Pic related
>inb4 CTR shills and sliding
Pic related
>inb4 CTR shills and sliding
Other urls found in this thread:
have a bump
No fucking shit.
We know this
the shilling is insane today
Send to Hannity everyone!
>kek approves of this mandate
dew this
how do we spread this? who do we spread it too?
anyone who has a fake or real twitter can tweet him this image
here is his twitter
do ti
So any of you who have a twitter account, send this shit to him and post proof. I don't have a twitter.
Have a b.ump
She's completely insulated by her friends. She could kill a baby tomorrow and no one would do a thing.
Won't do anything. Press is more important. It keeps the weight down on Shillary.
Her campaign doesn't have the same kind of constitution as Don's does.
Twatter users. Please blast this to fox. I'll be emailing
Not the point. Donald has the controversies that his remarks create, which actually help him. Hillary doesn't have the luck. These things actually hurt her. Nothing too serious, but just real things, small things, that keep the corrupt image going.
Seriously, someone do this, I don't have a twitter.
Bump. Don't let shills bury this shit
wow this thread is sliding quickly
Gotta keep bumping this! People should see this! If anyone out there has a way to spread this, do so!
Good shit
Trump bump
Make more threads with this picture.
You can help too buddy.
The HIDF is hard at work trying to slide this
Ok guys, help me out here so I can redpill normies. I was under the impression that they could interact with people who are members or owners of superpacs but they cannot discuss PAC matters or direct the PAC's action through the actual campaign. Am I right about that and if so is there something I'm missing here?
But he's orange, not green.
no kidding
soooooooo shes going to get away with or what?
High test?
b u m p
Nobody cares when you have enough money.
She already got away with rigging the primary. We live in a dictatorship now.
bump. Death to shills
Should spam this image in all other threads. Trump general and the /cfg/ threads especially
That streetview censor is fucking bizarre.
Where my Sup Forums gone? Trump will win you soulless liberal puppets. Bump
This is more important than responding to shills.
Nothing is going to happen. There will be no indictment. Nothing can stop Hillary. This is not our decision.
This isn't an election, this is a coronation.
holy shit this is being slid hard.
Kek wills this reaches the normies
bump. fuck the shills.
Fuck CTR shills, have a bump.
Report and hide shill threads
Cmon anons, I want to see what google is hiding there. Any anons live in Arlington VA?
She can't keep getting away with it.
>throughout the years idiots have tried to raid Sup Forums boards with no success
>now the biggest and most long-lasting raid we have ever been subject to comes from none other than the Democratic Party of the United States paying people to shill here in an attempt to silence our attempts to expose corruption within their ranks
I can't fucking believe this shit.
So what exactly is illegal? Not a shill just ignorant
So is this image going to get out of Sup Forums?
Bump dont let this slide
I typically don't post on Sup Forums but now the pro-Hillary groups are shilling for her in what i thought was the last place we have
I don't know if anyone is still monitoring this thread but, I don't have the time to actually do it.
but even if you area hillshill I think we should pay tribute to all the people who were killed in the name of agenda. these people gave their lives for the most powerful thing of all truth.
even if you are a shill you cannot deny their dedication. anyone posting in pol has an admiration of all those pills of truth.
i don't really have the time right now. but I think we should make bumps out of those people who died trying to get the truth out.
I sent an email to every address in this pic
So, what's bring done besides us bumping this shit? I am social media retarded so I can offer no help.
It's nice to have actual evidence with names, really nice. We already knew this shit though. Sometimes being proved right is really fucking depressing.
What should we do? Is there anything we CAN do? This Allida Black person is protected, she would just be shuffled to the back of the deck with a nice fat wallet. HRC otoh, nothing is fucking sticking to her. The people don't care.
>Hillary paid $6,800,000 to effectively piss into an ocean of piss.
talk about lmao
>think the google maps thing is bullshit because there's no way they would be that obvious
>its actually fucking real
>streetview wont continue no matter what side of the street you approach it from
This is really firing up the ol neurons
E p i c
Bumpity bump bump
No you are right
You can just contact Google to remove your house from their maps, yes? Might show some paranoia on her part, but other than that nothing too strange.
Unless I'm missing something..
Candidates can't directly work with Super PACs, it's illegal
So are we doing anything to get this out to the public or are we just going to keep bumping the thread?
Like it fucking matters. The media will not report on anything against Clinton.
>You can just contact Google to remove your house from their maps, yes?
no. Pictures taken from public property are legal. This is how the papparazzi can snap pictures of J Beeb's wiener from a mile away legally.
It wasn't her intent to be malicious or break the law. They won't prosecute; it would be dumb to.
Nothing to see here goys...
The only way to pursue this is for someone somewhere to bring a lawsuit
>it's illegal
>like she gives a fuck
I believe!
Oh fuck, I thought you could just bro out with Google and ask em to waive your sweet residence.
That wiener is currently on our 5$ bill btw
Stand fast pussy.
This ride is just beginning. They are trying to demoralize us.
Is it happening?
Thanks for correcting the record.
If you're speaking of OP's image I just did, however it loaded as an ant imge, soo..
Well it's not like the law ever stopped her from breaking it before. She racked up enough felonies from the E-Mail scandal to put her in prison until the day she dies and they just let her walk.
I will make it legal.
I usually lurk, but have a bump.