Since Trump is going to lose, how do we prepare for the new Hispanic majority?

Since Trump is going to lose, how do we prepare for the new Hispanic majority?

>trump lose

Kek would not like that.

Can You really do anything?

Move to pic related. We have no obligation to help spics fix the problems they will create.

mexican catholics vs muslim dogs

satanic cult of islam and catholicism both encourage outbreeding your enemies

which devil worshippers win the holy war??

By killing yourself, it's the only way to escape from that hell, trust me I was born in it.

OMG can Americans come too?????

ojála they come together

Will Hispanics put up with Hillary's muslim refugee plans? The shilling is unbelievable if you ask me: muslims everywhere in her ads, at her rallies, at the DNC... all in the while muslims are only 1% of the US population. You gotta be insane to let muslims fly over across the ocean and resetlle them into your country

I'm going into computers and robotics.
Something that doesn't require me to deal with people

and robots are going to replace the majority of unskilled labor soon anyways

so I'll be getting rich and taking care of my several beautiful and fertile hispanic wives.