Dude calls Trump, "Loud mouth dick" on CNN

Dude calls Trump, "Loud mouth dick" on CNN

You know what to do


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Bump for justice


where is my post

Yeah lets show this libcuck that anonymous is legion!

What post?

Where are you faggots?

The election os truly over

Last bump

He is and I'm fucking glad he is.

Give me this loud mouth dick anyday over passive pussy doormats.

So it's accurate reporting.

This is what her future looks like

my children where watching.

>time to bankrupt CNN


>wahhhh! Someone wasn't politically correct!
Funny how you cucks only like it when it's in your favor. What's the matter? Are you triggered?

>"Daddy, what does dick mean?"
>"Don't worry about it"
Why is this a problem?

What's his problem?

>Horsed faced dyked
>last name Mair
Like Portary

Pointing out the fact that blacks have an average IQ of 85 isn't politically correct.

Shouting obscenity on the public airwaves is vulgar and degenerate.
Technically assault on the viewing public.

Its were. Were watching.

Kek, we're officially at "smoking doobies behind the school" levels of journalistic discourse

You know there's a delay in broadcast too so they definitely had time to mute it but they let it slide. My children heard it and now they're parroting it, when is CNN going to take responsibility?

>gloats over being an emotional woman who can't hold a political discussion

Sounds about right. Or should I say, left.

This honestly. Do they not think of the children?

So the guy who called Obama a pussy on Fox News was a degenerate as well? Good to know.

>society is turning into Idiocracy


Umm the use of the word dick is prohibited on normal television because of the FCC. You can call him a demagogue, a racist, an ignoramus. But dick, cunt, vagina and other terms like them are prohibited.

mexico bringing the bants! good one jose, you can come to our little shithole if you like, just remember to bring a gun and kill your obligatory nigger on the way in.


The arch enemy of Sup Forums

were where youre children wayching?

You mean Socialism.

Same thing

may kek be with you

uhhh, that's why its funny to rag on them...because theyre the ones that complain

its all jokes dude, you ctr guys take the job way too seriously


>the gubmint says it's wrong!
Grow some fucking balls.

I already know all this. I'm curious, why does your infographic leave out the fact that whites kill the elderly and disabled at a higher rate than any other race? Or that males commit about 99% of all murders, establishing a much higher correlation between gender and potential to murder than race? I'm guessing it's because you're a cuck.

Wasn't that the guy with a nigger grandchild?

youre the only crying itt you pathetic piece of garbage



This entire thread is people crying over this journalist. Can you read? Or has Canadian education become America-tier?

Fareed Zakaria calling Trump a bullshit artist live on air was better.

>but Daddy, what does dick mean?
>I said don't worry about it! Okay?
>Dick Dick Dick Dick hahahaha Dick Dick Dick

And then they go to school or you have to bring them grocery shopping or something.

I'm guessing you don't have kids, huh?

So how can this be used against CNN? This isn't a FCC violation as it was on cable. Where do we take this?


Its laughable how SJW minded trumpfags are.

dont think its ever gonna reach this low

link a post where somebody was crying except you of course

>p-please guys dont talk troll somebody who corrected the record
why dont you go correct the record somewhere else

I guess all the talk of preserving free speech in the face of SJWs was just for show, huh?


are you a SJW? who fucking cares

rude word was said
>time to get paid nigga.


Libertarian dyke crypto dual Anglo American citizenship. ......

I smell a jew.
Where is the prof she's a jew? She has (((media, DC, libertarian, neoCon,and Anglo connections)))

I can't find anything about her family. Dox this jewess lying cunt propagandist.

lets make it a massive class action suit.

>Liberarian talking head on CNN calls trump a dick


i think the real crime is letting such an ugly tranny on tv, creature should be put down like a fucking animal

First Fareed Zakaria with "bullshit" and now this.

CNN is now the PCNN Profane Clinton News Network.


Here ya go
Tell them it means "penis", and is used to insult people. You know, like a parent would.

>retard doesnt understand there are actual rules as to what can be said on tv

>oh, it was against Trump so the rules don't count

Can't wait for you CTR tryhards to become sandwich artists in November

despicable RINO tranny

Another quality case made by the typical alt-right cuck.

>he's so vulgar how can people stand him?
>he's a loud mouth dick
does not compute

I called someone a loud mouth dick, I'd be reported to HR and fired.

This bitch supposedly gets to say this on television in front of everyone, and she gets a pat on the back.

Gotta love media culture.

you should practice what you preach.
>time to lose some money or some time behind bars.


obvious joke
standard demand to raid
how is that crying
how is that crying
obvious joke
okay maybe that one was crying

Too bad CTR is only a temporary job

do you care about free speech?

>quoting me
How about you fuck yourself you cuck and go back to Canada

This. But don't respond to paid shills patriotbro

No stupid. Because that would be called accurate reporting.

CNN is a nest of rats and vipers. A propaganda mouth piece with no more credibility than Russia today.

my children where watching.

Beat them at their own game of concern trolling.

Make a loop of it and the CNN breaking news intro with Zakaria's bullshit comment also, and footage of children watching TV from that anti-Trump ad.

this tranny also has a cuck hubby

I do, I just enjoy making people aware of their hypocrisy.

Why does the right always resort to ad hominem attacks? It's like their arguments can't be supported through reason or something.

Women "professionals."
>Anyone else would be fired.

>It's offensive and needs to be outlawed when I don't agree with it!
You are literally a SJW.

> Quadlos
that's a good one

>fat fuck

FCC complaint form. You can also get Fareed Zakiria for saying bullshit


Every time I see this cunt on CNN she's always bleeding all over the set.

She is eternally ravaged at Trump.

>the moment the media pushes to far


where's the unedited version?

Yes, but only if it fits my political agenda. At this point, I'd take every pot shot I can after the crap they have pulled.


there was a time when Sup Forums would praise disruptive tactics.

now all the can do is chomp on the trump change.

Oh you

There was a time when censure through shame wasn't the prevailing axiom of popular culture.

Yeah..ironic isn't it.

This isn't a discordian circle jerk, faggot.

People can disapprove of nonsense like this.

Who cares

Trump is called every babe in the book and doesn't care, why should we?

Yes we sure do.

Nothing at all because liberal babies and eroders of western civilization are the ones who try to discredit people who say things that true but not nice.

The libtard psychosis will eventually turn the swing voters either off completely or onto Trump.

Let them sing - Cpt Ramius

hes a fat fuck cuck

you are aware you're on Sup Forums, right now..right?

who is that guy?
why is he wearing lipstick

it is stupid and subversive according to the theory of pol it is a kike.

>my wife's son was watching