Fuck capitalism.
Fuck capitalism
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A commie in Sup Forums?
Those are great news, greetings from Spain comrade :)
OP starter pack
i dont get it. i understand state owned property, but thats about it.
state owns everything, you work for state, state gibs stuff?
an illogical system that never worked, off yourselves. also sage for sliding.
>Has a gifted mind and goes to the library
>Uses the former Soviet Union as an example of
>functional communism.
good going, vlad.
into the gas chamber you go
I'm starting to unironically buy this shill meme.
There's just too much bullshit today.
Finally another commie
Communism is the WORKERS PARADISE
Remember that time a communist nation outperformed a capitalist nation?
Ya me neither
Haha, is this me from 2008?
Add some breadlines to the image.
>Soviet Union
Yeah sure, a super-state that had 3x the quality of life than U.S.A in the 50s (golden age) is TOTALLY bad
please have cancer
Reminder that communism is about human interaction capitalism is about indiviudalism. If you have a family and are a capitalist you are a HYPOCRIT
It really does take a smart person to have other people make their decisions for them.
how, how does it change anything? i dont understand how the application of communisum changes anything apart from theres just crap stuff to buy in the shop
yeeeaaahhh sure a capitalist nation totally beat the USSR, sure bud, sure
ohhhh you mean the thing in capitalism?
>3x quality of life
Why lie?
I could only see this being true for nigs
sure buddy, sure.
>capitalist intellectuals everyone
>crap stuff to buy in stores
THat's capitalism
Communism EVERYTHING is EVERYONES. Want an example? Native Americans, no property rights people just got along.
>unironically telling people to get cancer
Taking insults from children who play video games is just weak desu
>Have SJW gf
>Literally minoring in Womens Studies
>They literally told her Capitalism is inherently at odds with Feminism
>mfw I realized Feminism is literally just thinly veiled Marxism (both economic and social)
>believing McCarthyist propaganda
You're disgusting you child
You will mature one day my adolescent friend.
Sage shill threads for fucks sake
at least dont tell me you are one of those antifas
>Want an example? Native Americans, no property rights people just got along.
And as we all know, the injuns are all living in a utopia now
Yugoslavia did a hellva lot better than Ireland, back in the day.
And East Germany and the USSR both outperformed a number of African and Asian states.
It depends on how you measure it. GDP? Life expectancy? Education? Average living standards?
And lots and lots of this...
you need to mature
>And as we all know, the injuns are all living in a utopia now
sure buddy, sure *leaves mental institution*
OP left out food. So did Venezuela.
I like the hat. What are they called?
Reminder that USSR collapsed upon itself because gommies are fucking retards.
Also reminder that communism caused more deaths than 2 world wars.
there are plenty of non-socialist feminists.
pls don't tell me you're a tankie
>a hat to keep you warm when the infrastructure crumbles from a lack of initiative, innovation, and will to exist
>a heart to eat because cannibalism is statistically more common in communist countries
>plenty of books to burn, both to silence dissenting voices and to keep you warm (see point #1)
>a brain to blow out with a revolver when you realize it's of no use to you in a communist shithole
yeah it's not like tribal warfare existed or anything
sage, leaf
intelligent people were first victims of red plague
>Fuck capitalism
says the cuck accustomed to all that Capitalism has provided
There aren't? I mean, Feminism Lite is, pretty unarguably, cultural Marxism. They look at inequality of outcome and demand the government "fix" it. It's a short step from that to demanding redistribution of wealth
ha !
where do i get food and clothes without shopping. trading services isn't captalism is it?
and using money as proof or services rendered is logical.
are you just against corparations and the pay structer of most biusinesses?
Ahhhh Venezuela, I love that nation because it's proof neoliberalism fails
I am a USSR fan
yeah sure buddy, sure
They are the victims of capitalism
>on internet, a STATE funded device
I think capitalists should be banned from the internet
Your time is gonna come, pinko.
if you don't like it leave nigger. You don't deserve a share of what I earn.
It did, yeah. That's because they didn't have surplus and advanced technology so they squabbled over what they did have. All Marxists believe society must first go through a feudalist and then capitalist stage before socialism can exist.
Communism precedes Marx anyway, communes have been around for a long long time.
Weak bait.
>They are the victims of capitalism
they where killed by communists
That computer you're posting on is a product of capitalism.
What I don't get is there are places you fucking commies can go if you think that system works so fucking well.
so OP would like to do away with the middle man, i would also like to do away with job agencys, am i a communist?
then leave your country and go to any commie shithole, like North Korea
maybe that will teach you something if history cant
greetings comrade
No food in that picture.
Checks out.
I DONT GET IT, do communists just believe in a centrilzed job market?
no middle men?
that makes sense because we live in a capitalist system currently. well done mr observant.
>Russian hat
>removed brain
>fake image of a heart
>books they don't read but have because they think it makes them look intellectual
Good post.
Commie music is actually pretty awesome desu
Government gives you everything
4 august, the day pol got c.u.c.k.e.d
dunno if i'd say i was communist but i'm definitely a lot more socialist than the general population of Sup Forums
main things for me are more/better workers rights and less economic inequality as well as access to stuff like NHS, higher education (without the debt), nationalised railways
we all have same clothes and go to same bar? and all do same stuff?
Can i see pics of this utopia that you speak of?
That face looks too young for that body.
hypothetically speaking, If you did photoshop underageB& onto the bodies of adult pornographic actors, would the resulting image be illegal(outside of canada)?
>there are plenty of non-socialist feminists.
Not really.
Almost every feminist idea consists of "government gimme men's money".
>gimme money fo dat wage gap
>I divorce my husband, gimme his money
>welfare should support my kids I got from some ex convict who doesn't care about them
>govment should cover mah contraceptives
>govment should pay my women's studies degree
The list can go on.
Moron... There is always a commie on Sup Forums. Years and years of commies. I personally think their all masochists.
>heart is bigger than brain
sounds about right
I've seen a shit ton of communists on Sup Forums lately. What the fuck is going on?
CTR is out in full force.
but the smart go to captilist countrys where they dont try and pay them in eggs and bowls of rice?
would't it be easyer to become amish?
Trips of truth.
Praise kek.
Said the edgy teen using his computer.
Wew, lad.
>Government gives you everything
that's not communism m8, when communism is achieved the state should no longer exist
>lel why are you resisting feudalism with a pitchfork peasant, feudalism made that!
>muh safe space
you are in denial
gulags wasn't real too?
amish shun technology which makes socialism possible and could vastly reduce working hours and give good living standards to all. there certainly are some admirable things about them though.
>Government gives you everything
government will give you enough not to starve
they will take the rest
There were no commie posters on Sup Forums a couple of weeks ago and now there are a lot. It has nothing to do with a safe space. You fucking shill.
not sure what you're trying to say here
they only shun it because there infulstructer will not allow them it make it. you shouldn't use stuff you cant replace. If i was gonna do anything i would be amish, i hate how the world just wants you to be so much.
there have been people of all ideologies here since forever, sorry to rain on the alt right newfag parade
guys I
Holy shit guys
I think
I think I finally have changed
That's it
I'm now officially a
are you ok lad?
true, i've been here years and have never identified as right wing. a lot of Sup Forums go a bit blind in their safe echo chamber though
wtf i hate capitalism now
>i hate how the world just wants you to be so much.
What do you mean? I dislike the current world very much too.
>muh stateless society
Which has never even remotely happened yet.
I know man me too, thank God for OP. Everything is different now.
you know communism only leads to feudalism and the creation of a monarch or goverment... it woud keep collapsing. Things need regulating, and people have to pay the regulaters
1/3rd of britain, never gonna own a house, and pay rent rest of life
Look up USSR in the 50s.
sounds like id get to meet more women, but i do not think women like that way of life.