Kino-tier amazing movies that no one has seen

kino-tier amazing movies that no one has seen

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Pic-related. My favorite movie of all time.
Also has the most kino trailer ever.

That was just ridicolous

It was. Had some great build-up that amounted to dribble.

this is probably the biggest disappointment in a zombie movie i've ever had. 2/10.

Can we just have one serious thread guys?

They shouldn't have shown any of the zombies. They should have had everything happen outside and anything bad that happened inside be really subtle or due to paranoia.

I couldnt even make it past the first 20 minutes it was such shit acting

Cloud Atlas was so fucking shit I wanted to die by the end

I'd like to see you write and direct a better zombie film. Shut up. As far as the zombie genre goes, this film is inventive and certifiably kino.