaked.

>Trump made a joke
>Medias says it's of bad taste
>WTF ? I hate Trump now !


Damnit! I just gave the CNN kikes a shekel.

Pro sharia anti female far right ideology patriarch


people are afraid of being called racist it can ruin your life. so you gotta be careful. lying on a poll doesnt really hurt anything. i am sure trump has internals that are accurate

That's what bites. His lad died for his country, a legitimate hero. But when his dad uses that for political grandstanding, especially with warmonger hill, and to advance the mudslime cause...

Praise kek

>I just gave the CNN kikes a shekel.
I doubt that really makes a difference considering the extent of the clinton foundation and soros bucks, CNN has basically been a welfare network since around 1995, their last good coverage was gulf war round 1

Another round eh?

I swear to christ i will shit on his sons grave in arlington.

You're right. I never speak too much about migrant and Trump with friends, i know some of them have SJW friends, dragging them into their net so...

well done


just agent orange all their food and blockade their ports and borders

take vid!

Aw fuck that shit so sick of is this shit that ever since the second iraqi destabilization campaign all you have to do to be crowned a hero is literally blow the fuck up?youre as fucking much of a pussy as this nigger khans dad is for accepting hero status for ...what?blowing a load in his wife that made the nigger who blew up?yeah no,you fuck right the fuck off.

Can do.ill be there in september.

Infect goats with aids. Mudslimes would die out in a couple of years.

So it is written.
So it shall be.

>agent orange all their food and blockade their ports and borders
DDT got outlawed long ago, but I hear nukes are still legal

The report says he sent the rest of his men back to safe distance while he inspected the suspect vehicle. That's a bit more than just forgetting to duck.

kekked, maybe just take their goats and airdrop them pictures, they probably love them, unlike their wives

not sure nuking is the best strategy, don't want it uninhabitable forever, just the mudbloods gone

maybe napalm?

I honestly couldn't care less

a mudshit doesn't become a good person just because he served