Get in boys
Pick name, color, then location and capital location. Will start at 5 people
Get in boys
Pick name, color, then location and capital location. Will start at 5 people
put me in the middle of Africa as pants up don't loot
>Trump Nation
>Middle of America
Update make me brown
need 3 more people
Rood Doods
Where are the capitals/cities located? I don't see them on the map.
please read
I'm a fuckwit, sorry
Seljuk Empire
Central Asia
like right beside the caspian sea in russia, not in china
fuck it lets go before the thread takes a shit
Expand to northern nigger land
Fill Germany and Denmark, spill east Germany
take caucasus then iran
so do I have +5 for my capital city or is it only captured capitals?
Fuck off op.
for yours and any captured
cool, thanks
Belgiumbro, were you playing risk last night, as Serb Stronk?
Fill more of Africa
Fill east Germany, then France. Spill Switzerland.
take turkey then more russia
Harambe Lives
South Africa
Cell One
Fill Saudi Arabia
fill russia
Fill France, then England. Spill Switzerland.
Move up
Expand me east
pali! if only that counted in this game
shit my name changed back to my old one
expand west
Fill Italy, Spain, spill Poland, and Austria
Fill arabian peninsula
Would you consider an alliance?
any color
Take city
Border at Russia?
defend if attacked, fill russia
i'm interested
Fight back against harambe
Also where is my capital city, it isnt visible on the map?
yes, and I get Finland, that's as far into Europe as I'll go
You rolled already
I'm allowed to update my roll if I'm attacked
where do you plan on expanding?
How about a defense alliance. You expand eastward while I expand westward, I see you have many allies.
May the peace last forever.
Okay that's your new roll?
Yeah I forgot to put update and put last roll in the update
To go into detail I am planning on. The horn of africa, the arabian peninsula, and syria/iraq.
okay, sounds good. and I only have an NAP with Rood Doods and our alliance currently
Seljuk? what is your roll
>defend if attacked, fill russia
How about
An alliance
please add your bonuses
Take city
fill aussieland
take finland fill russia
Defend against harambe. Harambe would you like to have a Nap
Fill syria/iraq and neighboring countries
Fill Eastern Europe to the Russian border. Spill into Iberia.
Brazilian Empire
Dark Green/any shade of Green
Evacuate libya and egypt otherwise I will attack.
I will if we get an alliance
sorry for the wait
No problem, expand south
Take city
Now that egypt and libya has been evacuated fill them up and fill the african horn.
Finish Eastern Europe and Iberia. Spill Mediterranean islands, and Scandinavia
Fill Brazil, spills go to Argentina and Uruguay
fill Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, spills fill russia
nice roll, you already have 2 nukes
So you will evacuate libya and egypt?
fill australia, spill papua new guinea and Indonesia
Defend against Harambe
Are you also going to say evacuate libya and egypt or what?
Harambe and i are in a bit of a quarrel right now over my capital.
OP can I leave Egypt while defending against Harambe
>Hillary Nation
Nice fill but can you a small bridge of land for me so I can move freely into india? You can keep afghanistan and pakistan I just need a strip of land to be able to invade east asia.
yes, I'll cede a territory in pakistan for you, cede back when you've gone into india
OP can i cede one of my territories in pakistan along the indian border to Cell One
Thank you this alliance is beneficial
I'll give you a passage to move north if we can end this quarrel
reminder, Capitals are +5 please update your names to include your bonuses
fill China
Kill brown