How are they rigging the polls against Trump?
How are they rigging the polls against Trump?
>It is not the people who vote, but the people who count the votes.
The same way they always do.
Some are but most aren't rigged.
Fucking retarded Trump shills on damage control. I heard from a Sup Forumsack the other day that Fox polls are extremely accurate. Now it shows Hillary is 10 points ahead with the Fox poll.
Polls only matter when Trump is winning.
tfw no qt trump girl
Have you considered that they're not rigged and he is just down in the polls?
>changing polling methods
>shaming live phone people
>non-representative polling
>leaving off undecided
>polling "adults" instead of "likely voters"
>fabricated results
My good man, that would mean that Trump isn't actually winning, and most of Sup Forums can't handle that. Instead they'd rather just fling shit at each other and call people cucks and shills.
This place has went to complete shit since Trump became popular.
There's Trump shills countering Hillary shills, tons of shitposting and overall Sup Forums just isn't fun to go to.
well thus far they are the only polls that have been accurate. did iowa kill trumps campaign? was jeb ever able to get more than 2% of the vote? did rubio even get support in his home state of florida?
its like the media just made some shit up ranted about it for months and never actually conducted any polls.
what other answer is there? is the media that hated that when the media says some one is winning they lose now days
>electronic voting machines
They're not. He's really doing that bad.
Liberal groups are staging themselves outside unemployment offices, welfare offices, and other such places telling people to Vote Hillary or they risk losing benefits under an Evil Republican Empire.
How do we know those polls were more accurate then others? There's no proof.
Generally the more respondents a poll has, the more accurate it is. NBC's newest poll had over 12,000 respondents, therefore the margin of error was extremely small. It showed an 8% lead with Hillary Clinton.
not for me though. I dont believe in polls, whether favorable or disfavorable.
and one thing is for sure: the clinton camp and the affiliated MSM try to instill hopelessness in the trump camp. fair enough, but it does not work on me.
Same way they did in 2012... oh wait
welcome to politics, faggot
What about conservative MSM sources, like Fox, showing Clinton with a big lead?
after Brexit no one should trust polls anymore
We're still going to win even if more people vote for Hillary. Do you think Trump is going to stop?
>for a week of results where Trump was ahead, and then they turned those into Hillary leads
>They made a switch, as much as nine points, in their results from the beginning of last week, the 25th and 26th.
The major polls are beginning to marginalize or exclude independent/unaffiliated voters, who make up the majority of American voters and with whom Trump holds a large lead.
you dont know if they skewed the polls by the way they selected participants for example.
but I don't need even this tinfoil hat.
for me... I just don't care, polls mean little to me. you work until the finish line and THEN during election night, you get the actual result of your work. everything before that is smoke and mirrors.
>How are they rigging the polls against Trump?
By letting him be his own asshole self.
Most of the polls were in the MoE for Brexit, so it wasn't really surprising at all. What people should do, to read polls correctly, is to automatically ignore any poll within the margin of error.
I don't care. Polls are polls. They may be accurate, they may be inaccurate. It doesn't impact my support, whether favorable or unfavorable. All that matters is the election.
Polls are correct most of the time, so they are worth paying attention to, just not the ones within the margin of error.
Last week Reuters changed their methodology specifically to favor Clinton, then applied that change to a previous week to erase a Trump lead
ignore polls. these 2 candidates are so polarizing that I doubt anyone is hopping back and forth week after week
If politics for you has become calling everyone a cuck who isnt your opinion instead of having an good old argument about it then i guess your are 12 years old and on your summer vacation here
And that is assuming the margin of error has been assessed correctly. Nah, I just disregard polls. I mean it's interesting to take note of but they journe goes on. doesn't slow me down.
Polls don't matter. Look at Brexit and the Austrian presidential election. Gonna be real embarrasing when dems stay home because of their false sense of security the polls created.
Real politics is about actually listening to other people, as opposed to flinging shit.
Ok kevin
They own the polls
No, take a look at history. Cato tried that 2100 years ago and did not get him elected consul. Politics is a shitflinging contest and it always has been. Real politics where people listen to ideas and good candidates are fairy tales by naive idiots.
there are 2 ways to get elected
have people vote for you
prevent people from voting for the other guy
therefore you need to tell people why the other guy is shit and why they should vote for you instead
No, actually politics is like :
Side A : We think this might be the sollution, This is our plan.
Side B : Your plan is shit you should better do it this way. Your ideas suck. Our ideas are better. Thoose ideas are.
Here at the moment its like:
Side A:
Look at this guys. This might be a good idea.........
Side B: You are a cuck
Side A: Why ?
Side B: Shut up cuck
It doesnt even matter whos opionion it is if its left or right. Only answers i hear is. Shut up cuck.
And im not talking about people answering me like this. Im talking about what i read in threads
Maybe you should think about why people call you a cuck?
Only the words have changed, the meaning is the same in both examples. Rule one of politics is that the other candidates do not have any good ideas, that it is less eloquent to say shut up cuck or fuck off commie i will agree with you, but that is the way the internet and especially Sup Forums works. There simply is no demand for eloquent rebuttals around here
Have you ever been 'polled'?
Yeah, me either...
No poll is being rigged to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear Her campaign.
they're paying to insert average citizens into america and those bastards are rigging the polls by saying they'll vote for hillary.
appealing to normies and niggers?
maybe if your idea wasn't letting an arab fuck your wife, we wouldnt call you a cuck
which seems to be a vast majority of them
ya think?!
just like they rigged the primary, they are rigging the general....they give zero fucks....the global powers are moving....
I'd say if Trump wins it will be due to the people.....and a miracle, God will have truly spoken. because the whole frikken system is railing against the one who we know is gonna fight for America. The banks, the media, the academia, sports, entertainment, the rothschilds, lawyers...they all want that idiot hillary...seriosly she is so fucked up and yet they still all chase after her
the FBI was about to split the whole federal government until obama reigned it all in due to her huge incompetence....
the clintons tie all of it together, the MK ultra stuff the drugs moving all over, the pedophiles, the numerous other perversions, the petty wars and the major wars.
Hide & watch, she gets it the USA will remain as it is now for about a year, if he gets it we probably have three years before it shits the bed....
The rigged polling isn't as egregious as the rigged coverage that's been going on since the DNC leak last week. Media went nuclear when DNC leak threatened to expose DNC/HRC/MSM collusion against Bernie and Trump.
Pic related: DNC staffer bragging about USA Today posting an AP story that the DNC ghost wrote.
Changing methodology (see pic).
Removing a whole demographic from the poll (CNN - they removed the 18-34 IIRC; I would've thought they'd be more pro-Shillary anyway (muh social justice), but a recent YouGov poll also showed 51% of former Bernouts would now vote for Trump, so who knows - it definitely skews the result in one way or another)
Oversampling democrats in a non-representative manner compared to national distribution
All that said, it's highly unclear how big the differences actually are. If we look at the whole picture over the past months, these waveforms are not unusual. It is probable, though, that overall Trump's results should be (at least slightly) better than what meets the eye.
based kraut
Multiple Polls which had a trump lead were thrown out and About a dozen Polls which heavily over-sampled dems and are thus fraudulent were interested to make the Aggregate favorable to Hillary.
In Reality trump is Between 2-3 and 4-5 points ahead and After this latest round of insane propoganda from the MSM combined with the Wikileaks dumps showing those same MSM conspiring with the DNC to engage in propaganda will likely cause the remaining confidence in the MSM to collapse and Trump will jump 10-15 points in the poll
What happened to 5D Chess?
You should see his facebook, he doesn't care about any of this shill nonsense
You don't need to rig the polls, he loses voters himself.
>being this delusional
>In Reality trump is Between 2-3 and 4-5 points ahead
I think this excludes the hidden Trump voters too.
>cause the remaining confidence in the MSM to collapse and Trump will jump 10-15 points in the poll
Eh, I don't see why you think this. As nice as that would be I don't see how that would work.
>hidden Trump voters
jesus man they're everywhere
pretty much any white guy I talk to is voting for him, or they were a Bern victim with him as a backup. They all put on a show so they don't get ostracized.
Well to be fair i fully espect the pollsters to fake the results right up until the election
But his real support is way higher than they are saying
Trump is playing 15-dimensional anti-gravity Brazilian snooker, now.
Every White male I know is Voting Trump except for a Middle Aged Democrat who is the textbook definition of Beta-male Cuck
Alot of White women in my circle voting trump or Johnson or Stein. only Hillary supporter i know of is a crazy cat lady with no children
They aren't rigging anything, he says stupid shit and people fuck off from his side.
>"I won't let Russia into Crimea"
>But they're already in there
>"Err uh well you know... MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"
Still kind of shocked people are legitimately supportive of him.
>talking to leaves
Easiest way is by removing all third party options. Johnson and Stein hurt Hillary a lot more than they hurt Trump. By only conducting polls with Hillary and Trump they're able to inflate Hillary's numbers significantly, and then they take it to the next level by oversampling democrats. Democrats only make up 30% of the electorate but the polls are sampling them as high as 50%.
>trump wants to outlaw pic related
Trump rigged them himself.
Fox is biased against republicans so they rigged their poll
Saying a poll that only has the two major party candidates is ipso facto rigged is just plain stupid.
If you really believe that only 19% of the country are independents and that there are no Democrats under 40, I have a bridge to sell you....
Love this pic she's such a qt 3.14.. did any user ever say who this was?
Literally like this
source: Don't worry about it.
It's all a fabrications. Any news company can post whatever figures they want. Try and find out how they got those numbers and they give you doctored results.
Polls are fictitious and media outlets go strictly to the highest bidder.
it's going to be a 3 man race at a minimum.
Except when Trump's in the lead? I remember some Sup Forums fag posting "LE GOD EMPEROR WILL WIN" when Trump pulled ahead of Clinton by like .3% on that Shitty Nate Silver website last week. This is what Sup Forums does, claims polls are shit unless the poll is in their favor.
If we do that, how will we justify our civil war after the election?
There will be massive civil unrest if Hillary wins. Men overwhelmingly support trump. When men are fucked over, they fight back. Hillary will be the end of an empire.
He said he wouldn't let Russia into Ukraine, you buffoon. He even explicitly said that he doesn't support Crimean invasion.
The question is how the fuck could liberal degeneracy be controlling the World. Is everyone a lazy ugly retard who cant provide for themselves?
because when they are in their favor it's fun as fuck to rub it in for the 5 seconds they are before they change the algorithm.
nah m8, this is the transition from Republic to Empire
Do you really think Johnson has 12% of America's vote? Do you? Retard.
The point is to create interest and page views. If clinton is constantly in the lead of the poll no one would bother to view the page.
They keep it interesting in order to keep more links to their page in order to increase hit counts and in turn ad views to increase revenue. Very simple cash generation.
Facts don't apply to trump supporters unless it supports him
I'm not sure but they must be.
Trump has so much more support on the ground, his rallies are packed constantly, his social media dwarfs Hillary's, he gets on average 4x the amount of retweets and comments, He has far more reach than Hillary in terms of projecting himself, he does constant interviews, call ins with political shows and again, rallies filling stadiums weekly. Whilst Hillary is god knows where dying from god knows what. There are many that dislike Trump yes, but Trump voters will never vote for Hillary, he can only gain voters at this point from bernouts and independents/undecideds. In the debates to come Trump doesn't even have to debate on policy, he just needs to attack her constantly on her corruption involving the foundation and her emails, on top of all her lies.
With the recent DNC leaks tying the media to Hillary, the email scandal, Clinton Foundation corruption and more promised by Wikileaks I think what we're seeing here is the the final phase of the media conglomerate.
They are lashing out in violent bursts of rage, similar to a dying star.
Trump will win
get the fuck out Lau Ming
>t. Zhai Ming
America is already an empire.
We normally don't think of it as one because most people think of old European countries, but the US has it's fair share of territories and imperialism to be considered an empire.
computers , duh. noob.
It's all part of the media doing its job to help Hillary and try to sway the election.
ONE of HRC's problems is that basically nobody likes the woman. She's nasty, she has absolutely zero charm, and there are thousands of stories of those unfortunate to have crossed her path, especially when she was First Lady back in the 1990s.
Because of Hillary's numerous faults and lackluster support from her fan base, the media is working overtime to use every trick possible to try to stop people from voting Trump.
Just watch as they post phony poll results and continue to misquote and make him look as evil as possible.
Fuck the media.
>believing in the polling meme
>"Guys, CNN is neutral"
I'm picturing you saying that second part to your friends.
Wtf you're a shill aren't you
Actually most of the successful people support the Democrats
>CEO of Google
People who are rich and donate to charity generally. People like Trump who've gave pennies to charity are Republican for the lower taxes.
Lmao all those are bullshit. You've clearly get your news only from Sup Forums. Hillary is doing as many rallies as Trump and she has way more support.
I'd like to see your evidence that Trump cannot lose supporters.
Daily reminder that remain was leading before the votes were counted. Daily reminder that Carter was leading Reagan before he won in a landslide. Daily reminder it's easy as shit to skew online data. Now time to fuck off of Sup Forums until hillary fags fuck off.