Fuck you guys I'm still supporting him

Fuck you guys I'm still supporting him

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Good on you user, you're one of the brave few. I'm just staying home on poll day, doesn't feel like I can make any difference. Hillary is inevitable.

So is everyone else here

Sup Forums is currently being raided by shills, so I understand how you could think we somehow suddenly changed our minds

coward. thats the attitude that could have killed brexit.

go out and vote


MFW I'm an independent living in PA who will vote Trump.

We just need my state, Ohio and Florida.


Why the fuck would any of this nonsense make us not vote trump? If anything, it'll make more people vote for him. I was considering voting third party because I am so sure Trump Will win in my state. Now I'm voting for him out of spite.

I'm an independent living in Florida and I'm here to tell ya, Trump isn't going to win my state. They'll call this election early, right after Florida polls close.


I stand with trump and will be anti-hillary for as long as I live.

Same. The shills think they can change our opinion.

Don't worry OP. Once this brigade is gone by tomorrow, he'll have even more supporters.

Trump seems to be popular in Florida though. He BTFO Rubio there.

Fellow PA resident here. Were gonna fight like hell for trump


This is subtle demoralization. It implies that the general consensus is that Trump sucks. Trump doesn't suck. Trump is the best candidate we've had in decades, and he's ridiculously popular. Fuck off Clinton shill.

as if you're the only one. Don't believe the paid shills who come here and spout that crap about him doing badly. Their only evidence are polls conducted by anti-trump people. Just wait, we will have our God-King.

Why? Because he BTFO of some Shariah loving Muslim Brotherhood member piece of shit? Just because his son was a war hero doesn't mean daddy doesn't deserve a giant pig cock up his ass.



You realize he's a CTR shill, right?

Stay strong gents fuck the shills

MAGA you Shill-faggots

die hard supporter, would die for Trump.

Who in their right mind would not be voting for Trump?

This board was always overflowing with shills and JIDF creeps but these days it's on another level completely... Wew

Not implying you are one but someone needs to state the sad truth on every thread.

Were you not at the rally this afternoon? Florida fuggin loves Trump, it was too high energy


It's because they smell blood in the water.



This. It usually doesn't bother people when the news do it, but Sup Forums is some kind of home to many people here so it hits them harder when shills do it. That's why I started filtering posts.

Everything will be fine

>when 1 post by this ID is a good thing

Trump got 8k plus and crooked hillary couldn't fill up a HS Gym. We've not seen this lop side of a turn out since lying Ted Cruz getting curbstomped. but everyone is "muh polls". Reuters altered polling procedures in ways that disfavor Trump


I actually like the shills because it gives us an excuse to shit on Hillary and her supporters even more.

We still love Trump

This, stay strong OP. It's been incredibly bad these past few days, at least it's blatantly obvious.

This, don't give up hope brothers

Problem is, HRC is the same old same old.

DJT does a lot of brash stuff to get attention, to get on the news, to show off that he is not "cookie cutter Washington DC" made.

No way any sane business man (especially them crafty Jews and Japs) would even shake his hand if DJT was really a loose cannon when not in the spotlight.

>it is what it is.

Trump Train to the bitter end

Who cares how many KKK and alt-right radicals you can fit into a theater? What matters if the other 350 million people at home.

Yeah broheim #NeverHillary

We will no longer surrender this nation to the false song of globalism

When (((they))) are trying so hard to stop him I know he's what America needs. No brakes on the Trump train bitches. I've already convinced at least a dozen coworkers and family to support him too. Hill gonna get fucked in her dumpy assmcome November. It's ginna be glorious.




funny that they never show up at a hillary rally

He truly is a godsent



I'm voting for him (PA) but I'm officially out of politics til then. Conventions were fun but everything is just shit flinging now. Maybe during the debates.

Nobody here is being payed to shill for Hillary Clinton. That is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to slander her campaign.


Me too

Even if Trump shot someone in 42nd street I'd still support him desu

>help Sup Forums is suddenly having dissenting opinions MY HUGBOX IS IN PERIL



ok, but you can't deny that he always fucks it up when he's leading in the polls...and have you asked yourself why? he's probably a clinton plant, or just plain stupid, arrogant and egotistic.

I was never supporting Trump to begin with, but at this point, I'm like 50% on thinking he was planted by Hillary to throw the fucking race.

Sup Forums is not being raided by Correct The Record. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear Hillary's campaign.


Berners will get the emperor on his throne!!!! GO BERNERS GOO


You're a fucking idiot.

I don't even vote regularly and I'm still excited to vote for him

>p-pol never l-liked t-trump a-ah-anyways!!!
How come this never started before May 5th?

This. The CTR shilling has been getting steadily worse for a couple months but it has exploded in the last few weeks.

So does everyone else. Pol is being shilled to high heaven, ignore them

I'm voting for Trump. I trust him to defend the country more than the Democrats will, and Hillary is so corrupt that it's crazy to support her.

if the shill threads had substance you would have a point

Damn straight, so am I.

This was a bad week, a really bad week for Trump. Say what you will about the man, but make sure you see what's on the other side.

You don't have to like him to vote for him, you just have to love your country to do so. Hillary will destroy the Republic. Hillary will ruin America.

>poll day
Who the fuck calls it "Poll Day" in the states? It's Election Day.

It wouldn't surprise me if ol' wrinklecunt Hill is outsourcing pajeets to correct records.

Election is a long way away, anything can happen.

Predictions for October surprise are Obama will try and clean up ISIS in Mosul but utterly fail. Wikileaks will also dump some October surprise shit since Assange has a hard on to destroy the Clinton shills

>Different opinions = shills
So glad this is a parody board

none of us supported Trump because he's bombastic. we thought he understood on an intellectual basis what we stood for.

he needs to smarten the fuck together. i just want him to use better speaking. does he reallllly always act like that? REALLY?

I mean, come on trump. I know you're not just a caricature. Act like a human. Be a human. speak like a human.

You're going to be the fucking president of America. You have to fucking behave in an intelligent, clear, careful manner. don't just do the whole schtick all the time man. jesus.

If you're too much of a newfag to know a raid when you see one then you should go back to whatever shit hole you came from.

>You have to fucking behave in an intelligent, clear, careful manner.

Look how far that got Ben Carson.



you deserve the (you)

I give you my power, fuck the shills.

Pro-Trump supporters = Baby's first election

Also wanted to say that I will vote, whether Hillary rigs it or not.

I'm willing to fight for what I believe in, even if the fight is futile.

You believe in carpet wearing cheetos?

Watching the fear of the media and the shilling for a criminal gave me the conclusion I must vote for Trump.

So I will.

Giving you an @ instead of a (You)

I believe in secure borders, I believe in my nation's sovereignty, I believe in putting our own citizens, especially vets, before illegal aliens. I believe in free, but fair trade, certainly not deals like NAFTA and the TPP. I believe in Nationalism over Globalism. I believe in the right to bear arms and not have my speech restrained by political correctness.

Trump is simply a man who stands for those ideals, many others do as well, Farage, Wilders, Le Penn, etc.

Even long after they're gone, will these ideals stand.

Thanks you for America the Making of Great Again. $0.05 is of mailing. (Which will be of converting to 50,000 rubles)

>raided by shills

The biggest shills this campaign season have and always will be trumpfags. You people have general threads running 24/7 in addition to a dozen other threads. You could at least do yourselves a favor and find a to get paid for your shills, but no you do it for FREE.

>but no you do it for FREE.

This is how you know we aren't shills.

We follow this man of our own accord, not because anyone is paying us to.

filthy liberals
i disavow

Have another (You) fuckwad.

Clint Eastwood's comments today on Trump-

"Maybe. But he's onto something, because secretly everybody's getting tired of political correctness, kissing up. That's the kiss-ass generation we're in right now. We're really in a pussy generation. Everybody's walking on eggshells. We see people accusing people of being racist and all kinds of stuff. When I grew up, those things weren't called racist."


pretty much this. If those shills had power, Jeb! would be the nominee today

You shouldn't sell your soul for an election, user. You should just accept some people won't like you.


Trump for life. Hillary increased her CTR spending by 600%




>That is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to slander her campaign.
wtf I don't support trump anymore, thanks for opening my eyes to the truth

Just keep pushing those fingers deeper into your ears my man. There yours to do with as you please

Trump from the start here, nothing will change my vote. Clinton is wasting her time and money here, which is fine. Just ignore shills and get ready to celebrate in November. It's gunna be YUGE!

This. We will not give up, we will not surrender, we will all continue to vote Trump, and no matter what the rigged polls say, so will the majority of the country. This is OUR decade. Liberalism and Marxism will die in glorious fire