>take the red pill
>can no longer enjoy 90% of the shows i used to
Take the red pill
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I bet you took the red pill rectally LOL
film > television
Stop taking amantadine
>be a fag
Buncha bluepill/blackpill faggots ITT
come on don't you want to be a doormat of a husband, sleep on the couch when she's in a bad mood because she had a dream you cheated on her, and that looming threat of divorce and alimony if you try to escape?
>mfw Sup Forumsfags don't realize the whole redpill thing is about coming out as transgender
It's like a little joke at their expense
>implying it isn't an appropriated expression
Those mentally ill faggots got lucky with the Matrix. Only good thing they've ever done and they're still allowed to coast on it almost 20 years later.
You started to notice underlying themes 99% of movies and tv shows have
You can never go back now that you know who your masters are
>take the blue pill
>can enjoy all movies
>don't mind forced black actors or interracial couples
>got litty and unironically enjoyed the new Bay Watch
>The Dark Knight and Interstellar really made me think
>my favorite movies are the the Top 10 IMDB movies
Feels good being like the other 95% of the population.
Politics is just show business for ugly people anyways.
Oh frog poster. Anyone who claims to be "red pilled" only does so out of their own convenience and personal bias. They are only "red pilled" to the things that meld nicely with their own personal narratives, which is not exactly very red pilled at all.
If you were really red pilled, you wouldn't be posting on this site. You'd denounce all forms of such media, and would remove Alex Jones's dick from your anus.
But alas, red pill no longer has anything to do with "enlightenment" or being awakened to the truth. It's about prescribing and accepting a certain indoctrinated belief.
"Enjoyed the new Batwatch"
You're not just bluepilled user, you're retarded.
>tfw when to smart to watch tv
Post yfw OP dies in a house fire
>Politics is just show business for ugly people anyways.
American education
Just watch Sam Peckinpah or Don Siegel movies, works for me
If the show is genuinely bad and you just now realized it then fuck the show.
If the show is mostly good then it's not worth worrying about the propaganda since you can't change the world anyway.
>just like, shut off your brain brah
Yeah it kinda sucks when the directors of the only movies you look forward to are getting systematically murdered by the ZOG along with their families as was the case with the director of The Grey State
>Watching TV
>An ad with an interracial couple comes on
>All I can think about for the next half hour is how Sup Forums and Sup Forums would react to this
i just looked this up and found nothing, redpill me
Do people really take Alex Jones seriously? It'd be like taking Rachael Maddow seriously. It's all entertainment level stuff. WWE type shit.
>and just have a good time
I get the urge to find it on youtube, screencap it and post it, and sometimes I do
>take the white pill
>when you realize some of the actors you used to like are jewish
it seems like 70% of commercials have interracial couples now. many have not-so-subtle cuck shit as well.
>realize red pill was the blue pill all along
>finally wake up
>take the red pill
>focus on the positive shit
For instance, Hacksaw Ridge. I recognize that they use war trauma, army recruitment propaganda, dehumanization of the enemies, good portrayal of jews with Andrew, girls that look like trannies and a hero that looks like a girl. But I was still able to be moved by a character that refuses to do violence and does greater things instead.
Some shows don't have any positive qualities though.
V for Vendetta was good
Speed Raver was good
Cloud Atlas was good
Say what you want about Jupiter Ascending and that tv show but Matrix wasn't at all the only good movie they made.
>wasting your time on politics
LAMO lads
Cloud Atlas fucking sucked. Speed Racer was kino.
>take party pill
>actually letting your political views hamper your ability to enjoy television and film
that just seems silly
Reminder that liking politics is redbit
well that's all it is in america
>take the disco pill
>took the Bogpill
because guys getting cucked is funny
You just know in the Matrix remake they will switch the blue and red pills
You ever feel the same way, Sup Forums?
I'm starting to try to become more blue pilled so I can have fun again
the only thing that annoys me is white women love that bbc XD on EVERY high budget american show
>rich important woman has sex with exotic sexy men who are all inferior to her
Once you notice this trope it's fucking EVERYWHERE
funnily enough the women liking bbc thing is actually to pander to white guys. it's a really popular fetish among them for some reason
maybe in burger land, and I wonder (((who))) could be behind it
yeah jews implant fetishes into whitey. shut up. it's because of the taboo and mostly in states where slavery was prominent
I saw like 3 commercials in a row with an interracial relationship with a nigger and a human woman, it reminded me why I don't watch the goy box anymore.
Who produces the porn? Go look at the directors. Every single one is a Jewish name. The producer of BLACKED, Sup Forums's favorite le ebin maymay, is a Jew as well. It's literally da joos producing this shit you fucking retard.
>don't watch tv
>posts on Sup Forums
Do you really think the Jews would do such a thing? Just go on the internet and post interracial pornography?
Good. The red pill definitively made me stop watch tv shows, now you can concentrate only on kino.
Epic post brother
Sup Forums posters think they are masculine and tough but end up being so fucking pathetic
you'll grow out of it and you will be ashamed of that phase forever
he's also a man. Who says it isn't men pushing it?
he's also a homo sapien. I guess every human is forcing blacked.com
tfw Sup Forums managed to cuck two trans people out of their own movie buzzwords
>take the red pill
>can no longer enjoy 90% of the shows i used to
>finally grow out of it
what's this fallacy called
It's become impossible to find a new show these days that doesn't have a forced female lead.
The jews are very open about their sick influence on society.
>the absolute LACK of self-awareness when they think they're the "normal person"
>take the TSU pill
>reddit shills still angry about Sup Forums 8 months after the election
sweeties please
How's that wall coming along, champ?
the only reason for it is to include more than 1 race so certain races don't feel left out. It's not subliminal messaging for more people to get into interracial relationships.