Your favorite characters turns out to be a bad guy several story arcs into a series

Your favorite characters turns out to be a bad guy several story arcs into a series.

Now you hate him because he's not who you thought he was.

How can they just change a character like that?

Weirdly Ollie Reeder comes to mind quite quickly.

At least they imply he'll fail towards the end.

I made this thread in response to a manga I was reading, but I know this tops exists in TV as well.

Worst the author never hinted or foreshadowed him being a traitor even when they were on the look out for one.

He was the funny one in the group. The guy who was always obsessing about girls and was always smiling and laid back.

The only real indicator something was off was just before he reavealed himself, fighting better then he normally does and using a power that he never once bothered to use before.

Even now I'm still hoping that he's a triple agent or will turn good, but it doesn't seem like that's going to be the case.

Walter White

What manga was that?

Blue Exorcist[spoiler/]

They did this to Tony Soprano and that's why I never rewatched after season 3.

Wasn't Tony always a mobster tho. Never watched the show.

I'm not a stupid American so I don't automatically hate "bad guys"

Yes it's a show where all the main characters are ruthless criminals yet you learn to sympathize with them and relate to them. It's the contrast that makes the show interesting. People should stick to capeshit if they want "good guys" and "bad guys".

>Your favorite character is still alive in a series known for killing off anybody at anytime

But I'm talking about characters who are portrayed as good guys but then you find out they were just faking the whole time and betray the group with no warning.

Only childrens' stories divide characters into "good" and "bad".

>I'm an abomination!

I actually agre with this philosophy. I love gray characters and flawed characters. I should say the guy was a protagonist but became an antagonist at random with no hint.

>retarded americlap doesnt understand ambiguous character

Double bump.

>always thought character was shady and couldn't be trusted
>you were right and like him even more now

If it's a long running series that got popular then you shouldn't worry. No one you care about is going to die. They can't afford the fan backlash.

not sure what you mean by this. Did they reveal something in season 3 that made tony look worse than he really was? He always seemed to be a badguy in my eyes. Yeah he had some nice moments, but overall the guy was an asshole who had it coming