Asian men salt thread

Asian men salt thread


Divide and conquer thread.




Notice m8

Post. More. Salt.


This one's great


Mongolian Neo Nazis are weird.

It makes me mad that there are national broadcasts in Taiwan and Korea saying "don't date foreigners, they think you're easy, they think you're sluts". They're just scared because we're taller, more romantic and longer dicked.

asian men are emasculated by media and culture, were target for government propaganda back some decades ago, and are pretty much passed over as a minority. asian woman strangely tend to be exempt. you can't really blame the guys for being salty.

What is the video these are from?

Top kek if that is actually true then they are probably pushing the asian women into the arms of the white men.

Best way to get someone to do something is to tell them not to do it/forbid them/make it a taboo.

Good for them, i hate seeing white men date asians. I stand with all races for dating inside their race

What I don't understand is that black are WAY more racist towards Asians than whites. I see them post shitty memes on twitter with names ling ling and shit.

Either videos where asian women say they like white men (they say "ASIAN WOMEN ARE WHORE BITCH TRAITOR)


Videos of an Asian guy asking asian women if they like asians or whites (not biased amirite) and they say "HAHA WHITE PIGGU WAS WRONG MY 9 INCH ASIAN COCK WILL FINALLY GET SOME ACTION"

asian salt in podcast form

Have you seen a half asian woman? Fucking 11/10s

It's the Asian version of MGTOW

Just check out r/hapas. It's an Asian salt mine.

It's a hapa salt mine, not asian. They are your kids.

Or asianmasculinity it's almost as good

That is all that you have for racemixing? Some argument based on your sexual appetite yourself could fuck off back to plebbit.


>They are your kids.

I'm black friendo

>Have you seen a half asian woman? Fucking 11/10s

Have you? I go to Sydney for work sometimes where there are heaps and hardly any are attractive. Most are flat moon headed mongoloids, I actually don't think I've ever seen a hot Asian there

Now you know how black men and white women feel about white men.