Any other Canadians sick of natives and their whining bullshit? Anyone else here think we should've committed genocide against these fucking subhumans?
>general native/abo hate/stories thread
Any other Canadians sick of natives and their whining bullshit? Anyone else here think we should've committed genocide against these fucking subhumans?
>general native/abo hate/stories thread
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i feel like we, as americans by the grace of god, kind of fucked up by not giving them the actual genocide they claimed that we did.
same with the niggers.
Yeah same with us Canadians. They have the audacity to equate the residential schools we sent them to with genuine genocides. I went to a Ukrainian bilingual high school, and we had a play about the Holodomor (forceful starvation of 10,000,000 Ukrainians by Stalin from 1932-1933) at the native school in the city. They then had a pow wow about muh residential schools. They were talking as if the Holodomor and some native kids getting diddled by priests in residential schools were EQUIVALENT.
>desu we should've genocided them but we didn't (even though they think we did)
i can relate on a certain level as a bostonian.
we had forced busing and that means all of the good, nice, white schools got niggers thrown into them and the nice white kids had to go to the nigger schools.
i'm sure you can imagine how well that's working out to this day.
they native and nigger scum really should just be left to rot in the cesspools that they've made for themselves.
Disgusting. They have niggers and natives in Boston too? I thought that was a white man's city still.
we have a lot of niggers.
my girlfriend teaches at a private school, and because of the busing, it's full of niggers who get to go there for nothing while the white students pay. it makes me sick.
and it's always the little niggers who make her day hard too and make her hate her job. it's getting the point where i'd like to move from this city that i love to get away from them.
not so many natives, but their whining annoys me.
we have a fair amount of vietnamese, but i have no problems with them whatsoever. they're a pretty solid people and seem to hate niggers as much as the rest of us.
Tfw most native tribes are made up of mostly white people
Natives are the niggers of Canada desu. I live in northern Alberta so we have a shit-ton of em here.
>except for Toronto. Niggers are the niggers of Toronto.
Like Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren?
In Canada, even if you have 1/16 Native blood, you are entitled to the gibs. You can call yourself """""""""""""Métis""""""""""""""" then.
Yes, they're lucky they weren't exterminated.
I dated a native(best sex I've ever had) and her father hated me, would always say whites are evil ect. Funny thing was that he actively robbed his community, worked as a co-cheif and go on 8 trips to Vegas a year for two weeks at a time (wish I was exaggerating). Literally the most hypocritical, parasitical wastes of human flesh I've encountered outside of north African arabs.
>native comes up to friend to bum a smoke off him
>says he was kicked out of a party and walked a few kilometers
>is carrying around an eight ball for some reason
>walks away raving how Kurt Cobain was killed by Courtney Luv
Just the usual.
He would never talk to me, was an enormous pussy and would also get scared whenever I said anything to him(he thought my family was connected to the mob, which isn't that far-flung). Even though I'm Greek-armenian, apparently I'm responsible for native (((oppression)))
Are canadian natives really just like niggers?
>You can call yourself """""""""""""Métis""""""""""""""" then.
Nothing like an excited Metis pretendian filling the pantry full of bannock and then failing to get a treaty card.
Worse. At least niggers are good at sports and have some portion which don't want to be alcoholic welfare queens.
The ones in the prairies. Not so much out west.
They're far more parasitic, my GP was Libyan. The most successful and productive native I've encountered was a bus driver.
That sounds like an Edmonton native. Are you an Edmontonian?
Or east
Also it depends on the band, some are really successful
I grew up with a couple
One is a teacher, ones a lawyer, and one is a drug dealer
I should've specified Algerians.
Was a downtown Winnipeg experience.
Sami in Sweden are the same
>government takes action to integrate aboriginals and the general population
>government leaves them alone
It's the same all over.
>gf is an 8th Metis
>mfw free hunting and gibs for our kids if need it (I won't)
Its pretty fucking disgusting senpai. This girl in my gr. 12 English class got a free ride to university due to being 1/8 Native. A real """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""métis""""""""""""""""""""""'
Much, much worse. The odd nigger becomes Ben Carson. No such thing among the natives in Canada.
fuck natives
You from the prairies?
Some of the coastal chugs are actually successful.
>mfw grew up with normal Indians, pretty bro tier for the most part, played hockey with them
>move to the prairies, discover that the Indians there are totally fucked up
A lawyer, or a """lawyer"""? Because all the lawyers of native descent in Canada got in through affirmative action and devote their careers to bitching about the oilsands.
That's pretty disgusting. Why would you raise children with a goddamn sqwa?
>six gorillion reindeer
Sounds like the Attawapiskat indian reserve in northern Ontario.
>implying metis get or deserve anything
fuck off, anything less than half and you can't even consider yourself Indian
Yeah I'm from Edmonton. All non-SJW Edmontonians fucking hate natives.
>implying even full blooded tipi-niggers should get a single tax-payer funded penny
West Coast here and I work with several who are normal people. I hear horror stories from friends who've lived in the prairies though. Are the bands here just richer/better?
They are butthurt that we built civilization in "their" reindeer herding land. I also think they're butthurt about swedes not wanting to integrate them, they got their own schools and shit. Also there are some pictures of racial biologists measuring their heads and that's horrible.
> female indigenous judge
That's about the equivalent of allowing a Jew to chair the Nuremberg trials ffs
Nah it's a chick and she was fucking smart in hs.
Like I said this particular band was pretty successful.
>That's pretty disgusting. Why would you raise children with a goddamn sqwa?
she is blonde and lighter than me
I fucking hate natives even though I'm metis, but I don't want them gone just yet. I'm waiting for BLM to come into Saskatchewan and start complaining about nothing. The nates will win the oppression olympics by scalping nigs and stabbing them in the open. Let them both fight it out as I laugh heartily
I don't blame them
Prairie nates are FUCKED up
Yeah I have no idea what the difference is, maybe resources and different treaties
>i feel like we, as americans by the grace of god, kind of fucked up by not giving them the actual genocide they claimed that we did.
Lots of Jews are blonde too. How can you allow your children to have muddy native blood???
Well said.
I always thought Sami were basically live-off-the-land Swedes and Norwegians. Can you red-pill me on them and tell me what exactly they are (ethnically speaking)?
Yeah. Prairie natives deserve a full on genocide, for their sake and ours. They're totally beyond redemption.
Faggots that suck each others cocks in mom's bedroom when she's off to work.
Natives are bro tier in the states. Eat a dick harambe
They are mongols. They look like finns except more shitskin
Fuck off, come to Canada and we'll see if you are singing the same tune.
So then how do they qualify as "indigenous"? What is their mood towards the recent non-European influx into Sweden?
>So then how do they qualify as "indigenous"?
SJW insanity, of course. Don't know about what politics they have. Doesn't really matter, there are VERY few of them, they just like to complain about shit.
I'm not a stormfag, but natives repulse me. I would date practically anyone of any racial background, except for a native, regardless of how distant and dilluted their native heritage is.
Wouldn't the vikings have inhabited modern Sweden long before the Mongol horde came to Europe??? It's like saying gypsies are """indigenous""" to Romania.
That's pretty stupid buddy, you wouldn't ever be able to tell my gf was an 8th, she's a green eyed blonde.
Based edmonton annon here. Always tried to stay away from chugs, to many stories to tell growing up on he north side. Then I drove through Hobbema...
Pic related is accurate, you can drive down a street and count the # of Windows with glass on one hand.
Hobbema is the worst in Alberta. Blood Indian Reserve and St. Paul are pretty bad too.
->i too am an edmonton user.
>have one chance at life
>born in northeast edmonton
Fuck the natives. Their bullshit is never ending.
>native neighbour wakes my grandad up in the middle of the night
>wants a ride to the hospital
>its like a 2 hour drive
>claims its an emergency
>grandad goes and takes him
>when the doc sees him, he asks how long the native has been feeling pain
>"Uhh bout 2-3 weeks now"
>my grandad asks why he didn't just call him tomorrow morning
>"Only a white person is stupid enough to wait in line."
Shit like that was constant. In Saskatchewan and Northern BC it was drunken natives starting fights, begging for money and stealing shit. Down here in Vancouver its mostly drunken natives trying to start shit, rip you off or beg for money.
The most successful indian ever was Ira Hayes and he drowned in a fucking puddle.
johnny cash for you faggots (too bad he spent so much time pretending he was a canoe-nigger)
my mother is part sqwa, depending on who you ask 1/4 to 1/6th.
everyone treats it as shameful and pretends it doesn't exist b/c theyre so fucking useless
>I don't take gibmedats b/c I'm not a snow-nigger