A presentation about the fall of the Roman Empire, focusing on the parallels between it and the current decadence of Western societies.
We'll fall just like Rome if we don't wake the fuck up, RIGHT NOW.
A presentation about the fall of the Roman Empire, focusing on the parallels between it and the current decadence of Western societies.
We'll fall just like Rome if we don't wake the fuck up, RIGHT NOW.
I listened to the first hour of this at work. Been waiting for it for weeks now. 10/10
I have no desire to listen to it
You think I have time to read all that!?
I hate podcasts, there is so much unnecessary shit. Why don't people write fucking essays anymore, we spent like 8 centuries perfecting them to be free of any superfluous bullshit, well structured so as to be easily intelligible, and even elegant in their various types of progression.
Now we have idiotic articles, unreadable post(postpostpost)modernist jargon filled schizophrenias, and fucking rambling videos of people spouting incoherent messes of ideology.
Yes, just not the desire.
people are corrupted by wealth
Romans werent white tho, dog. And neither are you
Why don't you watch 5 minutes of the video before accusing it of all of that shit, you dumbass? It's not like that at all
The values that got you your freedoms and your wealth and your technology are the same values that originated in Rome. Why are you talking about whiteness? And what does that have to do with my race? Besides, I'm actually white, so shut the fuck up.
they were european and closely related to european populations. begone nigger
If you want an essay in a similar vein, lookup "The Fate of Empires" by John Glubb. I'm pretty sure Molly based his podcast on it
That looks interesting, but he is wrong that no such cyclical view of history has occurred to us. Even in the mainstream there's Toynbee, and outside of it the much more interesting and incredible Spenger
Will read at least the beginning anyway though, thank you user
People are too lazy to read Twitter posts, do you really expect them to sit down and read an essay?
The world now is fast, so people read fast, and eat fast and fuck fast and anything that takes an ounce of effort to do or takes a little longer than normal is ignored.
actually is quite interesting, this 250 year concept is new to me
rome never fell
>whats east and west empire
>putin is new byzintine empire
>this 250 year concept is new to me
older than that
I mean he views history in 250 year chunks of empire, each existing only in a specific region. this is a lot like Spengler, but it is inside of the much larger civilizaitons Spengler envisioned
Also a bit reminiscent of Caroll Quigley, who attacked the problem from the most scientific of perspectives and came to the same broad conclusions as Spengler.
This is clearly more modern and a different historical schema though
ah my mistake, I've seen that before. They both make some convenient divisions.
Also, I don't care what Stefan Molyjew has to say about anything, and neither should you. All he does is preach docile libertarian nonsense to influence the average white person into becoming some kind of cuckold.
your image posts in the beginning of the thread are hilariously relevant to the modern situation
Anybody you'd recommend other than ancient philosophers and politicians?
They are all I really focus on.
he is more recent.
Do you have any arguments against him? Could you point me to 1 podcast where he tried to influence people to be cucks?
>They are all I really focus on.
I mean why. There were many geniuses in the past, but we have the possibility to see much further than them due to progress in all sorts of spheres of civilization. Is it just a personal fascination?
How does Stefan know I listen to him as background while playing video games?
>but we have the possibility to see much further than them due to progress in all sorts of spheres of civilization.
What else has been added? Modern scholars either draw from the same people or try to craft their own theories that don't seem to be valid.
>Is it just a personal fascination?