>Sup Forums genuinely believes that the entire internet and the news media can be manipulated to be anti-trump at THIS magnitude with only a $6 million dollar budget
face it, Trump is just not as popular and well-liked as you think he is.
Sup Forums genuinely believes that the entire internet and the news media can be manipulated to be anti-trump at THIS...
Your opinion is stunning and brave
>Trump is just not as popular and well-liked as you think he is.
he was, up until around the same time CTR got a cash injection
really makes you think right?
$6 million is a lot of pennies
>the entire internet and the news media
that isn't Sup Forums is it
which is staunchly pro-Trump
>with only a $6 million budget
CTR has a $6 million budget you ignorant faggot. The American television news media is literally owned and operated by people in Clinton's back pocket. Go look up who owns the fucking major media conglomerates. All liberal multiculturalist jews.
This crowd in the Jacksonville rally convinces me otherwise
$6 million buys a lot of Pajeets.
It's called a convention bounce, and a gut reaction to whatever's in the current news cycle. This was to Trump's advantage after HIS convention, as well as during both Hillary's FBI squabble and the DNC leaks.
Once again, I ask how in the world you think that just $6 million dollars has the power to sway the polls, social media, and the majority of news organizations to all be against Trump.
Then why are fox news anchors currently turning against trump, and their polls say Hillary has a current lead? See above for the real answer.
when was that, and what happened there?
>Once again, I ask how in the world you think that just $6 million dollars has the power to sway the polls, social media, and the majority of news organizations to all be against Trump.
CTR has nothing to do with muh polls, they just shitpost on the internet. $6 million is quite enough to flood the internet with fat, unkempt, pajama-wearing numale cuckolds earning several cents per post.
even then, this board won't stop complaining about shills being paid to come here by CTR (I'm still waiting for one of you to accuse me of this).
I'm really just curious what the logic here. If $6 million dollars apparently have THIS kind of power in turning the media against Trump, why is it that movie budgets pour tens to hundreds of millions into marketing budgets for their movies, and it isn't nearly as effective?
Happening right now. Try to keep up
Also do you honestly trust these polls considering the Bradley effect, and considering how wrong they've been until now and what happened with those Brexit polls?
None of the budget goes to the shills, most of them are interns. You should know that being one yourself.
For all you human beings here on your own free will, the money is for the logistics of getting all the faggots like this guy to work together. And right now they are doxxing CTR threads on purpose to get everyone in it banned. Couple that with the influx of faggot shills and you got yourself a shillswarm.
because they stick out like a sore thumb
>If $6 million dollars apparently have THIS kind of power in turning the media against Trump
implying it's not the jews and their lackeys
Thank you for the actions you have taken in order to Correct The Record! 10 cents have been deposited to your account.
wtf I hate trump now
I am now a (s)Hill-bot
If anything, if you read my posts you'll see that I'm wary about the accuracy of the polls. It's people on this board that are the ones saying that the polls swaying towards Hillary is because of some kind of shilling. I'm saying it's just an election bounce and a reaction to trump's soap opera drama on tv, and it might stabilize later on.
what's so special about it? looks like a standard rally to me.
then where do I sign up? if i believed that this stuff was going on, i'd try to figure out how to become a part of it and then leak it.
spoiler alert: jews run hollywood too. and hollywood marketing budgets wouldn't be even a 100th as effective as CTRs if we assume that they are indeed swaying the internet at the scale some of you insist.
don't tell me what to do
Wtf...op is retarded.and gay.
>he's thinks it's only 6 million
Also Hillary's donors are the same people that own all the news and social media websites
it's a flawed analogy
Trump is finished.
Suffocate yourself.
Do you dispute the fact that the DNC leaks pointed to obvious media manipulation by the DNC against Bernie?
have a meme, shill.
The 6 million are for the CTR alone which hires a bunch of retarded neets that get paid 6 cents a post.
>then where do I sign up? if i believed that this stuff was going on, i'd try to figure out how to become a part of it and then leak it.
try r/EnoughTrumpSpam
You might not see the size of the crowd on these streams but it's fucking huge. Way bigger than any crowd Clinton will every get. It's been like that at all the rallies and the media is trying to hide that truth because it doesn't fit into the narrative that many Americans are against Trump. It's quite the opposite really but people are being silent about it because of fear of persecution
The thing is Hillary fanatism goes beyond money, the money that can be ripped off from Hillary presidency is waayy more than 56million, real money and favours come after election.
You could have people posting around the clock at Sup Forums for less than $200,000 a year.
Wow this was totally worth $0.05!
Well, maybe. Neither is Hillary Clinton. She's not as popular and well-liked as you think she is.
So what's the deal here faggot? Why are we bickering over 2 political sock puppets? -One a dumb-ass and the other a criminal. Is that the best we can do?
Are you gonna be happy if Hillary wins? Really?? Fucking really?
The tweet has a pic and says it's only half the crowd. Something like 16,000 people in the crowd and thousands outside
>be a fucking unlikable buffoon narcissist
>pick a completely unnecessary fight with the parents of a dead soldier
>fuck your party up
>double down on the retardness
>your numbers drop
never change pol/tard
Good job reading the DNC email leak and looking at self-reported political affiliations within the media and entertainment.
I really wish your super-duper reasoning skills could make your premise that it's not a rigged game in favor of Democrats a reality.
>news media
>implying they don't do it for FREE
It was literally shown in the email leak, that the media takes orders from the DNC.
what's a flawed analogy? the hollywood thing? it's not even an analogy, i'm just comparing two marketing companies to each other.
>ten headlines out of hundreds of news sites
try harder
but hillary was going to be the candidate regardless, and i'm saying that as a dude who was hoping bernie was gonna be a cinderella story. she always had much higher polls and her popular vote was much higher than bernie for pretty much the entire campaign. i don't think whatever manipulation she did had much effect because the public had decided on hillary earlier than i wish they did.
crowd size isn't representative of success on election day. bernie's crowds were magnitudes bigger than hillary in the primaries and look where it got him. i'm not saying your conclusion is wrong, but your evidence isn't reliable.
dank subreddit, but they don't get as many upvotes, comments, or subs as r/the_donald. you'd think so-called meme masters like CTR would have been able to surpass r/the_donald with that magic 6 million dollar budget.
A handful of dedicated Neo-Nazis with no outside funding were able to shill Sup Forums into existence and seize control of Sup Forums's meta-culture just through the judicious application of effective memes.
Imagine what could be done with a budget of $6 million (oy vey!) dollars.
I agree it's not a reliable indicator but it's telling when we're comparing Trump and Clinton. Not to mention those Bernie crowds were full of college students that didn't end up voting (myself included). Also Bernie was supposed to win the primary but they suppressed thousands of Bernie votes. We had lots of threads about this earlier
but our memes are true
their are lies
>dank subreddit, but they don't get as many upvotes, comments, or subs as r/the_donald. you'd think so-called meme masters like CTR would have been able to surpass r/the_donald with that magic 6 million dollar budget.
i wasn't trying to compare numbers, i'm saying that's genuinely where you can go if you're interested in shitposting for $$
>Going out of your way to ask this question, as if you genuinely cared about the answer
Troll or CTR. It is obvious.
this is good
You're all self important faggots that believe they're saving the world from the second coming of Hitler by lying about Trump.
Shit lol.
He's really ushering in Pence as republican candidate as substitute. What a stunt!
>with only a $6 million dollar budget
Are you stupid?
That $6M is only for Correct The Record.
Convention bounce? Pretty much nobody on Sup Forums ever supported Hilary. The only one that lefties liked was Bernie, and now that he is out of the race and endorsed Hilary his supporters have mostly left and moved on. The democrats were not united in the first few days of the DNC, on the last day the DNC got a Muslim who they have used as a pawn on networks like CNN giving him 30 minute speeches and correct the record spamming him here to try and go after Trump.
was this written by a muslim fundamentalist? why did you post isis propaganda?
Posting in a six gorillion thread.
Oy vey schlomo, i guess you're right. Wtf was i thinking? I guess I'm done being antisemitic now. You really made me think and i now know that the media isn't kike propaganda. Thanks Levi.
what does this have to do with anything? I thought we were talking about american politics.
if i wanted (and could get away with it), i could spam all of the newspapers of my country at the same time and render the comment sections of all articles useless. I could also, instead of spamming which is very obvious, make a program to respond to every single argument going against what im shilling for.
I could instantly create new accounts if they get banned, get credible profile pics and names automatically, make the responses change their wording by using synonims/slang and be less obvious, be able to interpret each comment other people make by marking them in a -10/10 scale of support for my cause, fill captchas by ocr, etc.
All it would cost me is literally one day (24hs) of work or so. A few to write it (4-6), and the rest to safely test it without raising many heads, and to create a list of "how to respond to this argument", of the likes you saw in the DNC leaks for responding to Trump supporter arguments.
And im not even good with computers.
It would cost me $0.
Now if i had $6.000.000 i could not only do that, but ensure each comment is made by an ip address belonging to the country its supposed to belong, hire someone who knows how to make the same for facebook/twitter/youtube/Sup Forums/phpBB/etc, and hire a team to be 24/7 checking everything runs smoothly and updating the argument-response list.
Also i could buy a few mansions and sport cars.
and that's why the Sup Forumsish founding fathers were able to do so much with so little.
Proofs I want to get paid to shitpost.
then tell me why this isn't a regular thing? if it's so easy,, i'd expect it to be much more popular. once again i bring up hollywood marketing. you'd think they'd have jumped on this a decade ago. either they haven't, or it isn't doing them much help.
Are you claiming there hasn't been a massive shill campaign to create the illusion people like the new Ghostbusters movie?
i actually saw that movie with a friend and it wasn't THAT bad. I didn't enjoy it beyond a dozen or so gags, but I could see how someone who likes those actors or enjoys your average apatow-esque comedy would enjoy it.
but putting that aside, if there was a shill campaign, it didn't do jackshit because that movie isn't making any money.
>then tell me why this isn't a regular thing?
But it is user, there's load of bots on the internet that post about their favorite products/games everywhere.
And at least the past government of my country has been proven to do it for political uses. And if
>white argentina
does it, you can be sure everyone does it
Now, the Kirchnerists failed cause they were cheap as fuck and hired shit people like me to do it. But with 6mill dollars you can do it without anyone even figuring out.
>Trump is just not as popular and well-liked as you think he is.
Trump is the most popular Republican candidate since Regan at least.
I was skeptical of theories about media groupthink before, but the reaction to Trump has confirmed to me beyond a doubt that the modern media has abandoned the principles of impartiality and objectivity wholesale. The media is now a propaganda box for the establishment, body and soul.
This entire Kahn thing is incredible in the brazenness of the exaggeration. Never since Gamergate have I witnessed the media take an inconsequential molehill and make so might a moral panic mountain out of it. And just like Gamergate I see user left scratching his head at the scale of the propaganda campaign against the paucity of the original "story".
There is only one explanation: It's all bullshit.
They're flinging a mountain of dry shit, hoping it will stick. The MSM are prepared tell the big lie until it becomes the truth. We've passed the Pravda point.
and time will tell if the CTR shill campaign will be effective once election day happens. Until then everything is up in the air.
6,000,000! Just like the Jews killed by Hitler!
>Trump is the most popular Republican candidate since Regan
Can anyone screen cap the key parts of the DNC emails?
lol cry more faggot
Face it Bernout, Hillary and the DNC bought the nomination from you. And they managed to convince you that you should be okay with that. Look at yourself:
>"I don't think whatever manipulation she did had much effect because the public had decided on hillary earlier than i wish they did"
So you know she's a vote manipulator, know the crowds she draws are small, and know she threw Bernie under the bus. Aren't you the least bit salty? Do you really fear Trump that much to vote for that bitch?
They know this is true, you can tell it's starting to seep in, but they're still in full on denial mode. Give them another week or two and the intelligent ones will come around.
The fat NEETs likely won't.
6 million is a lot. COINTELPRO operatives can achieve a lot as one person, a team of good shills can wreck a place
They have their heads in the sand.
Considering how deluded they are, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a mass suicide during November.
trumps winning the polls in all of the battleground states :)
fpbp, praise kek