Did he actually do anything wrong?
Did he actually do anything wrong?
He created too many jobs.
>leafs think presidents can create jobs
He helped Syria and Libya get into a clusterfuck
Private sector thrives under Democrats, crashes under Republicans.
Have you learned nothing?
Why do right wing retards always care more about 3rd world shitholes than their own country. Also why do you hate America so much?
>Did he actually do anything
Fixed that for you, and the answer is "No he sat on his ass and did nothing for his entire presidency."
So what? What kind of jobs are we talking about?
Is a job created at McDonalds the same as one working for a bank or a law firm?
>"If I had a son he would look like Trayvon"
Thanks for correcting the record!
>Is a job created at McDonalds the same as one working for a bank or a law firm?
All jobs that right wing retards are unqualified for.
Can't wait for this Friday. New jobs report. New charts!
Did Obama legalize weed?
I think not
We're in a world defined by global politics-- what happens in that shithole will inadvertently affect us because the government wants to dick around with poor sand niggers.
BTW TPP is great, keep up the good work Obama
Contrary to pol belief. Obama is a black man, not a nigger. Social democracy is what is best for all.
It's a trend that, under a democratic president, there's a republican congress and vice versa. I don't know if you knew this but the congress passes a budget (it has to be approved by the president but most of the work lies with congress). I'm not sure if you're just ignorant or pretending for the sake of the argument but either way please off yourself.
So you can't be mad at him if there are no jobs
>It's a trend that, under a democratic president, there's a republican congress and vice versa.
I love how right wing retards are so young that they automatically assume that Congress is of the opposite party of the president.
Where did this right wing retard meme come from?
Also, the do nothing Republicans promised me Obamacare would be a job killer. Instead we've had the longest job creation streak in American history.
lol good point
He was simultaneously a ruthless dictator pushing the leftist agenda and a weak ineffective leader. Pretty impressive imo.
I Iove how you're so retarded you think that all right we people are young. As for obamacare its pushed up premiums and in the long run will provide piss poor service, just like the NHS in the uk, but keep coming on Sup Forums to call people retards, you'll go far in life. By any chance do you have a shitty job? Are you salty that you earn fuck all so you feel the need to attack people who expect you to work for yourself? I guess it must feel bad knowing you'll never make anything of yourself unless you can take other people's tax dollars
A president can hinder private sector job creation, but can't actually create jobs in the private sector.
Right wing retards and the do nothing Republicans trashed the Obama economy for 7 years. Now you're trying to claim the economy is good and it's thanks to the Republicans. Think (if you can) about how autistic you are.
Best thing about Obama is HIllary's emails about him.
Pelosi said dealing with Obama in 2009 was like 'dealing with the junior senator from Chicago' in other words he had no clue what the fuck he was doing.
Now Obama is shilling 'you need experience to be President' guess he would know.
Tell me where i said that either the economy was good or that it's down to republicans... This should be interesting
Notice you avoided my other question about what you do for a living, not getting any pussy user? Have to cry and make up bullshit on Sup Forums?
>Notice you avoided my other question about what you do for a living, not getting any pussy user? Have to cry and make up bullshit on Sup Forums?
I get more pussy than you could possibly imagine. I'm a fucking legend at Soros HQ.
>Tell me where i said that either the economy was good or that it's down to republicans... This should be interesting
Make up your fucking mind.
The population of the united states is growing, so jobs can be created, but unemployment can rise. Unemployment rates, welfare stats, and the median hourly wage are better indicators of economic health than job creation.
When? Today?
Today alone he set a presidential record of signing the greatest number of pardons in a single day.
All measures from U3 to U6 have plummeted under Obama. Job creation is way beyond population growth. Babies don't need jobs. 10,000 boomers are retiring everyday.
That picture clearly says the economy added the jobs, not Obama
Avoided answering again? Should have guessed you were an autist. I like your little soros joke but we both know you're a loser whose deeply embarrassed that his life isn't going anywhere
>implying presidential actions have immediate effect
>implying you couldn't just as easily claim the republican presidents enacted legislation that benefited the economy over the course of a few years
>implying this data has anything to do with the president
Lol nice projection. I'm not the right wing retard crying about muh 42% unemployment rate.
Race baiting is an all-time high thanks to him.
Bypassed the 10th amendment and doomed culture and humanity for eternity.
Which puts him just barely over the least amount of presidential pardons in recent history. Obama is just not a very pardoning president.
he allowed an Islamic horde to reign terror on the world for years while screwing with the countries who tried to stop it
Trippled health insurance cost
Trippled Bush's debt
Still at war
Encouraged the decline of race relations
Did literally nothing for black people
he didn't really do anything unexpected but what was expected was pretty retarded
Is that because of him, or because of the last few holdouts on racism are reacting badly to losing?
Nope, you're the left wing retard coming to Sup Forums to claim things that you know are bullshit, then when you get called out you avoid answering like a pussy. I'm still waiting for you to tell me where I said that the economy was doing well and that it was because of the republicans. Carry on leaf user, one day your shit posting will get you some pussy
Told the USA people it happened because of a video.
Nothing worse than any other president. People honestly just expected too much from him, especially the minority groups.
Heroin use in America rose 400% during his 8 years in office.
I guess since Homelessness in America rose over 500% while he's been in office, people have to get high to endure their misery.
He ran as "not Dumbya," then tried to invade a Middle Eastern country with a speech illustrated by a vial of talcum powder, like Dumbya, but the military told him to kick rocks.
Most pardons come in the final days you fucking idiot.
If I had nine trillion dollar in loan money to spend, I could make a lot of jobs in the private sector.
>Same Canadian shitposter in every thread
this only makes me stronger
>Nope, you're the left wing retard coming to Sup Forums to claim things that you know are bullshit, then when you get called out you avoid answering like a pussy.
Except you don't have 1 example. I come here and tell the truth and redpill you right wing retards and you can't handle it.
All you can do is keep asking retarded questions.
Honestly heroin use has likely spiked because of Dubya's unseating of the Taliban, a 900% growth in Afghani poppy production protected by US military, and has only been aided by Dubya's and Obongo's basically open-borders policies.
I personally believe the heroin epidemic is largely Dubya's baby.
get filterd, samefag
also filtered OP
also sage :^)
That is patently untrue. In a few cases (such as with Bill Clinton) you see a moderate surge at the end, but even in his extreme case it's barely a fourth of his total pardons.
Why do you feel the need to make up facts that are SO EASY to check?
>except you don't have 1 example.
I keep giving you the example, are you blind as well as retarded?
Tell me where I said that the economy was doing well and it was because of the republicans
Tell you what, I'll save you some time by pointing out that you're going to avoid answering yet again because you can't, so instead you'll claim that you can't be proven wrong because you don't answer what's been asked
What's the matter? Gunna claim it's a retarded question because you can't answer?
By the way, Obama 's had a lower rate of recovery than the average recession going back to the 60's, (his was 2.2% and the average is 2.9% - Reagan's was 4.9%)
Muh democrats give me free shit that I can't earn on my own, how else am I suppose to get womyns
Hang on, do you actually screen cap when people give you praise? Mummy didn't love you much? It's all starting to make sense
>Let print infinite money what is the worst thing tvat could happen?
Ever notice every time we have an Obama thread, there is always this random Canadian who defends him? Every single time.
It's actually caused by recent regulations against opiod-based medications, from a few years ago.
>Tell me where I said that the economy was doing well and it was because of the republicans
Like I said, you keep asking the same retarded question over and over. What's your point then? What's your defense? That you actually that the Obama economy is doing well. You're just fucking yourself over. This is me getting stumped? You asking a retarded question. Pathetic.
I love how you're still in this thread, waiting for my every reply. Meanwhile I'm already triggering right wing retards in other threads.
The dollar will just keep getting stronger.
You seriously believe opening borders and expanding welfare and taxes on the dying middle class is going to help the economy?
Lol, when you've finished sucking Trudeau's dick will you get him to put it in writing so you can show the rest of us? Is this your greatest achievement in life?
Do you not believe in saving money?
this kid is mad
holy shit who made this? the national debt was not 6.3T when obama took office.
Yeah I do believe in saving money. That's why Obama is the slowest spender since Eisenhower.
No. Obama didn't really accomplish anything good or bad during his presidency.
And yet when these new jobs are created they're not given to US citizens they're going to h1b slaves
He didn't do nuffin to be honest
Almost like the costs of Bush's wars, tax cuts and fuckups don't stop as soon as he leaves office. Really makes you think...
Find my a left leaning party that does not support bringing 3rd worlders over in droves and I swear i'll vote for them.
I like the the Democrats are the party of the global 1% AND wall street. Since that is the only messure of success you can find. which that is a QE anyways. Wages for the avg. Americans have gone nowhere in decades. Thanks OBAMA for the mc-jobs and billions for silicon valley and wallstreet.
Mostly to American citizens but you're right that Trump loves bringing in cheap foreigners.
He did nothing wrong unless you can prove intent that he wanted to do wrong.
Any time the name is a precious mineral, it's jewish
Find me.*
You claim a bunch of bullshit that isn't true, I call you out on it, you get triggered because you're desperate to not be wrong so you keep avoiding my question to your obvious bullshit, then claim I'm fucking myself over, nice.
P.S. A: I'm not just in this thread
B: you are in this thread replying to me just as I am to you
C: admitting that you're trying to trigger "right-wing retards" on Sup Forums is deeply embarrassing.
Also, remind me again why Obama has had such a poor recovery, compared to the right wing retard Reagan
He made a lot of late night show appearances
conservatives are always worse in this regard. they can't resist the cheap labor.
he's evil
Mate you always do a good job.
Yeah, I figured you're just baiting us.
people here on visas aren't citizens, they're working here because company's rather save a dime than the time needed to train
>Did he actually do anything wrong?
Showed up for "work".
I'm just jelly because kids on /pol don't form my emotional foundation
>You claim a bunch of bullshit that isn't true, I call you out on it, you get triggered because you're desperate to not be wrong so you keep avoiding my question to your obvious bullshit, then claim I'm fucking myself over, nice.
Yet you don't have 1 example. Your only example is my reference that right wing retards are now trying to claim that it's thx to the gop that the economy is good. I have plenty of screenshots to back that up.
>Also, remind me again why Obama has had such a poor recovery, compared to the right wing retard Reagan
Obama didn't have a poor recovery. He had a LONGER recovery because Obama inherited the worst Republican Recession since the Republican Great Depression.
How about you Republicans stop crashing the economy then complaining that it took Democrats too long to clean up your mess.
The longest job creation streak in American history is not a poor recovery. Yeah it took a while because look at the hole that Republicans left behind, as they always do.
Tax cuts have proven to increase tax revenues, as they did with bush
lol this kid is so mad
thx bro
just a few immediate ones that spring to mind
>Failed to close Gitmo during entire eight years in office, claimed he would day one
>Prosecuted more whistleblowers than ALL previous presidents COMBINED, additionally with harsher sentencing than previous cases
>Assisted in the rise of racial tensions by continually weighing in on ongoing police investigations as far back as Trayvon/Zimmerman
Lol, have i triggered you? Never heard of the sub-prime mortgage crash?
Muh republicans are retarded