Adopt an Education Philosophy Centered on Black and Brown People

Adopt an Education Philosophy Centered on Black and Brown People
To help those who need change the most, stop trying to reform the reforms.

Let’s create a system rooted in the people who need change the most. Let’s adopt a philosophy centered on black and brown people.

Freire believed that transformation requires an educational system rooted in the people who need change. The choice movement, for instance, will always fall short in urban areas because the system of thought wasn’t centered on black or brown worldviews.

Adam Smith, forefather of the political economy, might appreciate the choice- and standards-based curriculum movements that emphasize competition, productivity and rugged individualism. Filtered by the works of Milton Friedman, the educational-choice movement in particular has been applied so loosely that basic ethics and notions of fairness have been trumped by stereotypical corporate values that fly in the face of what black, brown and girl students need.

The inefficiencies of white privilege cost us so much more than dollars. With every reform from the choice frame, we add to the bureaucracy of white institutions built to help black communities. Consequently, each institution and approach attempts to reform the prior without questioning the bedrock on which they were all built upon: white supremacy and patriarchy. After every iteration, the only remaining factors are the base ideology and system of oppression.

Audre Lorde said, “The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.”

Let’s stop patching the previous error. If we can build a reform approach and invest billions around a white male, we should be able to do so around Afrocentric people and philosophies.

Black and brown folk don’t need “reform.” We need an alternative that we define.

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Fuck off nigger

How about niggers move to and invest in their own nigger countries with their own nigger educational philosophies focused on niggers.

>America's biggest fear: an educated black man
Why would anyone fear this? I fear an uneducated black man more than an educated one. Every black person I work with at my engineering firm is staunch anti-Hillary.

>This is what Adam Smith and Milton Friedman want
>Government funded school systems geared towards underperformers

How about we do it like this instead; if you have a child you receive a stipend every year for the education of that kid. You can spend this stipend on any education as long as you take state standardized tests. Schools are required to publish their test scores.

This way, children can attend any school that might suit them, people who do not utilize public schools receive additional funds to send their kids to alternative schools, and schools are forced into competition with one another to provide the best scores at the end of the year and best experiences for the money.

t.Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom.

i got one. if black kids cant read at their grade level they are forced into military service when they turn 16. thats right 16 not 18. and it only has to happen 1 time. fail 1 fucking standardized test that it off to kebabastan to get blown up for america when you turn 16

There would have been a Congressional supported and financed resettlement program for freed slaves had that John Wilkes Booth didn't get uppity and shot Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln's Program of Black Resettlement

Lincoln Proposes a Constitutional Amendment

In spite of such obstacles, Lincoln re-affirmed his strong support for gradual emancipation coupled with resettlement in his second annual message to Congress of December 1, 1862. On this occasion he used the word deportation. So serious was he about his plan that he proposed a draft Constitutional Amendment to give it the greatest legal sanction possible. Lincoln told Congress:99

I cannot make it better known than it already is, that I strongly favor colonization.

In this view, I recommend the adoption of the following resolution and articles amendatory to the Constitution of the United States ... "Congress may appropriate money, and otherwise provide, for colonizing free colored persons, with their consent, at any place or places without the United States."

Applications have been made to me by many free Americans of African descent to favor their emigration, with a view to such colonization as was contemplated in recent acts of Congress ... Several of the Spanish American republics have protested against the sending of such colonies [settlers] to their respective territories ... Liberia and Haiti are, as yet, the only countries to which colonists of African descent from here could go with certainty of being received and adopted as citizens ...

Their old masters will gladly give them wages at least until new laborers can be procured; and the freedmen, in turn, will gladly give their labor for the wages, till new homes can be found for them, in congenial climes, and with people of their own blood and race.

Fellow-citizens, we cannot escape history. We of this Congress and this administration will be remembered in spite of ourselves ...

hey faggot. If I tell you all lives matter then why do you get all mad and act like I disagreed with you?