What a load of shit this was.
At least the ending was funny.
What a load of shit this was
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What's this then? It was a fine film. Wot are you on about guv'nor?
thought it was just fine
then again scifi is fucked when not even ridley can get it right
>how to spot the contrarian at the party: example post
>tags itself as horror
>really just a slow paced melodrama with brief and forgettable action elements
>tags itself as horror
>is actually soft terror
it was a good flick
8/10 good movie
People saying the ending was unpredictable are fucking idiots
>name of actor isn't aligned with image on actor
Why would you do this
That's not the .webm I meant to post...
Being chased by a killer is Terror.
Being chased by a killer robot bent on destroying all of humanity starting with you is Horror.
Discovering that, not only are you being chased by a killer robot, but that it has already exterminated all of humanity centuries ago, and that you are one of the faux-human replicants the killer robot has built and programmed with human memories in order to continue its endless, pointless hunt is Existential Horror.
>Why would you do this
now stop fucking whining about this, you confirmed OCD faggot.
>People saying the ending was unpredictable are fucking idiots
Anybody with half a brain (so not their target audience) knew exactly what the ending was when they were explaining how there were two pods and one had to sacrifice themselves
>Why would you do this
Billing determines the name position on the poster
The people who make the poster are not restricted by that
How the fuck was that thing so strong? That made no fucking sense to me.
It didn't make much sense, no. Fire should've burned it considerably.
All of its cells were muscle, photosensitive, and organ cells all at the same time, but it still shouldn't have been that strong, but it's fiction so who cares
I didn't bother to look it up before seeing it. Thought it was a feel good movie about life on another planet and how it encouraged human space exploration...nooooooope. But still entertaining. Just not good.
written names are ordered left to right by billing
headshots are centered according to billing.
talent agencies demand this
I hate when they have posters that look like this and the names aren't in the same order as the actors are in
Horror is a genre involving something disgusting, or something weird, or something unsettling that makes hair stand on end. Things that make you tremble and quake.
Terror is a genre involving extreme fear, where flight response is evoked.
Hard terror is a genre involving fear at such levels where insanity is caused, usually but not necessarily because flight is not possible.
Learn your genres, folks.
Because each cell is a muscle cell in addition to everything else. It's like how chimps can tear you in half despite being half your size because they have more muscle density. It's a little extreme in the beginning when it's paper thin and crushing the bones in a guys hand though.
I mean it's basically super archaea and they can live in space and next to lava pools so why not live through fire for a few seconds
Stop trying to make this a meme every time a Life thread is made, you obnoxious cunt.
Welcome, newfriend
It was better Alien movie than Alien: Covenant though the ending was shit.
>le nightcrawler half-eaten by jizz tentacles yelling at chinks
It happens in other threads but holy shit every nigger fucking Life thread some retard MUST bring it up
>Alien creature desperate for food and can convert all biomass into itself
>Only eats like 20% of three different guys before leaving their corpses to fuck around elsewhere
I still liked it. It was a good movie honestly. Not amazing but worth watching
Yeah, you could see that fucking "twist" coming from miles away, partly from the movie itself, and partly because it's been done before. Even if you'd never watched a single horror flick in your life you could still see it coming. But I guess it was a fitting ending to this shit flick. Waste of money and talent.
Wouldn't a more effective and logical "third firewall" protocol be to fire an ICBM at the station and nuke it?
I hate when characters are retarded.
>Oh i'm just going to touch the alien we know nothing about.
>We are chinks and we are going to let the guy out even though he is clearly screaming at us and he has something horrible on him ching chong kung pow sauce.
And send possibly contaminated giant debris hurdling down to earth?
>have a series of really shitty plans
>one of the big reveals near the end is a woman came up with all the plans
>send up crew
>you don't tell them if shit hits the fan they are already dead due to protocol
I'd have punched her straight in the face the moment I heard about what that other ship was about to do...also
>literally a wrench can open a door to space by turning it a few times
I knew I was going to have to suspend my disbelief when the Alien could open up exhaust valves from the outside and was still somehow able to get into the ship. So you're telling me that there's an entire compartment open to space ? The moment he tried to open up those valves the pressure difference would've shot him back out from the air escaping, unless they were continuously open then there's part of the ship that isn't even pressurized and it's open to other parts
>I unironically don't understand rocket boosters
Shit wouldn't be orbiting the earth to begin with.
>dude to kill it we need to suffocate it!
>cut to shot of it scampering around in the vacuum of space for hours
The joke is that shit wouldn't even lead back inside.
More importantly it would freeze to death.
>cut to shot of it pigging out on liquid oxygen
Calvin was in outer space for a few minutes, not hours.
And lack of oxygen wouldn't kill it, that's explicitly made clear in the movie, just force it into hybernation.
>I mean it's basically super archaea and they can live in space and next to lava pools so why not live through fire for a few seconds
This is utterly ridiculous and there is a reason why life on Earth - which has its fair share of extremophiles - has never developed such a thing.
You don't get to be invulnerable to everything, all species have their set limits of tolerance. If you evolve to high heat and pressure - like those found in the lowest layers of the Earth's crust - you are vulnerable to cold conditions. And if you've adapted to thrive in oxygen, you'll suffer from the lack of it.
It may as well have been the fucking blob.
Oh, and before anyone mentions water bears, that's a lot like saying that humans can survive in space because we can build space stations.
Water bears cover themselves in a protective cocoon and enter a period of hibernation. They are not animate at all in this state, and the same is true of other extremeophiles that can resist being frozen or exposed to vacuum. They simply wait it out.