616 Month Storytime: Back to Single Issues Per Day Until Tuesday

>What is this storytime series all about?
Everyday for the month of June 2016 (the rare 616 Month), commemorating the 55th anniversary of Marvel Comics, I storytime certain old Earth-616 Marvel Comics issues on their anniversary/if there's pottery when their respective release dates and volume & issue numbers align. Watch out for the appearances of the numbers 6, 1, and 6, in that order.

>For what purpose?
Milestone celebrations of Earth-616, Universe-7 (the mainstream Marvel Universe before the 2015 event "Secret Wars").

>Where do I find previous storytimes in those series?
c*ckchan.org/co/search/subject/616 Month Storytime
(replace star/asterisk with u)

>And today I storytime...
Pretty paints: 6/24/2009 X-Force Vol 3 #16


Sorry, until Monday












>Detected possible malicious code in image file.











TOMORROW: To where it started!

This book is so underrated. Great writing and art for just about the entirety of the run.


>a sad bubette

Oh shit the next arc is when Laura gets sawed.