>tfw Sup Forums starts finding out more and more about Saturn worship, Bohemian Grove, Masons and their doomsday prophecy of August 14 2016 as told on the Georgia Guidestones, and of course the Archons

>shills flood Sup Forums with Sandnigger Khan slide threats, BBC shittery, and muh Obama speeches

We are literally so close to something so huge and suddenly the shill puppetry media has ramped up its propaganda and is spamming us with all these irrelevant thoughts and threads.

I'm afraid of what might happen. Intellectualism, truth, and knowledge are all going to be suppressed if we don't fight back now. We have to keep digging and we have to keep believing in the fight. Otherwise we'll become like Sup Forums: flooded by shill propaganda and is now a Game of Thrones general board.

Other urls found in this thread: Lunar Landing.htm

I have come to peace with what is coming. Just because the majority of Sup Forums finally came to the understanding of what Kabbala worship entails doesn't mean many of us didn't already know.

Enjoy the ride.

Meh. Let it burn

Fuck off hipster faggot.

What's supposed to happen on the 14th?

Saturnite shill. Man will rule you. There is no Greater God. Jesus has shown Man is God.

k-k-kek me posted


They can't harm us. People have already doxxes the CTR people and no one can "support Hillary" without being called out as a shill. People are waking up. Guys, look up Mark Passio and hear what he has to say about Tarot, Freemasonry, mind control, natural law principles, the NWO, all that. He has a radio show called What on earth is happening. It's amazing.

I knew this shit years ago, Sup Forumsx has some of the best threads when you can find them.


He who controls the black cube controls the minds of men.

good can't wait to test out my survival skills I have one handgun and a camel bak already 99% tier

Have a bump.

Stay united, Sup Forums

We know the truth is out there, and they know that we're getting closer to it every day.

At long last, this has returned.

the point in distractions
to keep us on this side or that side, white or black, police or civilian, dems or reps.
its all designed (more of been in the works for a long time) to keep us distracted from what happening in the world, and in ourselves.

islam will not stop, becuase our leaders let it happen. we are nearing a yuge event this year.

i hope not though, but the final trumpets have been sounded

All of their information is stored inside.

Good, I HOPE the world ends in 2 weeks. I've heard all this "End-Times" stuff for years now, and it never happens. Y2K, 2012, now this? C'mon, I hope we aren't all so naive.

The Moon is hollow. Science has huge trouble explaining how our moon came to be and still has major gaps in their theories.

Sensationalism has been around forever, but you shouldn't deny that we are losing freedoms and regressing, spiritually.

Shills literally shilling shills.

Bets on what will happen? My money is on Earthquakes/Super Volcano, I find the phantom planet thing to be a bit much but who knows.

>doomsday prophecy of August 14 2016

*When we deal with specific dates it is important to note that this does not mean any particular event must take place on this day. The convergences speak for themselves but we cannot conclude an EVENT will take place. Simply because a date has an unmistakable symmetry with other days and events does not mean something will necessarily manifest on THE date in question.

Since 8/14/16 is the date written on the cube that was removed that makes 2016 the 36th year since it was erected. 36 is 666. It literally reads three six or 3×6 = 18 or 6+6+6. All the integers from 1-36 when added together =666 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26+27+28+29+30+31+32+33+34+35+36 = 666)

Very true, but I don't think that means the world's going to end on the 14th, no matter how much me or anyone else wants it to. At the end of the day, this isn't doing anything for anyone.

>Conspiracy theories.
>Intellectualism, truth, and knowledge.
Pick one.

Yeah, I don't know what the deal is with the 14th.

There's mad energy on Saturn, yo Lunar Landing.htm

Shit I'm suppose to go back to my home town after working with my dad for 3 months and get trashed with my friends on that day pls Mason's don't kill me while I'm traveling

>not a pretentious faggot
Pick one

>Falling for childish fantasy whipped up by 15 year old on the internet.
Pick both.


Prophecies, especially ones that come from Masons, don't necessarily mean something will occur on that day. That day can represent the START of something. A signalling for an uprising. Or it may represent a significant secret ritual that was performed, or some sort of decision enacted behind shady backdoors. An event would be the most obvious validation of that date, but there are many more reasons to signify a specific point in tiime.

Here's the link from my pasta post.
I don't know what any of this means, perhaps you do as I'm not familiar with Hebrew calendars and occult symbolism.

You misunderstand the point of conspiracy theories. They are what pushes humans to doubt and to think outside of the box. To think beyond what they are normally told. To explore with their minds.

Sometimes they are pure fabrication, but sometimes they are truth. And even more mysteriously sometimes fabrication becomes the truth. Such is the malleable mortal coil. A truly fragile world which must be protected from all real and potential threats we may or may not understand.

Looks like I won't be buying that dream car I'm saving up for

>tfw no cute venusian gf

Hey Im the dude from yesterday from the library
gots tons of info on freemasons ready to dump

Check out a list of grandmasters

both books are over 200+ years old

Reminder that Saturn's harmonic energy is being amplified by its rings which were constructed by an extraterrestrial life force. The rings aren't natural.

And don't just think I'm talking about some spaceships creating rings. The real life force may come from within Saturn itself. Or it may even be Saturn.

Don't even talk to him, he's just an edgy redditor, most likely, or from Sup Forums. He's too fucking dumb to fathom any form of asbtract thought.

Well, so you might give up of christianity too ;)
All semitic religions are drowned on Saturnalia Philosophy

completely agree this other guy is a total faggot





So, there's really no clue as to what exactly is supposed to happen.

Some kind of 'Judgement Day'?

Jesus was the first ManGod. The spark of Christianity is a breaking through of Saturnite barriers, but the entailing myth and organizations that were spun around that spark was all Saturnite oppression to quell the ManGods from rising. Christ rebelled against the Saturnite establishment, and the Saturnite establishment has fought long and hard after killing him to restore their power and erase all memory of the ManGod from Man's memory.

No. I don't.
The problem is people mistake Conspiracy Theories for Conspiracy.
Theories have no hard factual evidence behind them.
Conspiracies are plots by by default small numbers of people usually in the higher reaches of a government.
There is no evidence the masons (who actually do a lot of good, publicly, like donating to schools and stuff, look it up) or Bohemian Grove (which is likely just the rich political equivalent of a frat party) are worshipers of some doomsday cult.
In which case it wouldn't matter anyway because god isn't real and neither are any other gods. There has never been any credible evidence to support it, Therefore worshiping Saturn wouldn't fucking change anything.

Conspiracy theories cloud the minds of people with faulty logic they incorporate into their lives.
Conspiracies teach us to have careful oversight of our governments actions. Which we by and large do except in cases where it would otherwise impact the safety of lives, such as where are troop movements are going and such.

>not worshiping uranus

top bub

They are trying to reach pinnacle of god hood and immortality I literally read 200+ year old books of people who were interconnected with masonry TODAY AND HAVE PICS

If a conspiracy theory is proven to be true, is it then knowledge?

MKULTRA, being an example.

You must learn to not be afraid to explore ideas which you may think or even know are wrong or crazy. You must learn to not be afraid to journey with your mind into uncharted territory. You are an explorer of the mind as much as you are of space and time. Psychonautica is a real scientific endeavour and conspiracy theories are one of the paths one takes on this journey. You are weighed down by an over acceptance of your mental conclusions. Remember that there are many conclusions in this world. There are many truths. You should not construct your mental nest on the singular branch of truth on the world tree. You must learn to fly.

>Saturn has a hexagon at the pole
>Hexagon can be seen as the star of David, the symbol of the Jew
>Hexagon can also be seen as a cube
>More traditional Jews wear the Tefillin, a hat in the shape of a black cube


>tfw reading shit so crazy that it sends chills up your spine
>tfw you start getting chills all over when you remember how evil the people in charge really are
Time to pray m8s


>kab allah

fuck, jews is closet muslims

its deep guys

the grand master address

I've seen so many gets for that day. One was the Yellowstone Caldera erupting, another was the start of WWIII, etc. Go in peace user.

>I read a 200 year old book and now will show you a paicture of a page from this book which I base outlandish theories.

You have no idea what you are talking about. You sound like the classic redditor.

>A.F. & A.M

af, famalam?

I'm weighed down by the 80% of the people who actually believe these heaps of logically flawed shit.
Not by the 20% or less who just use them as hypotheticals to practice being open minded.

I doubt the 14th is judgment day
1. The rapture hasnt happened
2. I doubt that the 7 years of tribulation will start this year
3. No one knows that date. Only the Lord

They may be evil, but they are only human.

They will answer to God in the end.

-Matthew 10:28
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

>May Wisdom be our care,
>And Virtue form the square
>By which we live!
>That we at last may join
>The Heavenly Lodge sublime,
>Where we shall perfect shine
>With God above.

Pure blatant Saturnite worship right there.
Their "wisdom" and "virtue" form their square that they live by. They want to join their spirits to the "heavenly lodge" where they shall "perfect shine"; i.e. they want to restore Saturn's glory as the dark sun of the ancient sky.

The Archons want Saturn (they) to rule. They want to be Gods of this Earth and Man their cattle.

>the great culling
day of the rope confirmed
who's ready to lynch some niggers

Thanks for these pics btw, pretty interesting

I don't think they're referring to the judgement day of the Bible, but one of their own making.

I spent 7 years believing conspiracy thoeries mate.
I grew out of it. You will too.
But go ahead call me a redditor.
You double nigger.

So are you going to make an intelligent arguement, or are you just going to sit at your computer and shill all day?

Blow me you diabetus riddled monster. The natural progression of those who study religions ends with figuring out who is pulling the strings on the control systems and why.

Stop thinking about how other people fail in this pursuit. Think about how you can succeed and think only about your own journey. Their journey is not yours. The journey's validity is within itself, not in its subjects.


There have been builder working on the freemason hall in my town for the past two weeks. I saw them boarding up all the windows yesterday.

No one cares how "first" you were on this knowledge. This isn't youtube. We don't care about your celeb status.

Keep digging user.

So, I should go down to the local Mason lodge and do some spying?

Get the fuck off Sup Forums, you tin-foil mongoloids.


Your 'argument' has been rendered completely invalid by your use of derogatory terms in order to justify your point. Kindly leave this thread.

look its the emblem from my previous post

keep the thread alive gonna play some video games with friends ill post in a bit after!

See the rising of glorious Kek

Fools taint the foundation of things by injecting Ha Satan bullshit.

It could have risen pure and unsullied, but you just had to fuck it up!

Okay transcendental impersonator #654765, ignore all the negatives.

Everything is upside down

Good is bad

Bad is good

Truth are lies

Lies are truth

Minds are warped immensely. People love all the things that hurt them and hate all the things that help them. Peace is kicked aside for an extreme interest in violence and conflict. Honesty is an offense and dishonesty is held upon a pedestal.

In an insane society, those who are labelled insane are actually the most sane of us all.

Ask God for guidance, because you won't find guidance anywhere else.

Fuck off, Trinity. We already know it's the Jews.

Back to GLP with your farm of boomer sheep who will believe any dumb shit you say

>posting on Sup Forums
>not know double nigger
And to think you called me a redditor.

You should be praying tonight against this:
August 3 Satanic revels: Sexual ritual. Satanic and demon revels (sex)

Tin is one of the sacred metals. Beware our memetic alchemy, banker shill.

Don't make us send Stevie Christ after you again. This time you won't be so lucky.

Good post. Well said.

The world asks us to lie to ourselves and live in a fantasy to continue the Saturnite narrative. They want their fantasy to become truth through repetitive actions and mantras. They want to fool man and to fool their history. This is something they've done for a long time, but we have seen proof of the ManGod in Jesus, Buddha and many others. We can arise from the oppression of Archon lies.


Listen to these creepy sounds from Saturn


dude desu, not convinced you're not a shill until you explain who is 200 years old and why you think they are.



No, it isn't.

Semitic Religions play the same game of Samsara scriptures: Endless cycle between good and evil, but speaking on metaphorical sense. Everyone else who detaches itself from that reaches which they call "Moksha" (self-knowledge).

Why self-knowledge? Because these cycles are heavily tighted with our own nature: The male and female principles. That's EXACTLY why these people have biggest role of our own lifes: They already know how that shit works.

What is their end game? Just deception and manipulation... nothing else.

-So MK Ultra never existed and you believe the official story of the JFK assassination? Are you crazy?

This board has literally devolved into fucking /x/ tier shit.

No wonder the right gets fucking trounced time and time again.