First and foremost I would get my troops to head to Syria, and fight along the Pro-Assad forces, the first goal would be Aleppo, capture it quickly and ensure that collateral damage is minimal, then recapture all of Syria for pro-Assad forces, this would send a clear message to all would be world superpowers, and with a military of 20 million strong and superiour troops, you could gurantee the US, China, India and Russia, UK etc. would have some pretty rustled jimmies, but I would not be around to make friends, my next goal would be all countries with Sharia law, I would use the sucess of my troops within Syria as an example of what could happen to their countries if they do not drop their vile system.
This would obviously trigger SJW's and Hillary, but again, with a military bigger than China's, Indias and the US combined is really would not give a shit.
Any countries which had not dumped Sharia would be invaded, and any would be rebels thrown into re-education camps.
My next goal would be Africa, I would send in my troops to invade and remove all corupt Governments, ridding poverty and crime would be a goal, but with 20 million 'genetically superior' a few thugs and would be rebels would certainly not be a problem.
After this, it would be a matter of getting all Muslims to live in Muslims countries, all Africans in African countries etc. after they have been made safe.
After all of these goals are met, I would simply use my military as a world police force, stomping out degeneracy wherever it appears.
Then I would declare that I am loyal to Trump, and use my troops TO BUILD THE WALL.