>tfw Durka captain Britain will now slip into obscurity
Thank you based UK
>tfw Durka captain Britain will now slip into obscurity
Thank you based UK
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You're the only one bringing her up, everyone else stopped caring about her a long time ago.
>stopped caring
People cared?
Why? Do you think it had anything to do with the EU?
Yeah I remember a few threads about her but that was years ago.
Huh, more you learn...
Were those threads pro or anti Faiza?
Oh, so Brexit passed? Whelp, dire future economics predictions are all set, let's see if they come to fruition.
Obviously OP does
This image hasn't been seen anywhere but Sup Forums in the past year
OP had to have saved it
A small recession, then impressive growth with the commonwealth to grow into the future.
Fuck the EU lads.
>implying the UK will not declare itself a caliphate once it's officially out of the EU
I'll toss that one onto the pipe as well. Economists are about as accurate as soothsayers anyway, might as well have a legitimate test scenario.
At least now the EU can now pass laws to counter China since the UK isn't there to sabotage everything
I would bear any cost, war and poverty, to know that my democracy is not at the behest and whims of foreign or special interests.
Fuck Juncker. Fuck Merkel. Fuck every unelected EU Commissioner who can over-rule member states from the shadows.
Not even in the EU but I feel the struggle lads.
>central government is bad
im glad this is becoming popular
I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people voting to leave did so because they were tired of all the muslim immigration they couldn't do anything about.
Huh, I would have thought the average Sup Forums age demographic would side with remain. Economic and Political Stability against Legislative Independence.
I mean, most laws in Britain are written by unelected clerks that nobody has ever heard of anyway in positions that pay a quarter million annually.
My Crusader Kings says it is so.
Give your Demesne to your best sons but don't let that shit stack lads it is never worth it.
60% of all laws aren't even written in Britain anymore m8. It's been shipped abroad by a government body resembling the USSR more and more everyday.
Also university's have a vested financial interest in putting pressure on students because they gets loans from the EU, drawn from British taxes for essentially propaganda the Brits foot the bill for.
Name one law that we didn't write. Or go back to bed Fromage, you frogfaced cunt
Here you go Cameron, have you booked a Macca's interview yet?
I hope you're excited to see Loki bend Captain Britain over a barrel and fuck his asshole raw again, OP. Because it's going to happen. Britain exists to suffer.
That immigration comes from the Commonwealth and won't stop after they leave
>sell Europe most of your goods and services
>fuck 'em
Unless there's some secret deal with Australia I don't know about, there's no way it could be good.
nice propaganda leaflet, now go back to your pub and try to pretend you're a man of the people instead of just another rich cunt trying to screw us
Why would the leading presedential candidate risk his platform like that?
I live in the Commonwealth and you are so full of shit. It is objectively harder for a Commonwealth citizen to emigrate to Britain over someone in the EU.
They renegotiate them again. They would be idiots to refuse. The whole idea is separating Our Laws =/= Your Union
Nice rebuttal to the statistics Cammy, why don't you fuck Hammy?
I suppose that's why Soro's and Goldman's Sach backed you. Because he is such a man of the people?
>leave EU so they don't have to deal with EU regulations
>want to have future business deals with EU, meaning they'll have to conform to EU regulations anyway, such as freedom of movement for both currency AND people
Britbongs are fucking retarded. And so are you.
It's the last spasm of a dying empire. As an American is fucking hilarious watching them celebrate
You totally forgot that just like most of the English twats, most of Sup Forums buys into the same memes about muslims.
>Sup Forums in charge of knowing fucking anything outside of comics/cartoons
They will trade with the EU but the EU can't dictate how their industries are run anymore.
That means no more retarded red tape keeping fisherman from doing their job in the waters they have fished in historically for hundreds of years because a bureaucrat drew a red line.
>what are trade regulations that are the difference between your goods even making it to market and just gathering dust/rotting away
>what are tariffs and fines
I love how you're the one accusing people of not knowing shit, retard
Why the fuck would the EU ever give them as good a deal as they have now? The UK imports more than it exports, and that's going to drop once they slap tariffs on their goods.
It's like Sup Forums spent economics class getting high.
If you think German car manufacturers are going to let Merkel or Juncker put a tariff on GE without being strung up to die I can't help you.
The whole point is that business can eventually blossom in their own country again. Where even if it becomes more expensive the communities are more stable as people are employed and working.
>business can eventually blossom in their own country again
>we don't build anything anymore
>we are now the nation of shopkeepers Bonaparte accused us of being
>and we have nothing to sell
AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Anyone who thinks the UK has room for economic growth is a joke. Detroit alone represents more lost industrial might than the entirety of Britain, and the US is literally sitting on all of the resources needed to make it go. Even if britbongs manage to 'invisible hand of free enterprise' themselves all the way back to some Dickensian coal-coated london with orphan labor working for a bowl of gruel a day it'll still amount to shit all compared to 1 billion Indians working for pennies a day. Or do you think the entire economy can be jumpstarted with artisnal cheeses if only those mean mean old tariffs weren't in the way?
>Let's Renegotiate
>You rely on us for a good portion of your exports
>We honestly don't need you as much
>Also we're pretty mad about the whole thing because of the destabilisation
>But I'm sure this will end well for you
Having to renegotiate trade deals with an angry EU is going to fuck your economy hard but at least Sup Forums wins today right?
>implying the EU wasn't going to collapse in a few decades anyway
It's called a lifeboat, it's a step down but the people sitting in their chairs now are going to be feeling pretty fucking stupid soon.
Never seen or heard of this qt before. Thanks for bringing her up
>Economists predict that leaving the EU will lead to immediate market crash
>British people are too stupid to listen, vote for something that sounds like a kroger brand cracker
>Stock prices immediately plummet, prime minister thinking of resigning, leaving Europe out to dry
Right-wingers truly are worthless human beings.
> small
Oh we knew it would crash, we just didn't give a shit.
The reward is well-worth the price.
>le doom and gloom man
>b-but it's okay that we fucked our country, because they're going to be fucked up in ten years! Never mind we just fucked ourselves over now! At least Johnny Foreigner can't tell us how bendy our bananas have to be anymore!
Brexitards, I fucking swear
When the EU collapses on the mainland, Britain would have become self-sufficient in government enough to avoid the worst of the political fallout.
And it is hardly a conspiracy to look at the down-ward trend the EU has taken and conclude that it is unsustainable and will inevitably fall.
>"Muh brown people!"
Get the fuck out. All you've done is permanently screw up your precious nation. Hell, I'd be surprised if the Scots and Northern Irish don't leave you in a year.
> red tape keeping fishermen from over fishing the local waters
> red tape vanishes
Now you can sell your fish to China who depleted their local fish population due to unregulated over fishing $$$ those dumb fucks travel all the way out to Africa to steal their fish
Not mine cunt
I am just glad the birthplace of the Westminster system will live on beyond the grasp of Brussels.
You seem rather upset senpai
What's with the liberal cuck circle-jerk.
>Marvel thread
Why do I even need to ask.
Britain needs to become self-sufficient.
Something that can't happen under the EU.
Sterling was always going to take a hit as
everyone pisses themselves. It's already on
the way back up.
Let us hope Trump can truly make America
great again and if you Libcucks don't like it
please fuck off.
No shit I'm upset. Politics isn't a joke, as much as /r9k/ would like it to be. Voting for a pointless referendum will not only harm you, but all of Europe. Same with that meme pic of yours.
There's an old rule when it comes to government and economics - if you know nothing of either, you shouldn't vote.
> implying leave didn't know about the economic setback
> implying this isn't worth for freedom
The UK has been fine before the existence of EU. In fact it's more likely that the EU will crash and burn before the UK. Just wait as now other countries will seek to regain their sovereign.
>China is Spain and Belgium
>"Conserving fish stock" = throwing back dead fish because you can't control what the nets drag up
>"conserving fish stock" = letting many countries farm one countries stock
Are people aware that Faiza was only made captain britain in an alternate universe?
>literally every economist said this was a bad idea
>w-well they're just libcucks!! make 'merica/britain gr8 again lads!!
Please tell me you're just trolling. I've had enough insanity today
>The UK has been fine before the existence of EU.
What you're describing is early 20th-century Europe. Yeah, sounds like you guys are in for great times.
I cannot fucking wait for November my fellow traveler from the board of peace.
> leaving an economic pact will ruin an entire continent
> when economic trade deals can be made at any second
You drank too much leftard juice friend.
Australia, New Zealand, China, India, USA, Japan etc
It's not fucking unheard of to handle your own shit like a big boy.
Faiza was alright, she had a cool power but it never got used because they slapped a magic sword in her hand and called it a day.
> the time when the UK was the strongest and by itself is not viable anymore
> while several countries in the world aren't part of economic unions
Are you retarded?
So instead of going to /news/, Sup Forums, /his/ or Sup Forums you come here to shitpost about international politics?
>tfw minor lord
>tfw seven daughters and zero sons
I never liked that game, anyway.
>No shit I'm upset. Politics isn't a joke, as much as /r9k/ would like it to be. Voting for a pointless referendum will not only harm you, but all of Europe. Same with that meme pic of yours.
Fuck all of Europe and fuck Germany/Merkel for imposing millions of "economic refugees" from Africa and the Middle East into the EU/UK.
Jesus fuck, what DID she do?
While in the EU England was expected to send huge sums of money to projects within the EU that are not England or to "allies" such as Arab countries who hate us. Meanwhile the EU passes new laws to put more Brits in prison for nothing.
The UK has taken in the least amount of refugees compared to any other EU member
>A country that trade to and from the UK is declining with
Your joking if you think Australia will replace any of the major EU countries in terms of import/export.
Got scared by Dane and used her healing power to unheal fuck out of him.
He got better page later, though.
Any amount imposed without the vote of the people is too much, also
They shouldn't have to take any amount dictated by another nation.
That's the point.
Learn to comprehension, all of those countries can negotiate their own trade deals without a concession of sovereignty or money.
Do you really think Trump has a chance? 70% of Americans hate him.
Republicans were given a great opportunity, they just needed to nominate a non-crazy candidate and people would vote for him because they're sick of Obama and don't particularly like Hillary. By nominating Trump, you've guaranteed that Hillary will win.
You keep talking about "sovereignty". What exactly are you going to do differently now?
Probably very little, but anything we will do will be our choice to make.
That is the point.
Why are the same people losing their shit over TPP defending the EU when it's the exact same thing, only political as well as economic.
Have laws decided by elected officials who's primary interest are the British populace
>do you really think Trump has a chance?
Trump is the most terrifying opponent the Dems could have ever imagined, nothing in the old playbook is working.
The original plan was JEB!
Dems have planned for decades for idiots like JEB!
They have no plan for a Trump, they didn't even think a Trump could get this far.
Now the polls are more or less even, and you are going to see some serious shit.
Because the EU mostly benefits everyone, the TPP doesn't, they're not the same thing at all.
>TFW France isn't even going to try and stop them from jumping on trunks to the UK anymore
UK is going to have a busy time managing their borders.
>falling currency
That is the point.
>increasing inflation
That is the point.
>renegotiating trade agreements that favour the EU
That is the point.
>huge incoming recession
That is the point.
who's primary interest are the British populace
Which include a fuck load of muslims. And we all know who they are going to actually listen to.
Trump had record turnout for the GOP, obviously some Americans like him and what he has to say. None of the other GOP candidates stood a chance, do you really think Americans would want to vote for Clinton or Bush 2: Electric Boogaloo again? There are tons of Bernie supporters who are extremely jaded with the Democrats and election rigging who will either not vote or outright vote for Trump instead of Hillary.
You mean Muslims? Since Muslims are the majority of the British populace
They do have a plan for Trump: let him say stupid shit and then point at him and day "vote for me or this guy becomes President". And it works, Trump mostly appeals to aging white males in rural areas, that's not enough to win elections. Trump will scare everyone else into voting for Hillary.
Yes, SOME Americans, as in conservatives that voted in primaries. Everyone else though? Not so much. He polls terribly among independents, and even among moderate republicans. The numbers just aren't there for him to win enough swing states.
The vast majority immigration came from eastern Europe. Which is why OP's comment is just showing his personal fixation than his understanding of the british status quo.
Interestingly enough - it was the british government itself, that pushed for the eastern europeans states to join.
>Because the EU mostly benefits everyone
In what way does paying for something for the privilege of getting less money back that is spent on your behalf without your say a benefit for anyone in that position?
The numbers don't actually back that up though. Bernies have in no way stated they would rather a nut like trump over a crone like hill dog
Pro remainers confirmed for racist bigots
Hello Nate Silver.
Learn to comprehension, I'm saying Australia can't and won't replace the EU in terms of trade and money coming in for the UK.
But sure continue talking like this was a good choice, that everyone will treat you exactly the same way or better now that your free from that pesky EU.
Pretend that the old colonies can bail you out of your own mess, because the truth is that they can't.
Ooh so this meme about Faiza being Captain Britain comes from the 100% fake imaginary AU book, A-Force
I guess when you're dealing with characters as D-list as Brian and her your ruses are a lot more effective because no one cares enough to factcheck
MI13 was a real good book though and possibly the best comic Blade's ever been in?
You do get more money back, otherwise the UK would have left far sooner
>By nominating Trump, you've guaranteed that Hillary will win.
Anyone who isn't either completely ignorant or purposely deluded can see that everything about Hillary is fishy as fuck. And that's ignoring her complete ridiculous personal views. She's got nothing on Trump apart from b-b-but he's bad!, he hates foreigners!.
I sincerely hope American's aren't that fucking stupid.
Why are there TWO threads about Brexit pretending to be Captain Britain threads?
>france says that they will let illegals pass through
>now has to deal with hordes of migrants passing through and shitting up all in their path
Calais and such situations are done on a nation-to-nation basis, and France has already said that it benefits them.
> You're either with us or against us
And you're just plain fucked
That was the same book that gave us Meggan leaving behind the bland green gypsy costume and becoming a druidic goddess of Hell's only safe zone as Gloriana.
Loved MI13.
>Economists aren't just paid shills
Your libcuck paradise could never sustain
itself. It was only a matter of time before
normies pushed back. Welcome to the world.
Maybe now you will get off your ass and
actually work.
I'm not even in the UK, I don't give a fuck. It's just fun to watch an entire country shoot them self in the foot, to prevent some one else from doing.
Anyone who isn't either completely ignorant or purposely deluded can see that everything about Trump is fishy as fuck. And that's ignoring his complete ridiculous personal views.
>You do get more money back,
Literally mathematically impossible when a minority of nations contribute and the majority withdraw.