how do i enjoy life
How do i enjoy life
Gin Martinis, lots of olive/cocktail onion brine added.
You take the blue pill...
you don't
welcome to the club
You percive yourself as secure and important and strive to make that real aswell as distracting yourself.
How old are you?
Are you intelligent?
Are you willing to occasionally work hard or take care of adult shit?
It's really fucking easy to get a high paying job that's comfortable.
Do that and spend your money on things that make you happy.
For me, it's travel, alcohol, and video games.
I'll bite, drop some advice please and just assume we are all the things you asked.
always interested in life advice, too bad most of it on Sup Forums is crap.
>Ay yo hol up cuz
>so u sayin wez sum kine uhh
>TSUU uh syde squaaa?
Smile a lot and make sure that people see you smile and if they smile back at you then smile back even harder. There's literally no other way. You have to smile
Don't take the redpill
get rid of any muslims in your country
My life is more enjoyable once I learned to quickscope
please translate the last line m8, I've learned to read ebonic over time but I still don't understand everything desu
Find some hobbies or activities to take your mind off the daily bullshit.
I personally like dirtbikes, fishing/hunting, working out.
oh it means suicide squad, well took me long enough to figure that out
thats real nice of will smith to take a picture with so many fans like that
Frankly, I don't know anything about you, but there's literally 100,000 ways to make bank if you're intelligent and you know how to work hard.
All you have to do is try.
That's it. Just fucking try.
I'm in a technical field now, but I was a manager less than a year after getting hired doing fast food while I was in school, making well over the median.
Trade school, college (STEM), or move up any job ladder.
wtf? Do you think he is a king or some shit?
It's his job to be liked.
Where can I meat rich white society girls like Cara?
No shit it's his job to be liked but not all celebrities take pictures like that with their admirers
those are other actors he worked with
Don't listen to this faggot, you will never be able to enjoy life while working, work takes away all of your time in exchange of some money, money doesn't mean or buy happiness unless you have ridiculous amounts of it, better spend your time making your own alcohol.
Is that the new big brother
Yeah, listen to this guy, this sounds like solid advice that won't leave you penniless and hating the world.
Yeah but how? I'd like to go back, but I don't know where to go.
Wait what
You dont?
Otherwise you wouldnt try to shill here.
Seriously, shilling here?
step 1: be rich and good looking
step 2: just b urself xD
Always watching.
You newfag again?
Pretty much this
Plus, don't crave sex/validation. I'm a depraved fuck. I will fuck anything over a 5 and will lie to get them into bed. I'm also emotional as fuck underneath. In reality, I just want someone to love but the ones I feel are hot enough to keep me interested arent 5s blinded by how they're about to bag a guy with 8/10 looks.
Basically don't have shit traits while also being self aware. I'd say red pilled is a key characteristic of being self aware. I'm narcissistic but also insecure as fuck and I know it. I will never be good looking enough to not be insecure. I will never be confident enough to succeed.
I will most likely die alone as a perverted old man. Sucks but oh well.
Man I have a work and a car and a life, but I wish I has as much time as I had in highschool, I hate so much going to work
no I'm oldfag
top fucking lel
Well I think you can be redpilled, but just try not to think about it all the time. Lay of politics and the media from time to time or you will be depressed
Find/create work that you enjoy that benefits others.
>That's all.
step 0. never be born ;^)
If you were in the US, I'd just say to get a better job.
I barely work 4 days a week.
Free beer at the office, they pay for lunch for us often, free to pursue whatever I feel will improve the company in some way, etc.
It sucks to have a soul-crushing 9-5 where you're just doing one thing, but NEET is just as soul-crushing for most people.
Obviously it would be nice to be born rich, but I was born poor, so I had to get there somehow. Luckily, that's piss easy in the US.
I became a bartender. My gig right now sucks since my main clientele consists of old cheap boomers losing their money on horse races.
When the track season is over I'm getting a job in the city near college students and wealthy gays so my job can be much more fun. I'm a fat 5'5 middle easterner with high social anxiety and I still get with hot blondes who obsess over crossfit.
Bartending is amazing for networking and making untaxed bank. I can work anywhere in the world I want and life a is a fucking giant party.
>my main clientele consists of old cheap boomers losing their money on horse races
That actually sounds like fantastic clientele, but I can definitely see the kids-with-money being more profitable.
>Luckily, that's piss easy in the US.
Seeing the US job market from abroad, that certainly seems to be the case.
>be programmer
>entry level jobs in the US pay 2-3 times as much as I'm making right now.
>can't find anyone willing to sponsor an H1B visa unless you have at least 5 years experience
>quietly weep
If I could move tomorrow, I could work for 15 years, buy a comfy country house with a few acres of land and never work a day in my life again unless I wanted to.
How the fuck are there poor people in the US?
>How the fuck are there poor people in the US?
Lazy, dumb, or both.
There's no excuse. LITERALLY no excuse. I was born in one of the poorest places in the US with poverty parents.
Being a movie star helps.
how the fuck do you even get into bartending
it's the most nepotistic field ive ever seen in my life
Work, study, improve yourself and start exploring the wonderful world of gin and tonic in large quantities. It will protect you from both friendlessness and malaria
>americans actually believe this Just World shit
Seriously though.
Land is DIRT CHEAP in the US.
There is literally no reason why someone shouldn't be able to AT THE VERY LEAST buy a small patch of land and grow their own food.
Jesus the tits on the Asian.
All them hot whores.
>Land is DIRT CHEAP in the US.
unfortunately, housing isn't
>le juss b a homesteader may may :^)
then why don't you do it if it's so cheap and easy, you greasy faggot??
There was a house episode, The guy was a miserable genius who took enough DXM everyday to make him self only slightly above average
No excuse.
You can't go back.
>then why don't you do it if it's so cheap and easy, you greasy faggot??
>implying you can just waltz into the US and be a homesteader
>a fucking leaf
>then why don't you do it if it's so cheap and easy, you greasy faggot??
>implying you can just waltz into the US and become a homesteader
>a fucking leaf
I went to a bartending school in my city and went to the horse tracks after graduation on the day they had a job fair and got the job right on the spot.
I knew the money wouldn't be all that good but networking with old people is what made it all worth it. Now with some experience under my belt I can pretty much apply anywhere.
>smile back even harder
I do it by taking acid every week. The only bad part is that it wears off.
It's too late for that now user, you must live for the happenings, that's the closest we can get to enjoyment
How did you faggots miss the robo nigger?