This motherfucker is unhinged. Wtf have you people done?
Did he willingly just admit to treason? Giving out any classified information, even if incredibly vague, is against the law.
It's a good thing we can trust Hillary with classified information then.
>Giving out any classified information, even if incredibly vague, is against the law.
I think it's actually just a case of some carelessness.
Isn't that right Director Comey???
He committed treason when he asked the Russians to look at Hillary's e-mails.
Hillary proved it isnt
can you prove intent?
can you prove intent?
So classified I saw stills of it on Sup Forums
did people forget it was aired on Iranian TV?
Hillary committed treason when she installed a private email server in her home against specific protocols of the United States government.
He didn't ask for them to look through them,he was just playing along as if saying "if you got them show the world"
>brags about watching classified material
What's the problem exactly?
Does it really matter?
I mean, he didn't know. Legally, there is precedence here.
Well, good thing Trump is the only one with controversy about classified materi--wait a minute.
I like how all the shitlibs are suddently concerned with state security.
Maybe Trump should start talking about embrasing socialism and diversity, so they start supporting capitalism.
Cant prove intent
Oh come on, even members of Congress use private email servers, more specifically, Trey Gowdy.
Those her personal emails. Just wedding plans she swears.
Nah it's cool I tweeted when I read my first portion marked document, I too felt elite.
I knew it. He was a plant all along.
This is actually interesting
Iran nuclear activity?
We all know Obama will be covering that up big time
I don't think Hillary would overlook such if she was in
It was pretty fucking obvious the whole time, wasn't it?
So why are Americans so infatuated with a two party system that they're willing to elect criminals as president?
what is wrong with them having nukes
Did he brag about the material or just that he finally got clearance?
Yeah man, I mean satellites can wirelessly deactivate the atoms. It's no big deal.
If it was shown on TV its not classified, people just like to look for more reasons to hate him
This isn't treason, treason is aiding the enemy.
This isn't treason either, and I don't think it's even illegal in and of itself (without being able to demonstrate she knew that it must be secured and set it up in spite of that). It is however incredibly reckless. It was a crime when she told a staffer to send classified documents through an unclassified channel in one of the e-mails.
>can't trust hillary with classified info
>can't trust trump with classified info
wtf i love jill stein now
5th dimensional speed go in action. Trump will admit he was trolling to bring the focus on Hillary actually exposing secret information
If it's incredibly vague then chances are it's unclassified or some form of CUI.
it's pretty pathetic to brag about some shit your opponent also has access to
This is amazing.
The American people want to know the real scoop... not shillary UFO red herrings and more bullshit.
Every mind in America wants to know what he knows, and they'll vote for him if they think he'll reveal a glimpse of how fucked our failed leadership really is.
The last year has played out almost directly out of a script.
>other treasonous snakes do it so it is okay guys!
OP just gets his news by reading headlines, clearly.
>giving away secrets?
We're not obsessed with the two party system per se it's just a byproduct of the way we have structured our elections. Electoral votes from states are still generally winner-takes-all which heavily rewards a two party system. Additionally there is no provision for proportional representation in our legislature (elected officials are strictly local).
Basically any time a third party starts to rise the other two parties shriek at it and desperately beat it down for fear they won't be able to hit their magical 50.1% target. Unless of course the third party could rise strong enough and fast enough to eat one of the existing parties which hasn't happened in, like, 150 years.
HES PERFECT. Plz more threads titles like this CTR
Link? It's been years since I felt elite.
Shills, and LOTS OF EM!
>Unless of course the third party could rise strong enough and fast enough to eat one of the existing parties which hasn't happened in, like, 150 years.
From my understanding that generally only takes votes away from one party, so there needs to be two major 3rd party candidates that split each of the original parties.
No intent? No indictment.
>t. Comey
I hate this guy.
He will doom this nation
Thanks for the answer, it makes a lot more sense now.
why are those banks contributing so much less than in 2008? because victory now is assured?
At this point, what difference does it make?
Like he said he can shoot user in the street and still get the vote.
The problem with third parties is that they go about this shit backwards. They try for the presidency, and give up their resources for the local elections. Win local elections, in local government, move on to state government, then the federal government.
That's from a fox news video from Geneva on Jan. 17
>4D chess
Liberals are taking the bate which will only shed more light on the actual crimes Hillary committed.
And the 86D chess continues...
>implying he even watched a video
But those liberal shills just can't help themselves.
Its ok he can just use the Hillary Clinton defense.
He didn't intend to do it.
Long live Emperor Trump
>not president yet
>already cleared for classified material
Or more likely it's just another trap.
No, you are both entirely wrong.
I hate Trump but he has not committed the crime of Treason. That is a word with a specific meaning in criminal law, not that you would know anything about the things you say, but just in case you were curious, Trump has not committed Treason.
He is treasonous, seditious, poses a danger to the country, a walking moral hazard, a human hurricane of filth and hypocrisy, a bitch, all kinds of things. He probably has committed a lot of crimes related to fraud. But he has not committed Treason.
in the last 24 hours:
In a Washington Post interview, Trump declined to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan against his primary challenger
He reiterated that he hasn't endorsed Sen. John McCain and said the onetime prisoner of war "has not done a good job for the vets"
He slapped out at Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte, saying "she has given me zero support"
He suggested that Americans should pull their 401(k) funds out of the stock market
He said he's "always wanted" to receive a Purple Heart but that having one gifted to him by a supporter was "much easier"
He said that the handling of sexual harassment has "got to be up to the individual"
He accused Khizr Khan of being "bothered" by his plan to keep terrorists out of the country, and said that he had no regrets about his clash with the family
He appeared to feud with a crying baby during a rally
He reiterated that "if the election is rigged, I would not be surprised"
The sitting president of the United States publicly called Trump "unfit to serve" and urged Republicans to withdraw their support for him.
Trump spokesman Katrina Pierson suggested that Obama and Clinton are to blame for the death of Humayan Khan, who died in 2004, when neither were in the executive branch at the time
An ally of Paul Manafort told our colleague John Harwood at CNBC that the campaign chairman is "mailing it in," leaving the rest of the staff "suicidal."
Sitting GOP congressman Richard Hanna, HP head Meg Whitman and former Christie aide Maria Comella all said they plan to vote for Hillary Clinton
The Washington Post released a transcript of its full interview with Trump, indicating among other things that he paused five times to watch TV coverage in the middle of the sit-down
A GOP source told NBC's Katy Tur that Reince Priebus is "apoplectic" over Trump's refusal to endorse Ryan and is making calls to the campaign to express his "extreme displeasure"
He asked the Russians to turn over the emails to the FBI if they had them.
>I can make shit up haha no don't ask for proof haha isn't it obvious?
The election isn't over yet.
He's actually using a tripcode on Sup Forums
Don't worry, new hire probably thinks those elite Sup Forums accounts are proof of highly trusted posters.
All of those things rule.
literally 0% of this is bad
President already declared him unfit. He's at 1% black support, 3% latino support. Romney lost with 13% black support.
I don't like saying this but Trump is finished
Saged and hidden.
You might be anti-establishment, but most of the country disagrees, and insulting gold star families in a country that ripped John Kerry to shreds for tossing his purple heart on the WH lawn, yeah Trump stuck his dick in a hornet's nest.
DNC is no longer my best friend. Now I am best friends with Putin
Putin and America Best Friends Forever
Hillary had political problems with a US ambassador and refused to send in reinforcements. She killed him
She's also killed two political opponents in the past month
>The Washington Post released a transcript of its full interview with Trump, indicating among other things that he paused five times to watch TV coverage in the middle of the sit-down
>getting your information from the news shows
That's it I'm now a #JebHead
don't care lol
he should put the video up on the arena screen
in fact keeping seekrits is pure faggotry and enables kikes
we are strong enough to act in the open.
100% Sup Forums got played like a bunch of morons
kys.. moron
Yup.. I'm done with Sup Forums. I'm ashamed of the time I've spent conversing with these imbeciles.
Bill Clinton signed a treaty that allows russia to assist in US criminal matters.
It's not treason, and is entirely legal.
Just suck eachothers cocks already, god damn
It's cute how easy it is to recognize a kikepaid shill. It's like you think your constant use of the same adshekel keywords are at all subtle...
Ignorance is no defense for breaking the law.
No one who leaves anywhere actually anounces it you fucking drama queen. You're not going anywhere. You had nothing to say but you still needed attention. So you stamped your wittle feet and huffed and puffed.
People looked at you. Now, do you feel better?
I wish your parents had never childproofed their home.
Thank you russbro
But he didn't intend anything bad, doesn't matter.
How long before he redpills everyone on the JQ?
gas all leafs you guys are worse then the jews
Officer can you prove that I was intentionally speeding and not just carelessly driving? I believe Director Comey set precedent...
Maybe you should ask Hillary. She seems to get away with handing out SAP's like it's fucking Black Friday.
Different world, user.
Millennials and leftists don't give a flying fuck about veterans. They're all evil murderers in their eyes.
People voting for Trump are gonna do it anyways. Doesn't matter what he says to that uppity sandnigger.
Exactly what I was thinking. Same thing happened with the whole gun violence ordeal around '09/10... Libs then: "Cops should be the only ones to have guns!"
Now: "Cops shouldn't have any guns!"