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what a dumb cunt

we have to use atleast one nuke for their to be nuclear deterence




Deterrence is only applicable when the enemy actually FEARS you using it.

Its not deterrence if you say you will never ever use a nuke.


Somebody picked up on it

so eisenhower was a buffoon who had no understanding of foreign policy?

ok random twitter faglord, you convinced me. i'm #withher now.

deterrence works because you dont test someone who owns a fucking nuclear weapon. It doesn't matter if you will or not, its the capability. Showing you will use it all willy-nilly makes the world unstable because it escalates conflict and makes others attempt to imitate. Then accidents happen.
AKA the spain incident & the damascus incident.

You guys should read Command & Control.


He has betrayed the American people. He is a crook and unqualified to be president. With his poor temperament, the choice for president is clear. We must all stand together with Her.

So does any actual proof of him saying this exist or is it just a report of a random person claiming that he heard him say it with no proof or evidence?

Is the media going to just start writing fake stories now?

>nuclear deterrence

filtered and saged

This is how retarded liberals are...I would actually be more worried if he did NOT weigh all options on the table. It's called leadership, which is displayed with Mr Trump seeking all possibilities.

This is why the the US ared forces hate the Democrat party, and overwhelmingly votes against liberals. What dumbasses, holy shit a piece of my brain just fell out of my ear from this liberal garbage?


Huey was a cock sucker

By this logic, we should redistribute our weapons cache to ensure every country is nuclear capable. Yet here we are sabotaging Iran's attempts to join the party.


>international relations
Even their academic political jargon is memespeak. Bunch of deluded fucking cowards

If having but not using nukes makes the world more peaceful, then having MORE nukes than everyone else and not using them must make the world REALLY peaceful!

Dumping redpilled for shill ass insertion in

Remember Jeremy "No, I will not use nukes even if they are used on us" Corbyn?

This is literally the liberal leftist position. That's why they're all acting like it's an inconceivable idea and you must be mad to consider it.

Trump said he'd nuke someone? OMG I'm a #Trumppump now. I fully support nuking Saudi Arabia until it's nothing but a giant radioactive desert. The only way to defeat the global jihadist organizations is to utterly eradicate the Saudi Arabian monarchy which funds every last fucking one of them.

Finally, someone with sense on Sup Forums

Trump is a good candidate, but he isn't god. He is a populist, he isn't crazy, he isn't a criminal. That means he is good enough.

I remembered the storyline, but I had to look him up to attach his red-nosed, drunken papi face to the words of the absurd.

It is becoming quite alarming how !much of the voting population thinks our Commander in Chief is supposed to play patty-cake and sing Kumbaya.

Looking at scenarios from all angels, and having contingencies in place IS part of the job description.

Implying Clinton's regime wouldn't escalate tensions



If foreign leaders believe we won't hesitate to use nukes, then it greatly increases their deterrence. A big question in nuclear war is what we do if an adversary uses small tactical nukes to say defend its borders. If that adversary believes we won't do shit to avoid escalation, they are much more likely to use said tactical nukes. So, no, this guy doesn't understand the nuclear question at all.

Im sure Shillary is more of a hawkish warhorse than Trump, without question. Aside from Trump's inquiries about nuke usage, I believe wholeheartedly that she will get us into war immediately. She wasted no time going into Libya.

who cares about nuclear deterence? Why isn't the MSM all over Israel for their illegal nukes and their multiple plans to use them if any of their crazy ass neighbors start something?

the fact is that some people need to be nuked, like all muslims. nuking muslim countries is exactly the kind of message we need to be sending. One nuke per terrorist attack. and I'm pretty sure we can get rid of at least one billion before they realize the game is over.