Are we gonna make it?
Are we gonna make it?
Is OP a cuck ?
Copy-cat attacks all over London?
trump will win
Well fuck
So is 8/14/16 actually a happening
Has lord kek blessed this thread?
Can the western civilization be saved within the next 30 years?
Praise Kek.
Why is Alaska the best?
Dear Kek, will there be a happening on August 14?
Is Agartha real?
Are aliens real?
Will Indians ever learn to poo in loo?
Well this doesn't really answer my question
Looks like Kek thinks not of Alaska
Will Trump win?
Will Hillary have a fatal stroke soon?
Is Kekism the one true faith?
Is there any point fighting for the legacy of the white west, or is it lost?
Will Communism Win?
Should I be with Erica?
Will i cross the border?
Will I make many white babies?
Will yellowstone blow on the 14th?
Do you prefer apple pie or strawberry cake ?
will there be a nuclear war between russia and the US this century?
I keep getting "Most likely." Does this mean I'm still white?
I don't enjoy being alive, and the only reason I'm still here is because it would hurt my parents/siblings too much
So Lord Kek, should I kill myself?
Will a building collapse at the Rio Olympics?
Feels bad man.
Praise Kek
Is your real name keek?
I feel you user. Good luck.
Kek, should this user be with her?
Will Trump win?
Is London where it begins, oh Lord Kek?
Apple or strawberry ?
Will WW3 start in Turkey?
Will Hillary ever go to prison?
should I try to start my own business or continue with corporate serfdom?
Is it close?
Rand 2020?
Will I be happy again before the end of the year?
Will (((they))) try to kill Trump before November?
Will there be a major, world changing happening on 8/14/16 as predicted by the mason stones,or sometime in August?
Will chink moot give us a new Sup Forumsharbor? I think a few days of I AM A HILL SHILL ROBOT and HI THIS IS CORRECT THE RECORD PRINCESS KAHREN would drive all the gullible 14-19 year olds to cripplechan.
They're stupid newfags, they've never seen a board get trolled by admin before, and they are so fucking gullible. Every single bullshit zero evidence roleplay thread gets taken seriously by hundreds of these faggots and they all shout down anyone who offers critical thinking. It's worse than 2011-2012 /x/ with tulpa and succubus and vampirism threads. WORSE.
Please, kek. Please. Guide joot to solve this scourge.
Will Bill die before November?
Is it tomorrow?
Well shit! Trump will survive?!
inb4 banned
Has Trump finally been stumped??
Will win that money bruh?
Will Trump win the election and become the POTUS?
should I sleep
Will Trump win?
Will it get any better at all ever?
throwing a roll on this
Will you be able to predict?