So you guys like to make fun of Argentina anf call us brown , poor, etc, right?

So you guys like to make fun of Argentina anf call us brown , poor, etc, right?

Well, all this would be true 10 years ago, but if you make a comparison chart with how the world is like today you'll see we are more right winged than most countries, in fact while the world is moving left we are already bouncing back to the right. We have our own Trump even before Trump gets elected. We had a female president before the fucking 80s, we had the banks crisis in 2001, 7 years before the rest of the world. We're the next world potence. Our economy is growing like never before and we'll quickly surpass all of europe.

Somehow we are now a forward thinking country that is at least 5 years ahead of the rest of the world.

Take your ""first world"" countries for example:

- You accept all kinds of possible war criminals without background check
- You literally have a lefty government
- You literally have all different races living inside your country
-You encourage homosexuality
- Again, you literally have a lefty government

You hate us out of pure jeaolousy

Other urls found in this thread: riots&path=wizard

>you'll see we are more right winged than most countries

lol shut up commie cuck

macri won't be able to undo 13 years of kirchnerism

>Two monkeys debating politics

Why I thought I'd never see the day.

south america is a sad place regarding politics, too much corruption and populism

F-fuck you, Argentina, w-we're number o-one!

>You hate us out of pure jeaolousy
literally no one on earth is jealous of Argentina... well maybe some African countries

Damn red haired girls are ugly

Yeah keep telling yourself that you fucking argie cunt.

If you don't want em send em here amigo

t. Chicano

Argentina. Irrelevant as always.
Argentina: notice me , notice me...
World: nah.

Yeah sure, you re mad because you are a nigget

Nah only from argentina.

I feel bad for Argintina, it was once one of the most important country's in the world. Now it is a irrelevant place associated with the nazi's.

I agree with you. I hate red heads, their skin is ugly.

>muh HDI

Nigga, we both know those statistics are fucked up.



Thanks for the laff famlam.

Now that I know this, I wish I rooted for you guys instead of Merkel's 4th Reich in Rio.

Seriously, you couldn't find a better picture?
Those are some goofy looking cunts right there.
Missed opportunity, indeed

this thread is about to be filled with mexicans

Very rich, much first world

Argentine litteraly means silver, you are not gold, so you are sewage dump.

unas ganas de tirar una bomba nuclear ahi.

No tenes idea, te falta salir del tupper.
Yo vi villas miseria en Italia y Grecia, gente revolviendo la basura en Paris.
Y si te cuento lo que vi en Sudafrica besarias nuestro suelo llorando.

Pasa que los otros paises siempre tiran para su lado y no te lo muestran. Los argentinos no tienen idea lo bien que se vive aca, los medios te lavan la cabeza.

suponiendo que no estas tirando alto bait,

es cierto que el sur de italia es tercer mundo y el norte es primer?

Te diria que si, Napoles parece La Boca.
Ademas las ciudades como Roma son impecables pero el tano promedio vive en monoblocks de mierda en las afueras.

Los trenes son mucho mejores, eso si.

Uruguay is 88% white
Canada is 75% white
Argentina is 67% white
The USA is 62% white and will be 45% white by the year 2050. Even if trump wins and builds the wall, a white minority is inevitable, whites in the USA have had sub-replacement fertility levels (birth rates) for over 40 years. White people are already a minority in the under 5 years old age bracket in the USA. We can't talk shit on Argentina.

They were never important

como en argentina mas o menos, al final tenemos a quien salir.

Es que ya tira(mos) una bomba nuclear, en el 46. Se llamaba Peron.

Esos malditos medios

>using Argie flags for hobo tents

No te gusta el pais? Andate.
Pero no vuelvas ehhh, no hagas como la Su Gimenez que dijo que era un pais de mierda y que no lo pisaba nunca mas en 2002 y volvio arrastrandose porque afuera nadie la quiere.

Como ella hay miles.

hey don´t you want some of those mestizos?

i heard you accept a lot of them, we will give them to america for free.


Me encanta el pais. Pero hasta que no nos saquemos la cabeza del culo y nos demos cuenta de que somos un pais pobre y en decadencia. Cuando nos demos cuenta de esto tal vez podamos hacer cambios en serio.

>nunca formaremos la gloriosa alianza del sur, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay

JuSt accept it, you are mestizos, Daniel corach from UBA said it.


hay que hacer un profundo cambio de mentalidad si alguna vez queremos progresar, sino dentro de 30 años vamos a elegir de nuevo a un nuevo peron que nos va cagar, de nuevo, usando populismo barato.

Si seguro, desmoralizando a alguien es la manera de motivar cambios. Si pensas que es todo la misma mierda nunca cambia nada.

Seguramente si algun yanqui vio tus fotitos en la thread ya se disuadio de viajar. Va a ir a dejarle su plata a un pais con mas amor propio como Mexico.

uno siempre puede soñar.

>en 30 años

Ya los elegimos hace 12 años. Y ahora elegimos a una coalicion con relativamente buenas intenciones pero con mucha ineptitud.

>buenas intenciones
Si, te falta calle y vida pibe

Macri fue socio de los K para la corrupcion hasta el ultimo dia.

No entiendo, si con los k tienen el IDH similar a Europa con 5% de pobreza y Alemania 20% ajaja

El IDH no se hace con estadisticas nacionales

>62% white

America is 70% if you count non mestizo white hispanics

Por eso dije coalicion primor. Macri no tiene preponderancia absoluta en el esquema politico, aun en un pais hiper-presidencialista como el nuestro.

> be argentinian
> default

OP as usual is a deluded faggot.

t. Argentino

>Macri no tiene preponderancia absoluta en el esquema politico


you need more air traffic than brazil to be 1st world.

Nigga, you have more defaults than we do. Ain't something to be proud about, but its the truth.

honestamente, tenemos que tener esperanza?

yo todavia tengo que terminar mi carrera y no quiero que una crisis me agarre en bolas,desu.

Ya no peleemos hermanos mestizos , mexico es el líder de la selva latina

>implying millions of muslims and chinks arriving to your coutnry is a good thing

If you allow my humble contribution, I think that coutnries like yours and mine need a serious ideological revolution.
One similar to Hitlers one. And I'm not talking about killing other human groups, I'm talking about a true ideologi, indigenous of our respective societes, that values national interest above all else, and that punish corruption and ineptitude.

Right now we have two huge problems, and those are 1)Corrupt politicians that would sell their mothers if they could, because they know they are not gonna be jauled nor anything like that, and 2)really really estupide and incompetent public servants, including politicians of course. We have senators and legislators that make or veto laws based on what they might or might not understand about certain things, but do not evena tempt at underestanding, they just go with what they feel will give them more votes or what their party tells them to do.

As stated before, a re evaljuation of what we are as a society and what we want as a society for our future is of utter importance.

Until then, we will continue being slaves of populist pseudo ideologies like peronism, chavism, mujikism or kirshnerism, etc etc.


At least our rapefugees drink mate

Preparate entonces porque Mauri y esta sociedad populista nos llevan a una super inflacion, el tipo de cambio volando por los aires y una licuacion de salarios descomunal. Compra dolares.

Hahahah, soon they will be arrogant and italian like you

Holy shit my Argentinian bro. Go lift, eat right, get a better job. Do something concrete with your life to raise your self esteem. No a falsely inflated ego with a hair trigger cry fest is not self esteem. I mean look at you working so hard to try to gain validation from a bunch of nerds on pol you'll never meet over how "white" you are. Recognition you won't get which ultimately wouldn't add a sliver of positivity to your life. If any of those fine ass Argentinian girls knew you were on here pleading your case to predominantly neckbeard infested anonymous board just picture the looks of pity and disgust.

>t. el cholo resentido

Ya llego la provincia viola haitianos

yeah you are right we have a very bad mindset as a society and that is wat we need to change, bc is we were truly hopeless we will be like africa and is not and that enough proof that we still can do it.

but only if commit ourselves holy to it.

estas celoso? mira que hay verga de sobra papi ;)

NEcesitan mas europeos y deportar a los boliguayos, un gobierno pro yanqui y matar de nuevo a todos los marxistas al río de la plata

He oído hablar de la poronga uruguaya, paso

¿Que tan fantasioso es soñar con una mini alianza argentina-chile-uruguay al estilo de la union europea pero en el cono sur?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you puta pequeno? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Los Zetas, and I’ve been involved in numerous executions on the Sinaloas, and I have over 300 public beheadings. I am trained in chainsaw warfare and I’m the top decapitator in all of Juarez. You are nothing to me but just another head waiting to be severed. I will detatch it with a lack of precision and cutting force the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, gringo. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of mariachi bands across the USA and a narcocorrido is being written about you right now so you better prepare for the chainsaw, gordo. The chainsaw that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your head. You’re fucking dead, paco. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in exactly one way, and that’s with my brand new Husqvarna 440 chainsaw. Not only am I extensively trained in chainsaw combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the local hardware store and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable head off the face of the body, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over your head and your head will come off in it. You’re fucking dead, gringo.

This country is utter shit, and we will always be a 3rd world shithole.

Nice b8 btw.

100 years aint shit

holy fuck, I live in Juarez

si no nos podemos poner de acuerdo ni siquiera en la mierda de las papeleras, ja

ok but without borderless shit like the EU pls, we don't want hordes of boliguayos coming to our sacred land.
At least chile has the andes but we will be defensless. the river want be enough.
make it a pure economic and military thing and you have a deal

We are 14% white, there are tons of white families with 5-6+ children.

Whites are the fastest growing group in my country.

We are going to take our fucking country back, la segunda guerra de la restauración viene pronto.


Cheer up mate, at least you are 97% white and have messi, pope, máxima, fa valoro, fangoso, las huellas digitales y el dulce de leshe

Argentinos like you are always so full of yourselves. You think you're better than the rest of us because you claim you are """""""""whitest"""""""" Latinos

Even your "Italian" speech is pretentious as fuck

we'll start caring when you have nuclear weapons

You mad?

stop embarrassing us you stupid nigger

Good point there !
Now i will take a nice warm SHOWER (like rain but in my house) before going to work.
I will get there with my CAR (magical carriage that needs no horses or guinea pigs to drive).
Maybe i will browse the INTERNET (the same one you just openend on your villages only computer but muuuuuuch faster) a bit.
Aftee work i will hit the GYM (like running from giant killer guinea pigs or lifting trees but without the danger of getting killed) and then go out with some FRIENDS (the opposite of the henchmen of your local warlord).
We will visit some CLUBS (you dance there like your shaman when it hasnt rained in days, but we do it for fun) and if I get lucky I will BANG (the thing that gives you aids and makes your wife get many children you cant feed because the local warlord stole yout harvest again, but here we do it without these side effects) some HOT GIRLS (they dont exist in your pathetic excuse for a nation).
So that was my day, have fun running from guinea pigs and dreaming of the first world while jungle rebels burn down your village, Ignacio.

So, do you really think the nigger majority among the young Americucks is going to be able to maintain those weapons?

you are fucking retarded dude. Argentina was one of the first countries in developing nuclear technology. they could have built nuclear weapons in the 50s but decided not to, the same as brazil and mexico.
go read a book.

Argentina is already borderless m8, anyone can come here and request citizenship without a problem. Besides, the boliguayos love argentina too much to leave so i would not worry about them if i were you.

The problem i see is argentina being too unstable both politically and economically, we spend 10 years going full Keynes and the next 10 completely neo-liberal, then the cycle repeats indefinitely.

You're still mad about the US's bants, aren't you?

implying they're really hard to maintain
basic mechanical knowledge is all that is needed
they were built to be easy to fix
source: former militaryfag

feels good not living back in your village in the afghanistan mountains, right ahmed?

>decided not to
so they don't have nuclear weapons
so your fairy tail doesn't mean anything anyways

And do you honestly believe niggers are capable of doing this?

Russia will probably come in to assist with the disposal of your nuclear weapons when your inevitable collapse comes.

This one was never funny actually.
It's full of American nigger references we don't understand. Because we don't have niggers. At all.

So it sounds foreign and over the top, not really triggering. I didn't even know niggers smoked menthol cigarettes. Here it's a thing only faggots and women do.

>fairy tail

dude stop, you are just embarassing yourself

Japan doesn't have nuclear weopns either, but they could build dozens in a matter of months if needed.

South Ameritard, you got rekt by Margaret Thatcher and her army of tea-sipping scrotums when you had taken delivery of some of their own weapons.

Don't take internet memes seriously.

Not only that, but do you imagine if someone in south america had nuclear weapons? How long until the burgers come here bringing their so called democracy? No, thanks. I would rather stay irrelevant but peaceful.

The niggers and mexicans that will be the future majority of murica will not be invading anyone, just fighting turf wars.

Maybe the mormons might make a nation capable of conquering territory.

Jews will probably be hacked to bits by all our niggers that moved to New York.

Well, you guys did have alot of help in the late 40's and early 50's what with all the nasty nazis running down to SA and all. I guess what i'm trying to say is HEIL!

says the butthurt...

nice try faggot. a pic of tourist doesnt chnage reality

a riot in argetina within the last couple of years. at about 16 seconds in all you see are brown guys riots&path=wizard

>thinks anyone can just build nuclear weapons if they want to
>doesn't realize there are restrictions on nuclear material and no one will build nuclear weapons without the US's permission