Be me

>be me
>go back to home city from college
>mum was somehow angry.
>asked why you are so mad.
>mum said ”隣のクラスのブラジル人がまた問題起こして困っとる。日本に馴染めないなら隔離すればいいのに!". (In English, Brazilian student in next class caused problem again. If they can't intergrate into Japanese society, we should segregate them!)
>I told "それ人種差別じゃん。文化や慣習が違えば、問題が起きるのは当たり前。それを解決するのが教師の役目じゃん"(It is racism. It's natural that conflict happens if their culture and custom are different. It's your job to solve such problem)
>mum said "でも、そもそも移民なんていなければ、こんな問題起きてない. 移民なんて受け入れる必要ないのに"(But, in the first place, we should not have accepted immgirant, We do not need immigrants)
>I told "移民は、世界経済の中での日本経済のプレゼンスを維持するためにも必要。それに多文化主義は長期的に日本に住む人々全てにとって利益になる。"(We need immigrant to maintain the presense of Japanese economy in global market. Also, The diversity will benefit all people living in Japan in long term )

I knew my parents are conservative. But I didn't know my mum is such racist ;_;


Gtfo english teacher nobody respects you in Japan.

if post ends in dubs you are a faggot proxy shill

Want to trade my mum was talking about adopting a refugee child after I left school until me and my brother and father talked her out of it

This thread again?



seriously though, what get script are you fags using?

>CTR pretending to be Nihonjin

Just kill yourself already.

A Swede on a Jap proxy?