NY lawmakers eye tax credits for minority filmmakers

Lawmakers want to create $5 million in new tax credits for TV and film directors and producers who work in New York — but only if they’re minorities or women

Legislation introduced in both the Assembly and state Senate would require the state to set aside the funds from the existing $420 million Empire State Film Production Tax Credit


Are those people in the back because all I see are criminals

>tfw white/Vietnamese but can pass as a Mexican
My time to fucking shine

5m out of 420m is nothing

literally an empty virtue signal

>he thinks $5 million is something to get upset about

So 5 million for Jews?

Since they are always POC when it is an advantage for them.


what qualifies as a minority?
i mean, there are hardly 100% white men out there. what is white, even. say norwegians are white. say my granddad is norwegian, i can pass as one, becoming a minority.

>tfw minority trying to break into film industry

thanks SJWs. where do I sign up to collect my 5 mil?

my mom is fucking clueless of politics and jews and she would laugh at this shit

there's no way those dudes coul end up being scientists or having real jobs

fucking kek

Minority means black, sometimes hispanic.

whites make up like 14% of the world population.

A "human" with black skin

lol good luck maintaining a film scene new york.
Location shooting there will fucking die and they will be begging for white male filmmakers to come back.
Barring rare diamonds in the rough like Wonder Woman, almost all the massive hits of any given year are directed by straight white men.

in the united states minority means any shade of skin darker than very pale.
An Italian with a tan could pass as a non white there.
I fucking hate America so god damn much.

But what is white?

Most "whites" aren't even white according to Sup Forums logic and stormweenies.

According to their ridiculous and strict definition of "white" it's actually closer to 1-3% of the world's population.


>he's never shot a film in NYC

kek keeping talking shit kid, maybe someone will bite

lol what?
The USA is the third most populous nation in the world and is about 80 percent white (most hispanics are white, hispanic is not a race, its an ethnicity get the fuck over it) and the EU which has gotta be at least 75-80 percent white is even bigger than that.
South America is at least 75% white hispanic and a lot of people of Arab and Persian ethnicities would techinically fall under the Caucasian classification.
I am in no way suggesting every Latino, Arab, and Persian is white, just that there are way way more than you think.
14% is way too low.

is george zimmerman white?

>Jew on twitter: all of these pitch black migrants are doctors and scientists
>doesn't post again for four days because a black migrant stole his phone

you do understand that if white filmmakers arent given money they literally cant make films right?
you are aware that they dont do it free?

every time

he is literally and unironically white like a huge chunk of hispanics are.
Ethnically he is not "white" in the traditional Northern/Western European sense, he is Hispanic. But racially yes he is.

holy shit what

14% is the non mixed white people that originate from Europe. Hopefully this number will be much lower in the coming years.


Why the fuck do they keep trying to shoehorn these fucking useless harpie cunts as minorities, women are half the fucking population thats not even slightly a fucking minority

>Americans think white hispanic is a thing

wew lads calm yourselves down

>I'm racist because I can distinguish them by their skin color rather then their profession which has no obvious identifiers on their outward appearance
Wtf I hate myself now.

>american public education

I don't think that's a doctor, engineer, philosopher, rocket scientist, physicist, and lawyer. By their sense of dress and their incredibly dark features it looks like the picture was taken in a local African community, where the quality of education is quite low.

If you have even a drop of non-euro blood in your system you aren't white. It's pretty simple.

I see a dishwasher, a dishwasher,a dishwasher, that guy whos sole job it is to empty trash cans, the ones with brackets are HIV patients, and the last guy says he'll "watch your car for $5"

>mfw it finally pays to be a minority


looks like the average processing line of every american prison.

northrend europeans are white that's about it.

uhh you know most europeans have like 0.1% mongol blood right?

I can already tell before going through this thread that a bunch of anons who have no idea how films work think you can just collect a check whether or not you make it.

Retards, you have to get funding, shoot it, etc, then you QUALIFY for tax breaks after the fact, but are not guaranteed shit.

t. someone thats worked as a line producer for shitty horror movies for three years

Funnily enough I'm not even sure this type of grant would be legal in Sweden since it goes against the discrimination law.

So I guess more wealth transference from hard working men to wymmin?

You do realize that euro blood is a mixture of blood that originates from fucking everywhere?

>(((((((Rabbi Lieberman))))))))

As insufferable as they are, Sup Forums really is always right aren't they?

You silly goose, whites can never ever be the victim of discrimination.

And yet they remain pure white. Unlike most american mixes that get tinted brown. Don't get upset about this anons, white people will be gone soon.

I want to see what happens when the current minorities out-populate the whites since they breed like deer.

How will all these minority kickbacks and perks play out when it's the snow white people that are 5% of the population?

whites will pretty much be killed as soon as they lose power from their positions.

SA is proof enough.

>but only if they’re minorities or women
Jews are a "minority."

Do you really think whites don't have plans in place to stay on top even after they aren't the majority. Shit we haven't even introduced New Crack yet to the projects.

They actally sometimes can in Sweden.
We are a socialist Muslim shithole there is no doubt about that, but in some cases, very few cases, we are actually have some equality that actually is equal and not just "well, maybe women and minorities should be a bit more equal than white men, that seems fair".

Whenever the black or muslim population in any western country reaches anywhere near 50% that country collapses. Mark my words.

Please explain this to me
Let's say someone from Moldova and someone from Nigeria move to the US to pursue a career in film making.
The person from Moldova wouldn't get any help even though he comes from a poorer country?
On a side not
>Just found out Nigeria is richer than Moldova


>this much angst that you will never amount to anything

do you want affirmative action cuck?

>he thinks that if whites become minority they get gibs like niggers
They will be killed like in SA or Rhodesia

They are right 20 percent of the time. Wrong most of the tine

"""""""TV & FILM"""""""""

and brown

>The USA is the third most populous nation in the world and is about 80 percent white

United States is 60 percent white and dropping fast. Look it up.

>my first thought was unironically that they're in a welfare line
>I'm a spic

>white woman rape train

>racists see black men
But they are by definition black men. Are facts racist?