Elon Musk's Tesla to have AI-driven cars in 2017

Elon Musk Announces TESLA will have Fully Autonomous AI-driven cars by the end of 2017. He is planning a large reveal by the end of the year showing off the AI-driven capability.

all Tesla 3's will be fully AI-driven capable. The era of human driving is over!


During a conference call today, Elon Musk talked about Tesla’s progress in level 4 fully autonomous driving and while he didn’t want to make an announcement on the call, he said that it is coming sooner than people think:

“What we’ve got will blow people’s minds, it blows my mind …it’ll come sooner than people think.”

Musk’s most recent prediction placed the technology being ready in Q4 2017



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Elon is a pretty based dude

Faggots dont know about the electric car revolution thats been happening once a decade since 19fuckingwhatever50.

“It blows me away the progress we are making. And if it blows me away, it’s really going to blow away other people too when they see it for the first time.”

Tesla Conference Call.

musk will take us to mars


Do it already, I wanna see the economy burn.




the white line is the life line. commercial transport trailers are the backbone of us food and good distribution. this will displace truckers unless legislation is passed requiring a human present on all shipments worth greater than X0,000$

truckers btfo


whats dis?

Euros cant understand having no mass transit system between cities in a massive country in a single occupant driving culture where most people have 30 mile or more commutes to work.

It saves the economy money

Majority of driving is unpaid and causes costs due to crashing or traffic jams.

Go to a poor apartment complex. Look how much space and construction went into the parking lot. If you can "order" a car on demand from a fleet, no need for parking.

It's a big saving.

still calling bullshit. Im from WV and no fucking AI car can handle our roads.

also it will be considered a luxury to have a human courier now. You gotta pay extra.

Tesla conference call

you can google tesla conference call to get to it

That's why Tesla is still working on it. Get it?



>still believing Musk's baseless promises

Pre-order your car yet shill?

This might actually be coming. AI has overcome the AI Winter from back in the 1980's, and is starting to go exponential.

Recently, an AI repeatably defeated an experienced fighter pilot in simulated air combat. And it ran on a $35 Raspberry Pi computer.

You wonder what could be done with a -real- hardware budget.


They already dropped the company in charge of the current AI drive assist.

There is absolutely no way this will happen.driving a rig down an interstate isnt driving one in town,navigating parking areas,docking,pulling into weigh station scales,refueling,shifting trailer bogeys to accomodate weight,locking/unlocking doors for tracked cargo,managing reefer systems,chocking wheels,states collecting dmv fees for cdls,random dot checks for equiptment safety etc

There is a way it will happen.

Because of how much money they will make with autonomous trucking fleets versus paying meatbags.

>raspberry pi marketers on a taiwanese animation forum

>in the future, parents will just set up the AI to drive their kids to school and pick them up

i bet your grandgrandgrandfather shat on the wright brothers because their plane didn't cross the atlantic.

None of those things are unreasonably difficult to automate. Stay salty.

not only this

They will schedule the car to pick them up and drive them home from work as well

Didn't they find in the end that autopilot wasn't even turned on?

he should build a diesel turbo hybrid to prove he can compete with car companies on their turf

Where can I sign up for a one way trip to Mars?

If I'm going to die due to my own idiocy, I'd prefer to have as "hands-on" a fuckup as possible, thanks.

It's not even related

Tesla ended ties with mobileye, the people who made that autopilot technology

Model 3 and future models will use a different system entirely. Completely different sensors and other solutions.

Whoever supports AI is a lazy degenerate. There is great value in labour that you fat fucks do not really comprehend. Why promote something that is contributing to our race becoming weaker than it already is? Everything is automated, and this has promoted our degeneration.

this cunt got nothing but a fancy navigation system with cruise control

but yea there's a 99% chance that we're just living in a simulated reality

no potato friend the camera didn't noticed the trailer.

>all technology that saves work is degenerate
a fucking leaf

How about you move to the communist soviet union where computers were deemed the enemy of the working man.

i was talking about all the people who will lose their job within a matter of a few years.

>AI goes berserk
>drives their kids into a lake instead

I seriously doubt this will catch on. The batteries and cars themselves are still super expensive and don't have the raw energy density that gasoline still provides

empty promises as usual, I get it

Yes, the thing is it isn't entirely bad because it creates good savings and increases safety.

It's not quite the same as automated work in other areas because of this. Majority of traffic is unpaid and it will take a while to get approval to go driverless

Which goal did Elon Musk fail at in the last 10 years?

my car will be my DD?
my municipality is going to be pissed, they make tons of money on DUI

Tesla never make empty promises. They always deliver. Salty critics can't stand this.

I cannot wait till it is illegal to drive on the road manually, the amount of days of my life I have wasted in traffic because people cannot into merging, or slow to 25 to stare at the wreck on the side of the road, i could have written a fucking novel in that time.

>mfw my best safety device is the fact I have a stick shift

people still can't wrap their minds around how their cars work

they always deliver on stepping stones on the way of things that will never happen.

>everyone drives electric
>we travel space
>all cars are automatic driven
>most electricity is produced by solar

We should all just ride horses and trains to be completely honest my kinfolk

something something about eggs and omelets
select all images with eggs- magical

Sorry, no muslims allowed.

>no Juden either

THIS. everyone is salty about the idea of manual driving becoming illegal on public roads.

I look forward to being able to do other shit while commuting, traffic being massively reduced and speed limits everywhere being doubled or tripled due to self driving cars being able to handle high speeds much more safely.

Traffic policing will be fucked

No traffic fines
No parking fines

Go eat your brick potatoes, leprechaun slag. Without labour you become anemic. Look at the degeneracy in every urban centers in the West. All you see are fags, hipster intellectuals, and slimy gamer spergs. They do not exert labour like their ancestors. They do not exert labour like those in the heartland. If you want to promote a defiant white race, AI must be destroyed.

How is that a safety device?

the fact that I'm in more control of my car than anyone else

They are going to be sending up NASA astronauts soon. We are trusting Elon with blasting humans into space.

How about all the promises they made over the past 10 years that can be tested? They fulfilled all of them.

i'm 23 and never got a driver's license, does this mean i can finally get on the road?

people cant comprehend how fucking comfortable cars will get without the need to drive.

interior design completely changes and gets safer. You can literally sit in the back seat, remove front seats, and have a big screen TV to watch.

MY OWN FULL TIME DD YOU FUCKING LEAF- im going to get shithammered at the bar and fuck skanks all the way home while my car drives
it's like we already landed on mars

Nah, it's not EVERYone. Most people want this technology. It's a handful of hobbyists who don't understand the concept of 'closed roads for suicidal morons far, far from where their disastrous hobby can kill innocent people' who are just very, very loud.

No Toronto residents allowed

Do what other things? Why not just allow AI to take over those things as well? Are you thinking straight? Think of the consequences of your laziness and decadence.

That shit ain't happening till like 2030.

Takes a long time to fully realize something like that.

Add to this that it means actual Tracks and private roads will become a much bigger thing for people to actually drive fast, best of both worlds.

yeah no thanks

>AI has overcome the AI Winter from back in the 1980's, and is starting to go exponential.


I thankfully chose not to move to that shithole

But I unfortunately chose Vancouver, which I'm not sure is that much better

I'm against AI.

>people cant comprehend how fucking comfortable cars will get without the need to drive.
I still enjoy driving myself than ever letting a computer do it.

Shit like high end sports cars, sports fanatics and modifications will never go away

manual transmissions and all that shit isn't going away

>Do what other things?
Work on laptop. I'm a programmer, i could work on various shit. Watch movies, talk to friends, eat etc. Whatever the fuck you do at home.

im sure theyll add 300% to registration fees to recoup

no shit you dumb fucking leaf. Jesus christ

>AI reads my Book for me
>AI Talks to my family for me
>AI watchs a movie for me

Does shitposting come with the breastmilk over there or are you leaves all dropped on the same spot on your head?

Him and Marco are the same age but Elon looks much older.

people are still just gonna do that at home.

None of your shit actually takes into account personal endeavors and destinations

You are symbolize the height of American degeneracy. No wonder you are at the forefront of our decline as a STRONG and DEFIANT white race. Just go around fucking you slag... No wonder the BROWNING OF AMERICA is going full steam ahead. Can't blame you when you had slave fuckers like Jefferson. Care to think beyond immediate pleasures for once?

also all the rare earths required to power the degrading batteries using solar is one of the worst scorches of the environment yet seen

You will have your own private Tracks to do that on, a sports car has no value on roads with a speedlimit of 70 MPH

This is the one thing in technology I am currently interested in. This technology WILL come about in my lifetime and it will at least take over the public bus operations, as well as the commercial trucking business.

Sure it will put people out of a job, but it will be great for society at large.

Even if someone other than Tesla does it I don't care, I can't wait for it to happen.

I don't understand people who enjoy driving somewhere. It's not a bad experience without traffic, but it's not exactly fun or entertaining. You pick a speed limit, drive between lines, wait.

At a track or something I can understand enjoying it if you have a wide road.

I don't really enjoy pulling into a parking lot, driving around, and parking.

I don't think people are going to go ballistic and stop a safer and comfortable technology just because they JUST LOVE parking or driving to work.

>implying self driving cars will prevent crashes

Wew lad all it takes is a bad glitch and you end up going full speed into the cars crossing an intersection that the AI happened to not recognize in time.

Not to mention, I'm not too keen on the idea of self driving cars unless I was using them to cross the country in a single day, or something. Of course, then there's the part where they run out of fuel, and just die in the middle of the street.

Or they end up going so far off course because of either a glitch, or because they had to get to one of the only gas stations in the region that will actually fuel an AI driven car without driver assistance.

Or when some terrorist thinks it would be funny to fuck with one of the regular AI updates, causing cars to just outright careen right into walls, or one another - killing millions in a single day, all across the US.

Great idea, so fool proof.





Fuck this shit up Elon.

>Q4 2017 tesla motors releases ai driven cars
>Q1 2018 tesla motors files for bankruptcy due to numerous individual lawsuits from rich people who dont fall for the class action law suit meme

its like we dont even have to kill the terminator. skynets glitches will prevent us from ever being threatened by machines

>Implying people don't already do all that right now

>Why not just allow AI to take over those things as well?

I dunno, why NOT let AI take over those things? AI's pretty good at calculating taxes and trading stocks, too.

fuck off commie

the racing industry and personal car modification and mechanic industry won't disappear any time soon.

My dinky turbo charged civic will still run circles around your garbage

also my manual is better

>people are still just gonna do that at home.
Why? Why would i for example eat breakfast at home or finish my work at home, if i can just stay in bed another half an hour and do that shit in the car on the way to work? Why waste all that commute time looking at the road making sure I don't die?


My Irish pal, come on now... Please answer this question: Why not allow AI to do those things as well? Do you just want to end up as being a vessel of infinite pleasures? Not moving a single inch? What will become of our race? We will be even more vulnerable than we are now... We are lazy, degenerate and anemic as it is. We are nothing like our ancestors.

>no human driving cars
>literally the only reason we have cars
That guy is a fucking idiot, if you don't want to drive then get on a fucking train.

I'd like to see the bald African hack keep up with me on the touge.

You stupid cunt.

>Mass transit


botting killed gaming

nobody wants to game anymore, when you can let the bot do the work and eat some ramen meanwhile

because you won't. You'll still watch TV at home, you'll still make breakfast and get dressed, none of that shit magically goes away because you have the availability to sit in your car

By 2017? That sounds way too soon.