Other urls found in this thread:



>Nigger humor

video games.


>Sup Forums - Black Twitter


>Nigger humor
Is this any joke told by a black person?

Is he wearing a pink tube top?

He just wanted to use the word nigger, user. It makes him feel really cool.

reported and saged

tumblrfag detected.
We've been using nigger for so long how can you even say that's the reason. Go back to your comfort-site.

I think he meant to say "dark" humor

That's the spice

Holy fuck this guy is so cool, He just told you to go back to tumblr!

user pls, not everybody you dislike is from tumblr.

Yeah and the reason is it makes you feel really cool.

>hurr durr guys look we cab rebel from this ubiquitous culture found on Sup Forums hurr
>look I can act so different
oh fuck off
If you have a problem with someone saying nigger here maybe just go. Why even bother point it out?

I bow before you Sup Forums god

You told those fukin noobs!

You do realize that Sup Forums is all about being an individual faggot, right? And the point is to not follow the hivemind?

>look I can act so different
The irony of this is palpable, seeing as how it;s your striking out from the societal norms.

>nigger "humor"

This isn't even Sup Forums faggots.

If you want to try and act like a Sup Forumsirgin trying to fit in with all the hip Sup Forums memes, go to fucking Sup Forums.

If you want to yell at black people, go to Sup Forums.

If you want to blog about your personal hangups, go to /r9k/.

This shit isn't that hard.

Shut up, nigger


Yeah yeah, we're all sorry for intruding upon your waifu threads and collection of the least funny shitposts on Sup Forums.

Jesus, user. Take a chill pill and quit trying so hard to fit in.

The fact that this thread has been up for nearly two hours tells you all you need to know about Sup Forums mods.

Is this fucking Facebook now?


As opposed to... this?

I don't see the problem with this, I found this funny


Me too, I even upvoted.


Ok, I can buy the Pan thread lasting this long, but this?
I don't think there are any active mods right now.






>hurr durr guys look we cab rebel from the ubiquitous culture found in the real world hurr
>look I can act so different

It's not about being funny or not, but this by far the most off-topic thing I've ever seen.

>there are on-topic, legitimate discussion threads that get deleted in under 10 minutes for no reason whatsoever
>but this shit stays up

I don't understand this board.

If you truly believe Sup Forums hasn't been on the same level as Sup Forums for a while now the you're a delusional faggot.


You and your legion buddies?

t. butthurt nigger

She's not wrong.

That is literally a 30-years-later rehash of an Eddie Murphy bit

Mods are asleep, only real niggas is up

REAL NIGGA HOURS UP IN HERE 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100// 100//

im glad im too old to relate to this.

Fuck is this shit? ghettotoon thread?

What's funny is thinking a black man would debase himself like that.

good shit go౦ԁ sHit thats some goodshit rightthere rightthere if i do ƽaү so my self i say so thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷM HO0OଠOOOOOOଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ Good shit

What are some good niggermemes?

#whitepeopleinvitedtothecookout is fucking gold

Your real father

Hes probably as white as the driven snow

seems like a towel


Actual black guy here, the only people that bitch about the word nigger on Sup Forums of all places are weird ass white dudes with racial hang ups.

>still using ironic memes

oh boy it sure is summer in here

>LITERALLY defending subhuman apes