US War With China Imminent!!

China blocks US Carrier Group access to Hong Kong Port

China is pissed at US and blames us for Hong Kong push for independence

China vows to prosecute all trespassers to the South China Sea

China holds live fire exercise in East China Sea

Chinese government tells military, police and citizens to prepare for "war on water"

Obama is operating under the assumption that we get to make the rules in the region, not China
"“America should write the rules. America should call the shots. Other countries should play by the rules that America and our partners set, and not the other way around,”

US Sends combat ready B1 bombers to pacific

Other urls found in this thread:

This is why we need a cool head and seasoned politician like Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office.

That's why #imwithher now

how much you gettin paid? I kinda want in on the action.

>China is pissed at US and blames us for Hong Kong push for independence
Holy shit Mainland chinks are retarded. Maybe Han Hong Kongers want independence because they don't like Communism and they hate Mainlanders. They saw what Marxism has done to China, maybe they just don't want it in Hong Kong.
Fucking ChiComs.

>tfw your workplace is where you husband got blowjob some years ago.

>Hillary Clinton
>Cool head

Tell that to Baghdad and Damascus.

>implying Hillary can feel enough of a connection with a human being to care

This ruskie made me spill my whiskey



Seriously I could use the money


>>US War With China Imminent
Our economies rely on eachother

Top kek
Well played ivan

Double shot of internets to you tovaritsch!

>implying Obongo wont back down.
Nigger wants a second nobel peace prize.

>Nigger wants a second nobel peace prize.
Ironic considering things are a lot less stable and way more violent than 8 years ago.

They said that before wwI and they said it again before wwII.

happens every year

I wanna see this used in debate or on donalds twitter

Well, if you actually pay attention to your country's policies...

You are to blame for a lot of independence or revolutionary movements, take a look at Mexico's independence and revolution war, or to Simón Bolivar's crusade...

Hahaha, no. We suck China's dick too hard to go to war with them.

We couldn't continue to produce any of our modern weapons systems without their parts.

US economy DOES NOT rely on China
Jesus fuck...
70% of our GDP comes from internal consumption while only 16% comes from imports.
That means its only a matter of time before Burma starts making our iPhones. No big deal.

Actually I remember us almost getting into a war with China back when I was a senior in high school. A Chinese jet crashed into one of our spy planes and the plane was forced to land on Hainan Island without clearance.

>We couldn't continue to produce any of our modern weapons systems without their parts.
How long would it take to change that?
3 months?
6 months?
Seems like YOU'RE the one sucking China's dick.

I was part of the strike group recently in the SCS and was denied entry to HK, ask me anything.

Yes I was fucking pissed we got denied, I had just reserved a hotel and made plans to meet up with family in town. Fucking indian givers.

Yes China got to come to RIMPAC. More annoying than anything.

Find a piece of tech in your house not made in china?

Little kids are working 8 hours a day so you can play angrybirds on your iphone.

youre alright user

our economies are entirely dependent on each other.

never going to happen

>blames us for Hong Kong push for independence
Yes and they know we're funding the Tibetans and the Uyghurs and a hundred other groups too.

He's wrong in any case: all military procurements are required by law to be sourced by American companies all the way down, so that a trade embargo doesn't threaten our supply chain.

All weapons systems are completely 100% american.

>there are people in this thread that actually think a war of violence between China and America can happen.

The only kind of wars that can be fought these days among big nations are trade wars, and China is winning. This is why we need Trump and not Hilary.

ty obama
ty jews
ty yellow jews

>implying you aren't

fucking yankees

that is because of shit trade deals
because of kike bankers

im shaking right now

I'm starting to love you Russians more and more

I for one welcome our new leader Xi Jingping

>implying he's not better than Hillary
>implying Canada is not already owned by the Chinese

Wtf I'm now #MentallyHill


my chopsticks

ironically, all chopsticks are made in the Americas

you can stop fantasizing about taylor swift being a white pride gal

she was cucked my Kanye for c.sake

Low grade b8 m8

Maybe she can bring the same stability here that she brought to Libya.

Wtf i still love russians now!

I hope Hilary gets paid only 77% what Bill made when he was president.

I hope Trump uses this.

>not wanting war with China

What an absolute fucking faggot.
China will be the world leader in a couple decades meanwhile America continues its slow decay. I'd rather see a full on war right now so we can either assert supremacy or lose it forever.
Personally I'd love to Rekt chinks, I'll gladly get drafted

How did China tell you to fuck off?

>women handling stressful situations
This is what CTR actually believes

Not fair. The CIA did in fact fund the Uighy... Yoghurts' voyage from China to Turkey with Thailand as a transit point. And when they got caught and deported, the few left behind were encouraged by the CIA to bomb the shopping mall god shrine.

Oh, and the Yoghurts practice polyamory, breeding nonstop like the turkroaches they are.


Meh much like North Korea unless they start moving soldiers around it's all a bunch of small dick waving.

They revoked permission for us to enter port through the State dept, then it came to us via our chain of command. I heard on the 1MC from the admiral directly and nearly kicked the bulkhead. For the next few days there was a lot of scuttlebutt talk about fucking with them but obviously we never did anything about it.

[spoiler]Trump would have fucking done something about it.

Hong Kong in flames, I can't wait.

oh shit going down in weeb vil time for weeb fight music
it was on the street fighter 2 animated movie sound track

>Trade war with china would do anything but hurt American business

Out sourced manufacturing is already moving to cheaper countries like Vietnam. China's bubble has made it hard to find returns so they're looking to invest in the US looking to buy companies and spend money. POTUS and congress can block deals if China doesn't play nice and effectively stall their attempts at growth.

We should've nuked you in the 50's when we had the chance but Truman was a little bitch
If this war thing happens I'm enlisting the very next day

I'm surprised it took Hong Kong this long to figure out they should go independent. Should've started this before china took them back.

China's economy is basically fueled by the US. US is both number one buyer, investment and seller in China. Yes US economy will go into recession but China's will melt down.

All US has to do is nationalize all Chinese holdings and confiscate all Chinese bank accounts and instant China rioting and civil war.

this is what hillary, soros and co want. Global war with russia, china and iran you tool.


you don't think this is what fbi poster was alluding to when he said ''u.s. operations in other countries that will lead them declaring war on us''?

>$0.60 has been added to your account

If it comes to that, the war will come to you before that happens (along with everyone else)

kek, almost spat out my coffee

Now that's what I call bantz

How is the Stennis doing?

ot any neat pics I can add to my United States Navy folder?


These countries wont go to war...
Besides, would anyone in the U.S. want to even fight a war in the Pacific over some territory that doesn't belong to us in the first place? We will be the bad guys.

>will be
Nigger, you are the bad guy, that's why 99% of the world fucking DESPISES you.

This sounds like something someone with brown skin that used to live in a desert would say.