Libertarian agreeing with a Socialist on 75% of issues

>Libertarian agreeing with a Socialist on 75% of issues

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

he's trying to get the bernie vote

He said that because hes talking to a libtard who place 99% of importance on social issues. economics is very boring to this kind of person.

She's angry because he's not a Democrat and that makes her feel unsafe

It means CNN's attempt at pushing Johnson into the spotlight to steal Trump voters horribly backfired and now he might steal former Bernouts and other democrats who despise Hillary from her.

Johnson is a fucking cuck.

He will say anything to get in the debate

He's a fucking moron.

Any Libertarian worth his salt would NEVER vote Johnson.

Gary Johnson does not represent the Libertarian party, just ignore him.

Lolbergtarians don't really believe in anything "free market" aside from a tiny bit of things. It's why they're wanting to vote for Gary "flip-flop" johson.