post movies that deserve all the praise
Post movies that deserve all the praise
Now that I think about it I haven't seen a single Ghilbi movie beside the Nagasaki one. Which are essentials?
Mononoke's castle, spirited away are the top two IMO. Still haven't seen most of them though, so take that with a grain of salt. I also hear Porch Rosso is top tier
this is probably one of the only forms of media that i really so strongly feel the thing that goes "I will never watch this for the first time again."
it is an incredible movie and i wish i could feel the way i felt when i saw this more often..
you think this is a fucking game?
3h45m and I was never once bored. O'Toole is a fucking legend and anyone who doesn't like this movie is probably a pleb and/or a woman. Literally no flaws.
It'd be easier to tell you which ones to skip.
You can skip Kiki's Delivery Service and The Wind Rises, watch everything else.
Watching this recently also reminded me how much they overuse filters in films now. All the colors in this just pop in a really pleasant, natural way. Not how most films now are really garish or drab.
I can agree too, this movie is transcendental.
Most of them are fantastic, really.
All of Miyazaki's work is garbage
It's always some wild goose chase that doesn't go anywhere and never pays off, just a bunch of visuals for kids and manchildren.
Have a fan of his try to even explain the plot without saying some bullshit about the visuals or 'oh you just have to see it.'
Miyazaki is a pretentious hack, normalfaggots praise him because they don't know any better
t. Butthurt weebs
I lost interest somewhere in the second half.
whats wrong with the wind rises?
don't listen to this absolute retard
watch them all
butthurt webs were a mistake
Honestly, what is better? Beside Angel's Egg, Midori, Texhnolyze, Monster, Evangelion, Bebop and everythin by based Kon I can't really think of any anime that could be considered as this artsy as Miyazaki.
lack of computers in film industry. They did filters back in the day, but only when they really need it. Nowadays studios even put filters ON OLDER film so you have to watch out on these bluray releases. They recently put a piss filter on the good bad and ugly.