Build wall, goyim!
Israeli construction company eyeing Trump's wall contract
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Everything is under control
Dude stfu you're going to blow our cover
You're mortal, shut the fuck up.
What cover? I only see a BIG beautiful wall.
Why don't you build one too?
No matter the circumstances, the Jews will always try to make a shekel.
I'd rather have them build it so you can accuse any of its critics as anti-semites.
We are and you get to say away from us isn't that great!
I don't have to smell your dirty Jew balls anymore.
>Why don't you build one too?
We want to, but George Soros doesn't want that. He has this ideology that walls/borders are the problem. Tell Bibi to Mossad him already.
Is money Jewish kryptonite?
Jews NEVER lose
too bad I have an american passport,see ya next week goy
Israel has been compromised by terrorist. Think again Chaim
spill the beans matt.
This is to keep us in and keep the goys under control huh?
Sorry,I would but I'm just an intelligence officer in the idf. But if you build a border won't it make the spics to try harder to get in?
Truly our greatest ally
nah. I'm not religious,I just want to finish the army and live my life
Even when the jews lose, they make shekels
Then that will push us to develop even greater defensive measures. Automated turrets set to kill within 100 ft when?
The harder the better.
It must feel pretty fucking good to live in Israel these days as an actual, not ugly kike, controlling the western world from the shadows while living in bliss.
Doubt something like that will happen,be logical.
How do you keep your mudskins from breaching the wall?
Not everyone here is orthodox. I dont like them,the majority in Israel are jews who don't follow 100% religion like the crazy orthodox
Multiple patrols around the border,and rubber bullets. sometimes even ruger
There you go, completely feasible. Do you have people trying to tunnel under?
What if it's a Jew-built wall to keep us trapped INSIDE America?
The orthodox Jews living in the US are fucking disgusting and control everything.
I've always felt like people who actually live in Israel just love all the freebies. Not to mention kikes living in the US are ugly as sin. You genuine, sandpaper skin kikes are at least decent on the eyes.
Also, thanks for the gift of the Jericho pistols.
Eyup,that's a serious problem,we are trying to develop something idk to detect tunnels underground and then we send an hellfire missile. it can and will happen in the US if the wall will be built
Ever heard of an airplane dummy, or tunnels
We don't like the orthodox,throw them to the spics they're useless and basically annoying imo.
Ron Paul actually raised this point once when he said he was against a wall.
They keep finding El Chapo's tunnels using air and space imaging.
Genuinely, I always kind of liked what Israel has become, even if the steps we took to get there basically created this whole shitstorm in the middle easy, if I'm paraphrasing.
Have you been to the US? The Jews here are worse than the fucking gay community.
>The nu/shit/ shills will tell us all about how great this is and how we should love Israel and jews
You are really retarded to even think about that,you're building a wall with the Mexico border not around the US.
Pornography is strictly forbidden on Sup Forums.
What if you build the wall in a 15 ft trench?
Jews have nice concrete, but I like what the Saudis are doing too. Dat radar, dem sensors.
Also, the South Koreans literally have remote-controlled .50-cal. machine gun turrets on their walls.
Truly greatest ally. I wonder if they can help us with a sea wall. I see too many Somalis in my neighbourhood.
Sheklers gonna shekle but they build a damn fine wall
Don't start... the Jews in the use are different like a fuckin retarded ape lefty shit. I'm genuinely sorry for the suffering but the Jews you know aren't the kind of Jews in Israel. as I said,take them with the nignogs and throw them to Mexico.
there is a god
and israel is his people
not the country i mean the names in the book of life
Fuck them both, but at least "actual" Israelis aren't as ugly as our kikes.
Thats a nice post hes got there
be a shame if someone were to report it...
>doesn't like the orthodox
>they're the only thing keeping the israeli population from becoming majority muslim in a generation.
sure whatever you say man. go back to tel aviv
Seawall? just put you're navy around and destroy those black pirates
remote controlled 50 cal
Stop I can only get so errect
The orthodox are a minority.
Yes please
Jew tech walls are top shelf
>Trump replies
>No, Americans are building this wall. We aren't exporting labour again, that's why the wall's being built in the first place.
One can hope.
They do good work so I approve. Although Trump needs to negotiate with those crafty bastards so we don't get screwed.
Trust me, I know it, but you still don't deserve that land.
Good on you guys for keeping it though. Keeping expanding them borders, just do it without our help.
Also, keep importing your cool guns to the US, but keep the Tavor over there.
Hey Mat.
Will you help us a build a wall when the Western Cape eventually secedes from the rest of South Africa?
Also, since you're in the army - are you doing combat?
Thats what we are using. even better. don't expect to find the real walls in Google images mate.
Is that where most white people live??
Doesn't look very pretty though, I've always imagined it being a tourist attraction so it has to be bigger & more magnificent with restaurants constructed inside the wall and stuff.
Hey,dude I'm just a normal soldier, not a politician... if it was up to me I don't see why not. I'm an intelligence officer but yes I do combat.
>Jews want to ruin America with immigrants
>Jews can make a fortune building a wall
The Jew may have an agenda and he may be crafty, but at the end of the day, he'll always follow the money.
> don't deserve the land
mmmkay abdoolah, mmmmmkay
But how america will hande the (((secret))) tunnels?
seriously that shit is scary
I think Western Cape has about a million last I checked, while Gauteng had just under two million.
Thanks. Keep up the good work and MAGA (Make Gaza Great Again).
whereas you stormniggers will always follow your sister
"racial purity" you call it
Twitchfag pls go
Secret hint: we have walls now
We also have game wardens, police, sherrif's, border guards, military, and millitia on the border. With hundreds of miles of walls and fences. Not to mention water boarders patroled 24/7
Also... guns guns guns
There will be no new wall lol. It's the same when trump had no idea that the Ukraine was previously invaded.
Trump will not be elected. I can't wait to browse this board of recentcunts after the election.
It's gonna be all about election/voter fraud. Hanging chads
This. The Saudi-Iraq border is closer to the US-Mexico border than Israel-Palestine.
The turrets are overkill for dealing with illegals
This is like ultimate cancer hills guys. They are taking out love for the inevitable wall and pinning it with Israel.
Hey Aus,
Personally I don't think that the Jews in Israel are the same outside. as I said earlier. and not all the Jews are rich. yes there are a lot of rich Jews in America who actually may be in control of something. I respect you're opinions just letting you know.
>tfw you should choose between open borders and shekels
fuck that they will charge us $6 GORRILLION to build it
Twitchfag recognize twitchfag
>build wall
>only need half the men to patrol border
>other half can run sorties into cartel territory and locate tunnels
It's not that hard
Actually I'm a moderate and not even remotely racist. I just don't trust kikes.
Kikes are not a race. They just pretend to be so they can make themselves immune to public criticism.
8 Arms
This, no one could criticize it. Leftists btfo'd
Fuck that, we need to turn the beaners into Swiss cheese.
Bad habit I guess.
oy gevalt
You aren't the only one who doesn't trust. I don't trust the orthodox,Kek I remember I bought a cheeseburger in macdonalds and got cussed by an orthodox
Yes. But they can nepotize when it is most important or when the high Jews command it with absolution. They hivemind well.
>Actually I'm a moderate and not even remotely racist.
>I just don't trust kikes.
gl famala
>"""neutral stance on Israel"""
What ever happened to this?
the actual statement was along the lines of "walls work both ways". i don't think anyone was saying it was intentionally keeping americans from entering mexico
Stop shitting up the board, you fucking human garbage. This board has enough shitposting to deal with.
Por que Los estados unidos de odian tanto?
You know, if the jews didn't try to antagonize us for securing our sovereignty they'd be a lot less hated here.
This is a step in the right direction but I still want the Mexicans to pay the tab.