ITT: We welcome normies to Sup Forums and redpill them.
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This is how Sup Forums always works:
>shills try to get people to flood the board from other parts of the Internet
>"leds adack le ebul raysis XDDDD"
>normies come here to attack
>they discover views they had been sheltered from their whole lives
>they become Sup Forums
All we have to do is sit and wait.
It's like comfy jew-jitsu.
These are great, keep em coming
wtf, I'm saying gas the kikes, niggers, mudslimes, spics, and feminazis while supporting Trump now
Really made me think
a jew herself admitting they're intentionally destroying Europe
The British Government promised Israel to the Rothschild family in 1917:
This knowledge was used to fake a "prophecy" under an invented protestant notion that would go on to influence US foreign policy for decades to come:
>Published by Oxford University Press and containing the entire text of the traditional, Protestant King James Version, it first appeared in 1909 and was revised by the author in 1917.[1]
The one time the Jew failed....
"Israelis today, explains the anti-Zionist Jew Israel Shahak, “are not basing their religion on the ethics of justice. They do not accept the Old Testament as it is written. Rather, religious Jews turn to the Talmud. For them, the Talmudic Jewish laws become “the Bible.” And the Talmud teaches that a Jew can kill a non-Jew with impunity.
In the teachings of Christ, there was a break from such Talmudic teachings. He sought to heal the wounded, to comfort the downtrodden.
The danger, of course, for U.S. Christians is that having made an icon of Israel, we fall into a trap of condoning whatever Israel does -- even wanton murder -- as orchestrated by God."
Against Our Better Judgement:
Notice he doesn't mention Paganism or any other religion besides Christianity.
This is because Christianity, in it's true form (as opposed to the mongrel American Capitalist form) is the biggest threat to Jewry in history.
Nazis understood the power of Christianity in its true form.
Charlemagne's bloodline goes back to Herod the Great.
He's not our guy.
What jews?
Oh mean those germanics that converted to judaism ?
And charlemage was a fucking germanic
He wasnt native of that land
Christianity is the only solution to the Jewish question.
Jews hate Jesus more than anyone else in history. More than anyone, they hate Jesus because He gave the Gentiles a way out.
Thanks Charlemagne you fucking retard
this is for all of you americans who think Muammar Gaddafi was a monster overlord and that you led that war so you can free the libyan people and not for oil global dominance geopolitics and worldwide chaos you fucking blind morons
it's literally trump's tactic
Are we doing regular redpills or nu-pol neocon redpills?
>support Israel
>Muslims are the real enemies
>Republicans are good guys
>Trump is not an egotistical Jew shill taking advantage of uneducated retards
>police are never wrong
>rich deserve everything they have
That's all enjoy your stay.
These is distraction ignore it. Read the images.
The only person lower in the country than these faggot shills is Hillary herself. I hope every single one of you dies young and in immense pain.
>Father of Europe
>fucking retard
Yeah right, even if this is true it doesn't make him any less of a great king.
>Catholic church
Yeah, Germany was predominantly protestant and Lutheran, which is why president/dictator Dollfuss of Catholic Austria opposed the Anschluss and was assassinated by Nazi partisans. Further complicating the matter was the fact that Mussolini of Catholic Italy was protecting his family...
Yes Nazis opposed Christianity because it's institutions and their inner squabbles were preventing the Anschluss. Yes there were pagans like Himmler who devised pagan rituals for the SS and encouraged Goebbels in his creation of "Positive Christianity" to get around the sectarian squabbles.
But did Nazis as a whole oppose Christianity in terms of its spiritual value? I do not see it.
I don't even give a fuck about the shills most of the time, tbqh. Only thing that gets on my nerves is when they start posting in good threads.
It's not about shills. It's about red pilling the newfriends.
>But did Nazis as a whole oppose Christianity in terms of its spiritual value?
Charlemagne also killed 4000 Pagans in a single day
In turn, didn't this save the Christians from being a completely irredeemable and disgusting group of people
This is from a youtube channel full of similar truthbombs:
The best video to redpill even the most bluepilled on genetics of IQ with indisputable, easily understandable study (5 minutes):
A study that cleverly proved some cultures are more violent than others (7 minutes):
A clip that shows the insanity of the current migration policy and offers a proposal on how to fix it. Excellent to redpill even the most bluepilled on the current migration madness (3 minutes).
Want more?
Please don't let that be true, Charlemagne is the fucking Father of Europe. He can't be the one that also fucked us with the money grabbing cunts
No way his family is fucking Frank/Germanic not Jewish or Roman
GOYIM, PAY ATTENTION TO THIS. Pics with mountains of info are well and good, but nothing beats a jew boasting about their jewry.
>wahhhhhh i'm a butt hurt heathen
Ironically this is backfiring, jews race mix at a 60% rate, 55% more than whites.
Yeah but then they get bullied out of the community.
some of these seem sketchy. Ben Franklin wasn't really a fan of the church at all, and it just seems unlikely Truman would have criticized the Jews.
These are great.
Israel is to Jewish, it needs to be fucked by niggers and arabs.
Controlled attempt to shill I see
>Black people are the victims
Ok user :)
Here's other good ones from the same channel, these are all 3-10 minutes. Theyre about a book called "Shall The Religious Inherit The Earth", about demographics and religion.
Goebbels was the god damned best.
No you see, because of the 6 gorillion, jews are the only people who deserve to live
Some pretty based video, didn't really agree with the last one though.
Welcome newfags. At least, welcome to the few of you who will be staying and contributing once this is all said and done.
What do you disagree about?
His shit eating smile shows all.
What makes them hate whites so much? Are other races really easier to control?
Next you'll be telling me Islam is a religion of peace too.
Americans are either aware of this or don't know who Gaddafi is.
Most serbs on the other hand still believe in the holohoax, so check yourself first Novak.
Whites are the next best intelligent race, and far more better looking. They fear the white man. They've been thrown out of Kingdoms of the past repeatedly by whites. Hitler caught them red handed in Germany and exposed them.
Stop questioning the narrative, libtard.
Yeah he was born a Frank, but Charlemagne is from the most royal blood line in all of history going back to the julio claudian dyanasty and to Alexander the Great before that.
It's not about being Jewish or Christian. We are talking about royalty that goes all the way back to ancient Babylon.
The Bush family and the Queen herself are all related to this lineage.
>The Bush family and the Queen herself are all related to this lineage.
Trump has permanently broken one of those lineages kek
there is no quote of him saying that? i cant fint it
>source wikipedia
as much as i want to believe this, wikipedia as a source looks bad
Thank you for the links.
I forgot to bookmark them and have been lurking Sup Forums since, waiting for that Finn to post them again.
but here's the video norbro:
not an exact quote in there but it's good enough
This was a fascinating read. I'd like to check out Patton's book.
Wow. The irony was totally lost on whoever conceived that one.
1. Kosher Tax (on all your food since the end of WW2)
2. Political Pornography/interracial/cuckoldry (Pornographers have admitted to making certain types of porn because they hate white people/Christianity)
3. Media Control/kosher Over-representation
4. Government /kosher Over-representation
5. Judaism: Religion, Race or Ethnicity? Depends on what could help or hurt them at that time.
6. Shi'a Muslim Taqiyya and it’s Jewish equivalent Baba Kamma
7. Academic Kosher Over-representation
8. The Bell Curve was never actually Debunked (the Jewish sociologist later admitted to fraud, when his data and samples were re-examined)
9. The Frankfurt School Adorno, Gramsci, Marcuse- The ideological fathers of the SocJus movement and Cultural Marxism, while having no direct contact withDerrida and Foucault created the academic environment in which their ideas fourished.
10. The Arab Slave Trade went on longer and took more African slaves than the Europeans did (and they even enslaved whites from all over Europe, roughly 500k)
11. Jewish Slave Owners and traders in the New World (They weren't ubiquitous but there were about a dozen of them, and they made tons of money)
12. The Holocaust (only Russian inspected camps on the Eastern Front were found to be deathcamps)
13. "Demoralization” policy of the USSR, described by former kgb agent Yuri Bezmenov on video.
14. Senator Joe McCarthy was actually proven right (an endless stream of communist sympathizers -Hollywood and otherwise- perjured themselves in front of him)
15. The Crusades were retaliatory, and fought by true believers. (Muslims invaded Europe over 600 times, by the end of the 4th and last crusade)
16. Even with Norway's "equality laws" men and women exhibit the same job preferences as per the Hjernevask "Brainwashed” documentary
17. The Story of Political Correctness, "Racism" and other fun terms- language is a tool of social and political power
RIP, Saint Goebbels.
18. Jewish participation in Socialist revolutions in Germany/ over representation in Soviet Government
19. Patches of Germans minorities left in the Lebensraum by Empress Maria Theresa's policies were being persecuted-Comparison of Nazi and Allies Rationale for war
20. Jewish bankers and the Balfour declaration (Possibly Why England entered WW2.**tinfoil**)
21. The Federal Reserve and how money is made (en masse, out of thin air, and robs the public through inflation)
22. Legal pedophilia in 1960s Denmark and ties to gay rights
23. Banned authors such as Kevin MacDonald and Giovanni Gentile.
24. CIA sponsored Feminism according to Gloria Steinem.
25. Feminist Hate Speech towards men and the unborn (not hard to find, fetuses are commonly regarded as “parasites”)
26. Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood and Eugenics/ Nazis developed modern Abortion techniques
27. The Six million number is wrong (historians say it's much smaller, the accepted being around 3.41 million according to some Oxford press books also, the 6 million number seems to be a fabrication from earlier newspapers.)
28. Communists of the USSR burned archives, believed people could/can be on "the wrong side of history" deleted people from history.
29. The School of the Americas, American Trained mass murderers that killed in South American countries.
30. William Kristol, Leo Strauss and Neoliberalism/conservatism and the Republican Party. It's not conservatism, or liberalism. It's actually an offshoot from anti-Stalinist Trotskysm as tweeted by Bill Kristol.
31. ISIS fighters trained by Jordan with US money.
32. How homosexuality was removed from the DSM-IV (Roughly 17% voted to remove it, as it was too politicized for the majority to vote due to such Saul Alinsky tactics as "freak outs" where gays would flood psychiatry offices and scream and jump up and down on the desks)
33. Central Banks, Basel Switzerland, the Bank of International Settlements-the central bank of the entire world which was founded by WWII nations including Nazi Germany.
34. Who funds climate change activists, (Soros, Rockefeller, the UN, several nations) and climate deniers (oil companies, the Koch brothers)? Carbon taxes to be levied on non-billionaires.
35. Who wants to destroy the family unit, and Why? Marx, various others.
36. Osama bin Laden was killed, and then dumped off a boat in the middle of the night, so as not to offend Muslims - fter billions of dollarsand thousands of manhours were spent trying to find him... yeah, right.
37. Ruby Ridge, Waco. Fed killed civilians needlessly, a whole bunch of times.
38. White Nationalism, Black Nationalism, Zionism, neo-Nazis, black panthers, and Zionists. Jerry springer Nazis and KKK wingnuts were used to discredit White nationalist movements back in the 90s.
39. George Zimmerman's whitened skin, tone varies from tv network to tv network.
40. Cop violence recap 2014/2016 (majority of victims had criminal past/ were armed)
41. Japanese Auschwitz - unit 731,
42. Japanese Internment in the United States and Canada, illegal and "racist" yet sane policy of these nations.
43. Socialist political violence, they were menaces in Italy in Germany prior to the rise of middle class Fascism
44. Socialist failed policies, starvations and mass murders.
As a person going into education, it sucks that education isn't taken more seriously.
It should be a hallowed profession. A lot of children who attend school these days get the kind of stability and values they can't get at home, because their parents are too self-involved... to the extent where they'll plop their kids down in front of the electric Jew all day and let that serve as their parental figure.
I got advice from good teachers growing up that my own father never gave me., like how to actually take care of myself and deal with the hardships of life.
A good teacher is like an auxiliary father figure, and it sucks that it should be dominated by women (to the exclusion of men). With feminine values so thoroughly ingrained into our kids, is it really that surprising that so many of them are turning out to be limp-wristed hyper-liberal pussies?
45. Brettonwoods, Nixon killed gold backed currency.
46. The collusion of Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon on the Nixon tapes.
47. LBJ on the Civil Rights "The democrats will own the niggers for the next 200 years"
48. Bohemian Grove
50. CIA overturned democratic Iran for British Petroleum.
51. J.Edgar's suicide letter to the philandering plagiarist minister, Martin Luther King.
52. Lamentations of General Patton (Jews are filthy, we have to stop the reds.)
53. Lamentations of and incriminations of Churchill (we fought the wrong side, we won't let the Nazis avoid this war.)
54. The tactically needless fire-Bombing of Dresden
55. The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Catholic centre of Japan- , and why this was done (100k people murdered to threaten Russia)
56. The Tri-Lateral Commission (CEOs and statesmen openly and illegally collude under the Rockefellers)
57. The USS Liberty attack.
58. How the ADL got started (defending a Jewish pedophile murderer)
59. ADL/Mossad wiretapping scandal and how they were successfully sued.
60. List of Jewish Expulsions about 100 or so in Europe over the course of 1000 years
61. Osama hailed as a warrior for peace in Charlie Wilson's war.
62. The list of attacks and lies about figures like J. Edgar hoover and Sen. McCarthy
63. All Communist/Marxist revolutionary heroes and heads of state came from money and privilege
64. The Political persecutions of the IRS
65. Who owns the banks? Crypto Jews.
66. High Finance kosher over-representation
67. What the Talmud says about Jesus, Christians and Gentiles (heathen burning in boiling excrement in hell, idolaters that cannot be dealt with fairly, and slaves created for Jews by God – animals, basically)
68. Masonic imagery in Washington
69. Masonic imagery in Israel
70. The 1 in 5 rape statistic is false
71. The gender wage gap is false
72. SAT scores, admissions, race and achievement - the color of your skin affects your chance of admission/Mindy Kaling's brother
73. Edward Bernays, Freud and the rise of Consumerism (psychologists figured out how to attach emotion and culture to things, instead of community)
74. Income tax was meant to be temporary
75. First past the post voting is not the only option
76. The 40 hour work week is neither necessary nor mandatory, early man could feed and shelter himself with Stone Age tools and a 4 hour day/28 hour work week.
77. Private schools vs public schools, voucher systems and performance, and the Prussian schooling system.
78. Ethno-nepotism, from the Irish to the African - is completely natural and to be expected
79. Watergate, how Nixon's complete lack of prosecution was a template for executive branch immunity.
80. Women and promiscuity and divorce rates
81. Clinton was bombing Bosnia while Lewinsky scandal was going on
82. List of Democrat wars
83. List of American backed coups for corporate interest
84. The Armenian Genocide, and list of people who deny it
85. The holomodor, and list of people who deny it.
86. List of Israeli UN sanctions/ human rights violations
87. Persecution of Coptic Christians in Israel
88. Ashkenazis vs. Semitic peoples
89. Crypto-Judaism, and the name game.
90. Smedley butler.
91. Companies that shill and lie in public forums as a business. Plug media.
92. Hasbara.
93. Secular and modernized Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan before American Intervention.
Christianity is a jewish plot just like Islam. It's all about dividing the gentiles. Just look at the muslims, how they bash eachothers heads in. Just like the christians did a few hundred years ago.
94. The western public school system was built on an autocratic Prussian model to mould people into good factory workers
95. The Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist and used by a salesman to sell American Flags
96. Amber Lyon publically admitted CNN tried to force her to lie about Beirut
97. Neanderthal genes and math theory
98. Two Nobel Prize winning scientists affirm race theory, beyond social construct
99. Gross distortions of Hitler's actual historically proven policies by the media. Nordicism was not part of the party platform.
100. Bilderberg,
101. Davos, the Gridiron dinner, state dinners where the elite mock the public
102. The council on foreign relations is illegal.
103. Agenda 21
104. The Georgia Guide stones
105. White on black violent crime statistics, vs. lynching statistics and white on black rapes and murders
106. How many cops are killed by blacks each year vs. other minorities?
107. Vatican Pedophile cover ups.
108. Sony emails and aggressive kosher networking and narrative scripting
109. The Supreme Court has ruled that the media can legally lie to the public in the united states
110. Journalism versus narrative. Commentators dress like newsmen but are actually no such thing, they give the traditional appearance of news while distorting or omitting facts as they go.
111. Network 24 hour news cycle and scandal based ratings (they make money by hyping events and toying with human emotions)
112. Asians (Indians, Japanese, Chinese) and Jews are really successful immigrant minorities in America and rise to middle class with somewhat of an ease.
113. Race and IQ has never actually been disproven.
114. IQ is still considered to be an indicator of intelligence, but not success. The field is called psychometrics.
115. The Nuremburg speeches given by Hitler’s inner circle as they were about to be sentenced or executed, as revolutionaries fighting against western capitalism and soviet communism that destroyed and threatened their nation.
116. The Nuremburg trials were actually a kangaroo court with mountains of defense evidence dismissed.
117. 5 Israelis were captured filming and dancing on 9-11, then let go.
118. Mossad agents were caught staging a terrorsit attack the parliament of Mexico around 9/11.
119. The Israeli terroist Hotel David bombing is widely regarded as the first act of modern terrorism.
120. The Jewish owner of WTC made 7 billion in insurance off of 911.
121. World Trade Center Building 7 was "pulled". BBC reported it's collapse early.
122. Israeli messaging company Odigo was warned about 911 prior to the attacks.
123. Eisenhower warned about the Military Industrial complex on video, and arguably coined the term.
124. JFK spoke on audio about secret societies trying to take over the USA.
125. Treaty of Versailles demanded that Germany pay all WW1 participant countries' war debts. Germany never had a central bank until after WW1- they also didn't start the war "Serbian anarchists", the black hand, did.
126. Nordicism (blonde hair blue eyed pale skinned)was not actually a Nazi policy, Aryanism was, and includes lily white to tan people from Ireland to northern India.
127. Very few American bankers went to jail after the 2008 collapse and TARP bailouts, many former home owners did. It also happened before in the 80s, as a microcosm (but for slightly different reasons) with the savings and loans scandal.