this is my favorite
What is the most redpilled beer?
>Drinking a 40 from a glass
Heeeeeeey come on gimme something
Cheers Bruh
>steel reserve
Kill yourself
Is that a beer for ants?
pretty redpilled
This is bretty gud.
>drinking the malted jew
the best
>advocating against tradition
kike spotted
Budweiser is purdy good for generic mass produced American beer
Too bad they're bluepilled little cunts
>steel reserve
Literally nigger tier.
i remember being 19 and looking at that beer and thinking "oh man that's so awesome and edgy i can't wait to drink cool beer like that when i'm 21"
>Drinking the Chico Jew
>Extra IPA
Double nigger spotted
Do you drink it with tweezers?
Lone Star
>drinking steel reserve from a hill farmstead glass
nice bait faget
If you're near st Louis, this really is the best stout I've ever had
Nowhere near this though
Why are mods in this board such fucking kikes? Why even keep the sticky?
I have a 40 of that in my safe in case of an emergency. Best beer ever.
I second user
Thank you, bong. I forgot all about this beer, I've got to buy some again
This shit is fantastic.
i had this one belgian beer by a brewery called st brenardus and it was really nice with a high alcohol percent like 8-10%
Even niggers won't drink that shit
This is a real man. The rest of you could learn from him.
Pic related is mine, a beer for proper geezers.
Iron City.
Sierra Nevada is tier for being so widely distributed and relatively cheap.
Also, please end yourself. There is a reason that all the highest rated beers in the world, by both American and European critics are IPAs, Imperial IPAs and Imperial stouts.
Fucking Sup Forums babbys can't handle the flavor, apparently.
>red pilled
pick one you degenerate faggots
Yeah it's overpriced but it is really good beer
I can see some of us have good taste.
Funny I that's about the last time I drank it, the only "dank" beer I have ever drank. Shit was like $5 a bottle or something. When I drink beer I just drink this now.
>natty light
came here to post this. it's the cheapest beer with very high alcohol content. best way to keep more of your shekels while enjoying the hopped jew.
Me friend's Uncle Willy used to drink 2 of those a day.
Wtf does that even mean "redpilled beer" this is Sup Forums tier pleb shit. Grow the fuck up and stop drinking shit that lowers your testosterone.
>drinking beer
Ever since I turned 30 or so I mostly drink liquor now. I still have a beer on occasion but I don't want to be full and full of piss when I'm done with my drinks.
>Not drinking pisswater lagers makes you a hipster
Is this how the Brits have ended up with such horrible cuisine? If it doesn't taste like shit and make you wretch as it goes down, it's pretentious?
>not drinking Stag
>from St Louis
Turns out the real faggot is you
The only correct answer
These are tasty and refreshing and flavorful without being gimmicky.
That's all
>desu I never really liked the taste of any pilsners.
I mainly only drink various stouts and like to try weird shit.
The absolutely worst post-drinking shits come from these abominations.
That's natty ice, Friendo. Also, hurricanes and steel reserve are cheaper if you're going to be drinking piss beer.
If you ever get the chance, try their smoked pigasus. It sounds disgusting, but it's great.
good shit
My two friends and I once polished off a 30-rack of slightly past-sale-date Miller High Lifes.
Our assholes were exploding for two days later. I've never had stranger farts.
where I live, natty light is the cheapest by far if you buy the 18 beer cases. might be because I live in a college town or something idk, but it's literally always on sale here.
If you aren't brewing your own beer, you are a numale blue pilled faggot.
I'm not baiting son, you're just a faggot
Drinking """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""craft beer"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" makes you a hipster, yes.
Beer is beer, maybe once you've grown some testicles you'll realise that.
Fair enough, I just hate the modern fucking obsession with """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""craft beer"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".
Liking porters or stouts or IPAs or lagers is fine. It's when people are sycophantic for certain brands that I find it nauseating
natty ice has a different can and higher alcohol percentage
He pisses it out with tweezers m8
I drink Mickey's. Cheaper than normal beer, tastes better, and has more alcohol. Win-win. Plus if you throw in a little orange juice and make a brass monkey it tastes amazing.
daily reminder that beer is for hipsters and degenerates
Cider is for the Superior man
>inb4 americucks get mad about their shitty cider
>Beer is beer
Bullshit, even cheap beers are widely varying in taste and quality.
PBR Its cheap and tastes good when ice cold. What kind of fag drinks for taste?
Cooper's Ale -- the cloudy stuff
Will do
Forgot pic of 32 oz. Florida is retarded and doesn't sell 40s
Yeh, regular price is like 15-16 bucks for a 30 pack of natty ice which is 6%.
But if you have a penis then why do you care about "taste". Beer is beer you faggot. If it gets me drunk I don't give a fuck what it is.
This and Victoria's
My personal favorite
beer is shit man. it taste like piss or lighter fluid.
I prefer wine.
Men have tastebuds, which is why all the top chefs in the world are men.
You sound like you grew up without a father.
>this is my favorite
This beer is so cheap most people just buy the tallboy cans knowing it's malt liquor that will get them hammered quickly.
But I'd be lying if I said I don't buy it.