I'm so ready for the debates. How can I time travel to the future and see them already?
I'm so ready for the debates. How can I time travel to the future and see them already?
At this rate Trump is going to drop out before the debates even happen.
I have seen the future. Clinton wins. She hits Trump with the "hurr durr ur racists" line and everyone goes along with it.
She wins with feels
i hope he tears clinton a new one
Hillary is too scared to debate him. She can't even be interviewed ir she'll have a seizure.
he's going to look retarded in the debate. every time he goes off script lately it's a fucking catastrophe
she's smart, she's just sitting back and letting Trump self destruct.
Im voting Trump even though i know the vote is rigged. Democrats have already been exposed many times commiting voter fraud amd nobody seems to care, or at least the media makes it seem that way.
Be ready for the happening when she gets (((elected))).
>implying Trump's whole campaign isn't predicated on feels
Every time he's asked about the specifics of his actual policy proposals he responds that "people aren't interested in specifics."
Seriously, this guy's appeal has nothing to do with logic. He can't even speak coherently without a teleprompter. Republicans have been triggered by every word Obama has spoken for the last eight years and Trump is betting his campaign that he can cash in on those tears.
In all likelihood, he can't and won't. Maybe four years from now the Republicans will nominate an actual candidate. Or who knows, maybe they'll let actual Trump surrogate Mike Tyson give it a shot.