Really makes you think

Really makes you think....

the muslim didnt sacrifice anything,his son went in of his own accord

It does. I'm wondering why Shills and cucks are on Sup Forums.

Khans aside, what HAS Trump ever sacrificed?

queue up the Nasheed music

so a sacrifice cant be by choice? you got some funny definitions up there, hat.

Nothing, but neither has the Khan family. Their son knew what he was signing up for.

he's risking his life to make America great again, you do realize he could have easily just sat back and lived off his vast wealth on an ivory tower safely?

His dignity when he gets BTFO come November

Khzir Khan has always been an extreme supporter of Shariah law being integrated into the US court system. He wrote several times about the holy texts, often citing quotes that dismiss the Qiyas in favor of the literal interpretation of the Quran.

He once quoted Said Abu Hanfa, who said
“slanderous is their saying that we give our qiyas any priority over the Shariah. Do we need opinion when there is a sacred text?”

The part that stands out the most to us, is that last sentence. Interpretations other than literal of the Quran are mere opinions that are to be discarded. If we take the Quran literally, not speaking on Shariah law, what exactly does...

"So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike their necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either confer favor afterwards or ransom them until the war lays down its burdens. That is the command. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them Himself, but He ordered armed struggle to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah - never will He waste their deeds."
-Surah Muhammad, 47:4

...mean in context of the law? Simply put, if I commit a murder in the name of my lord, as long as it is the same one from the religion of peace, then I am legally cleared of all wrongdoing.

It is a tragedy to lose a child, but this does not dismiss any disagreement between views. Trump simply stated that his wife may not have been able to speak on stage, which could be taken into multiple contexts. One is that he was speaking about Khan's religious beliefs, which his wife follows as well. The other is in context of Khan being the primary speaker, but the DNC having rules against her speaking (but she's allowed up on stage). Either context, both are true and cannot be be offensive. If anything, it is offensive to dismiss the man's culture and pretend his beliefs don't exist because he fights for them every day. Funny, isn't it?

Time energy and money into creating thousands of jobs and making America great again. what has Clinton sacrificed?

a fucking nigger

Just like all veterans

a sacrifice implies you give up something you own,idiot.

Risking does not mean sacrifice.

Khan was a good soldier and served his country, his parents are milking his death for an agenda and sympathy money.

Clear difference between 1st and 2nd generation muslim immigrants.

Khan is part of the Muslim Brotherhood and LYING like crazy.

Do not believe a word he says!

Do not fall for the propaganda!

Really makes you think.

The biggest sacrifice of all

His reputation.


SMALL LOAN OF A $1,000,000

SMALL LOAN OF A $1,000,000

SMALL LOAN OF A $1,000,000

SMALL LOAN OF A $1,000,000

SMALL LOAN OF A $1,000,000

His own hard earned money in running this election without Jewish oversight.

WTF why is his wife dressed in a blanket

>using their dead son like a puppet for popularity and money
oh, right......they're muslims

Sleep. He looks like a walking corpse, it's because he only sleeps 4 hours per night.

The dad didn't sacrifice anything. His son did.

By your shill logic, when your son goes to prison for a back ally rape, you as the father assume some degree of responsibility.

The Khans are paid Hillary scam artists, paid to shill for her. Their son would turn is M16 on them if he could see how they are acting after his passing.

Muslims and Islam need to be drenched in pigs fat and burried with pigs and dogs feces so they don't go to their heaven and spend eternity in purgatory.

And a lot of your money too!

They sacrificed their dumb son.

Trump is sacrificing his career and business on this, which will affect thousands of people he has employed and their families.

he sacrificed his entire life for this campaign

he has put himself foreward for our sins

we can cleanse ourselves of the sins of our fathers, if only we would listen and vote for him

About 90% of his potential fortune.

If he had just put his inheritance into the stock market and sat around being an idle richfag, he'd have made much more money than he has by dedicating himself to urban development projects.


Why didnt khan let his wife speak? Oh yea, she is subhuman in his view

>sat back and lived off his vast wealth

Sure, but greedy people always want more.


Not really. I'd still rather hang with Trump than that guilting son of a bitch.

$1mil real estate loan in Manhattan is pretty small

I noticed that too.

He really needs to take a break. He's burning himself out.

He's given to charity and self funded the first few months of his campaign.

But its an odd metric. What has Hillary sacrificed? How does having a dead son make Khan an authority to talk about anything beyond having a dead son?

child logic.

I hope you are as self-sacrificing as you demand others to be.

wtf I'm converting to Islam now

Because we're winning, and they know it.

wow. powerfully evocative.

People seem to be forgetting the assassination attempt where some dumbass tried to grab a cop's gun to shoot Trump.
He is putting his life and the lives of his family members in danger.
The globalists won't go quietly.


Khan is a radical Islamic activist who makes his living buy helping rich Saudis buy their way into the United States.

The new face of the Democrat "tax the middle class" party.

>trump plummeting in the polls
>w-we're winning we swear

and that is why we need a strong hillary presidency so she can deal with the likes of him

(No one replies because it's true)

They changed the rules dummy and modified polls

>hillary's 50 people crowd vs trump's maxed out arenas
really makes you think

How's it child logic? Trump already accrued a large amount of wealth. He can't be content with just having wealth anymore so he's gonna feed his ego and try to become president of the United States. Not to mention he's going to try to do it while breaking all the rules in modern politics and making veteran politicians and pundits' heads spin.

Keyword is try though. He's gonna get BTFO in November unless the Shilldog campaign fucks up big (unlikely as Hillary is too careful) or is too complacent (more likely too happen because Hillary is too careful)

What exactly did trump say? All I remember was him saying he wanted to hear what his wife had to say, and now it sounds like he personally spit on the dead soldiers grave

Pattern so far has been
>Trump walks into the fire
>polls plink down 1 step
>Trump walks through the fire
>polls shoot up 2 steps

Why are CTR shills so anti-science?


Trumpfags on suicide watch

Fuck Khan.



>breitbart """"""""""""""news""""""""""""""""""

Yep, it's news. The Khan cunt has been heavily exposed, and now you have no choice but double down and fully back this Saudi activist.

Hurr durrr.. Only shills hate Trump. I've been on this board since it was /new/ you little cunt. Your precious orange buffoon is going to lose YUUUUUGE in November.

>attacking the source and not the content

yes it does retard

so if this khan cuck faggot dad DIDN'T lose his son would his son not have sacrificed? The fuck do they teach you faggots in sweden

Except this time the main source is a fox news telephone poll with a sample size of 1000 in two area codes with a 10% lead for hillary.

Yeah I'm sure if someone here linked to HuffPost Sup Forums would accept it at face value.


Trump is saying all this shit because he doesn't want to be president

He never did, it's reality tv bs

He wants be rich and wake up at noon like he's been doing his whole life, responsibility would kill him.

>Sup Forums is one person

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....?

This. Whoring out your dead son is pretty fucked up.

Don't forget to sage.

Trump is simply saying we need to sht down immigration while we dont undersrand whats going on in the middle east.

Legal muslim immigration is and was fine back when the khans immigrated but we live in a different world.

Her soul, empathy, honor and dignity, a long time ago.

Go ahead and turn $1,000 into 4.5 million you faggot

That's the equivalent of what Trump did taking 1 million into 4.5 billion

can you prove he actually has $4.5 billion. its probably another one his """"truths""""

He sacrificed 60 million dollars, thousands of hours of time, and time away from his son to save our country.

Mr. Kahn sacrificed 20 minutes to give a speech about how Trump is going to ruin is lucrative mudslime visa business.

Never trust a dune coon.


$0.02 has been added to your account

That's like saying "you should've invested in google 15 years ago", no one can tell the future. But one thing can be certain, his buildings will live on when he dies, websites wont

>his buildings will live on when he dies

You act like he actually builds them. He pays for them with other peoples money, other people design them, other people build them, other people rent them, other people occupy them.

The only way it's "his" is legally. And if the law determines ownership, I don't own the land I built my house because imminent domain is used in my state extensively on that exact argument.

Trump isn't worth shit. It's why he doesn't release his taxes. It's why they couldn't make fun of him for it at the roast. It's why he has to take huge loans from friends just to cover the campaign debts.

Trump used this campaign to launder money, nothing more. He'll be the most surprised person in the world come November if he actually wins.

He did build them, he's the one with the vision, the entrepenural skills to make it happen and maintains them, i realize you don't like him but just because he didn't have a direct hand in every aspect of his projects doesn't mean he didn't make it happen.

Khan had to sacrifice his website so you wouldn't know about his profession

Kek has spoke
I am woke

No matter what he says or does or anything this election. Trump's presidency plan reminds me of LEx Luthor "You really think my plans involved becoming president? Why would I go for something that involved losing power" or something.

(you) #imwithHERnow

khan so sad looking, so weak, he needs our altruism, quick someone set up a gofundme!


Hi CTR how is the pay for you guys?

Wow I'm so full of thoughts now. Gee golly thanks for correcting the record

wtf i hate everything now

Looks like somebody took a break from cleaning.

>wrong side of history

Too on the nose to be real.

He very often is approached to use his name, has nothing to do with the project, will never have anything to do with the project, and is cashing in on 30 years worth of branding to fool investors.

He's not making things happen. People come to him because he has a valuable thing, literally his name and personage. You think he maintains most of the buildings that bear his name, even at the most superficially administrative level in a corporate structure? It's a little embarrassing of you to think that. That's not been his job for a very long time.

I'm not saying he shouldn't enjoy what he has. But to claim it makes a claim for the presidency valid is a joke. There are actual generals I wouldn't trust as president, most of them in fact. And each of them would be more technically and functionally qualified for it.

You can make an argument voting for him because Clinton is a democratic nightmare. She fundamentally alters the playing field for the rest of us forever because of the depth of her personal corruption. But Trump's not a better candidate, I just think if someone's going to threaten to shoot me in order to do something I think hurts the rest of us, I'm actually going to let them shoot me. In this case, Trump's the getting shot.

>You think he maintains most of the buildings that bear his name

nah, i dont think of "most". i think of these

his urges to fuck his daughter

he's made more money from his campaign then he's put into it


You did it bro, you hit the ultra meme. This thread is fucking over.

Is Khan in the middle of backhanding his wife/slave?

>risking his life


wtf I hate khan now

I can just circle the ones that are essentially property scams, four of which are the exact definition of what i just said if you want but i don't think you care.

so we'll just say you're right, instigating construction projects to himself makes him president material. I concede

>fucking bill and his fucking getting trump to run