The Putin Interviews

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Russia is very mean to its bordering countries such as Ukraine.

Ukraine is very mean to its ethnic Russian citizens

... sure, if by "mean to it's ethnic Russian citizens" you mean "doesn't let them secede and rejoin Russia".

Ukrainians don't hate Russian citizens, they hate Putin and his corrupt/shitty government

then why did they burn them alive in Odessa?

Putin's government paid off all the IMF debt of every ex-Soviet republic.

In Georgia, Saakashvilli started a war and lost it in 3 days. And in Ukraine a right-wing coup threw out the elected president and immediately started trying to ban Russian.

None of that is Russia's fault.

Putin is really the best President and best Leader.

>believing russian propaganda

Good goy.

>30% of Ukrainians speak Russian primarily
>"lol not an official second language"

>Putin is the best leader

>Russia has lower wages than certain South American cunts
>highest homicide rate in Europe
>shitty infrastructure
>does absolutely nothing to improve the economy and living standards
>2nd or 3rd highest AIDS rate in Europe
>no freedom of speech or freedom of press

the country's poverty is part of the stagnated effects left over from the soviet union.

Putin has actually made some great strides to help the country.

he's not the best but you can't deny that he helped his country and made it a lot better than it was when he arrived in power

>Under Putin the Russian economy grew for eight straight years
>GDP (PPP) increased by 72%

But being realistic, Russia is petrostate. Their stability and well-being fluctuates with international oil prices. Amidst a brain drain and sanctions from the west, it's pretty hard to do anything.

Official languages are for fags

why don't russians move to russia

Ukraine shouldn't even exist as an independent state. Its name literally means "borderland", as in the borderland of the Russian empire.

which one of these are putins fault?

that's not a point, why the fuck would Ukrainians care about that?

>believing Ukraine doesn't have a corrupt and shitty government

how were the morning cartoons, big guy?


literally a buzzword of people with no actual arguments

Which one of those isn't?

If we were talking about america obama would be blamed for every single one

around 500.000 left Ukraine since 2014

Not an argument.

"Ukrainians" don't exist. They are Russians brainwashed during the time they were part of Poland and Austria.

Mmmm, no it's a commonly used word with an accepted definition.

i guess native americans are just deluded siberians during the time they were part of asia.

All of them?

>economic problems
Russia is a literal petrostate and is still recovering after the dissolution of the SU.

>health and crime problems
Poor economy -> poor standard of living -> higher crime rates, worse healthcare

>no freedom of speech
Eh, I think under developed nations need this. Freedom of speech would just rip them apart otherwise.

Is that why they kicked a Russian puppet to the curb?

>1 post by this ID
he means they in fact DO interfere

>has basically been running Russia since 2000
>not to blame for Russia's problems

Jesus dude.

>Eh, I think under developed nations need this. Freedom of speech would just rip them apart otherwise.

JESUS DUDE. Times like this I realize there are probably a lot more people who would gladly give up freedom of speech if it fit their political interests than I realize.

like 2 MILLION ukranians moved to Russia

The way their government handled the peaceful anti corruption protests was fucked up. Putin and his lackeys don't care about his citizens and don't care about wanting to improve Russia

Why are there so many comrade Putin bots on Sup Forums?

>Jesus dude.
Try dealing with the fall of the SU, major economic sanctions, a brain drain, and fluctuating oil prices. Each one would take a massive amount of time and money to fix, neither of which Russia has had. Despite that, he's regaining Russia's position as a global super power.

I know it's harsh, but just think about it. These places need to develop as fast as possible or they'll get left behind. There's no room for democracy or opinions there. China dabbled with it and saw its destructive potential, now they're in line to take over America's top spot.

That the official kremlin line has been a lie for 70 years and is in fact a dictator running a military running a mafia controlling the oil industry

Asia is not a state. Poland and Austria sought to create a separate Ukrainian/Ruthenian national identity by influencing their language of religion.

Because they unironically think Putin is the saviour of the white race

>no freedom of speech
Eh, I think under developed nations need this. Freedom of speech would just rip them apart otherwise
What an absolutely baseless and idiotic thing to say.

Peaceful protests become violent riots which become armed revolutions. In their critical situation, the Russian government can't afford civil unrest.

Underage edgelords from r/the Donald have this false notion of Russia being "based" and some sort of amazing European country when it's a borderline 3rd world shithole.
Oh and it's 17-20% non white and has the highest amount of Muslims in Europe. Honestly, I don't know why American right wingers/conservatives worship Russia so much

Their entire political and historical knowledge comes from a few retard echochambers on the internet


>baseless and idiotic
Arab Spring.

Putin lies - thats a fact. Maybe not that obvious and blatant like murrikan politician but he hides many things.
He lied about non--interfernece in Crimea
He never really told why the Kursk submarrine drown.
Swept under the carpet the case of Nemzov's assassination.
And many other things. He likes to say that USA does the same shit

He is smart and dangerous.Carefull and cunning.
He is really devoted to his state and his work.
But he is a nationalist. He wants revanche. He wants USA down.
Wants to revive USSR but without gommunism.

Im telling you this because im russian and I know things inside out.

They view muslims and by extension the west and western values as an existential threat to the white race, so they look up to a dictator who works to break up western influence and has a reputation as a muslim bootstomoer

>major economic sanctions

Yeah, who's fault is this?

>a brain drain

Same question.

>Each one would take a massive amount of time and money to fix, neither of which Russia has had

He's had 17 years. And oil prices in the mid-200's were at record highs. Russia was flush wish cash, it all just got funneled into people like Putin's pockets instead of fixing Russia's problems.

>I know it's harsh, but just think about it.

Nah, fuck you. Freedom of speech should be the inalienable right of all human beings. The fact that you're arguing against it is fucking disgusting.

>Define Breitbart in three posts
>Here you go

The circumstances aren't comparable at all. You are very dumb. Also the protests and turmoil were an effort to gain rights like freedom of speech, you said having freedom of speech would be the problem, not the fight for it

Certainly nothing about the Little Green Men.

These are the people who think we should cut education funding because it actually a brainwashing program

increasing GDP it's not that hard when it's shit tier do begin with

lol, no

Ukrainian national identity is a very new thing and it was pretty much created by Austria. For most of its history Ukraine was part of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth or Russia.

Russia doesn't want to become an American vassal like France (which had an independent foreign and defense policy until 1995).

>Yeah, who's fault is this?
um Obama's?

they always said the echo chambers were real, I just didn't want to believe it. Many such cases, apparently. Sad.

>Eh, I think under developed nations need this. Freedom of speech would just rip them apart otherwise.
The entire history of the development of ussr and eastern bloc states post ww2 proves that developing institutions like a free press are very important for them to modernize/improve their economies/increase freedoms/end corruption. The countries that stay repressed like russia and belarus are still the worst off

>REEEEEEEEEEEE why you sanction us
>Russia dindu nuffin
>Russia a good goy

>Freedom of speech should be the inalienable right of all human beings

Sadly this is not the case in all countries except the USA. This ideal is purely a European invention that will disappear from all countries which become infested with savage brown hordes. Stuff like freedom of speech and gun ownership is entirely dependent on the population being European.

Didn't Hilary Clinton and Obongo spearhead the separatist movement in Ukraine?

Didn't Joe Biden get to put his son immediately into the board of directors of the state energy company when this started going down?

I live in an Eastern European country and we have a lot of Russian cocksuckers. I try not to get too mad or depressed about this fact, because we were under Russian rule for half a century and it was a non-stop propaganda, so we ended up with a lot of brains brainwashed.

With Americans and Westerners as a whole is just pathetic. Admiring some third-world shithole that doesn't have basic liberties and is AIDS ridden.
>b-but putin is a stronk leader, i saw his riding a horse shirtless
>h-he hates fags
>h-he totally fighting muslims

every sane person knows all of this about pootin by now.

Polish kings created the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church by forcing the clergy to separate from the Russian Orthodox Church and recognize the Pope as their head.

Was Obama in power before 2008?

Russia doesn't want to be dissected and destroyed like it happened with USSR. But it wants to remain as an active part of a global world not a puppet state.

No. They happily joined the Catholic Church.

And there wasn't any Ukrainian national identity in 16th century.

Infrastructure is great, ne pizdi, I don't even want to buy a car it's so good.

not all countries joined the sanctions so Obama did jack shit.

Is this series biased against US or neutral because it makes me think that US is garbage and Russia is only somewhat garbage.

You probably don't even know what the sanctions are.

It's literally Putin repeating the Russian propaganda lies and Oliver Stone nodding his head in agreement.

putin is 200 billion dollars rich so what's the point of these sanctions. Obama did jack shit and he allowed the DNC hacking. All that NSA funding did jack shit too, thx obummer.

And w-what did he mean by this?

PROTIP: All countries governments are garbage with some more so than others. Churchill was on to something when he said best of the worst.

That's what happens when you elect a half-negroid raised in an Asian Islamic country to run a Christian White majority country.


>sepratist movement
You mea the right of a soverign country go defend its borders?
Ukraine separated back in 1991 during Bush Sr.'s admin.

>h-hey putin. d-do you wanna watch dr s-strangelove with me?

>Ukraine separated back in 1991 during Bush Sr.'s admin.
You are correct, good sir, however God King Nigger is the right's boogeyman just like God Emperor Cheeto Tard is the left's go to boogeyman. Hilldawg seems to be fair game for both, though.

Reminder: Ad hominem is a white flag in any argument.

>MFW americunts complain about russians interfering with foreign elections

the propaganda cycle will never end.

even with the advent of the internet the majority of the populace will never go searching for the truth. it's never going to end so give up your hope for humanity

>get BTFO
>'m-muh putin bots'

CTR still lurks here I'm sure of it

Whose mouths are you shoving this shit in exactly? No one ITT said anything of the sort, are you people retarded?

they were comfy with russia though
obongo and hillary fomented tensions and that war

Can you elaborate what exactly he said that was a propaganda lie? I'm genuinly curious and want to know.


>ctrl+f context 0 results

did none of you plebs actually watch this interview

this is taken out of context


But they have a point lol, even russian news is more tolerable than American news, and American OR russian its just a fact


wtf i love putin now: the doc

Why so many neocon retards ITT?

I love how anything positive about putin makes them shit their pants, it's like they hate being reminded that they are at least equally as bad

>it's like they hate being reminded that they are at least equally as bad

Trump hasn't killed anyone though

>20% of Americans speak Spanish primarily
>"lol not an official second language"

But Pootin did