Who would win?
Who would win?
literally who on the left?
She isn't in the picture.
at what? a pusy eating contest?
The redhead.
Are you talking about Fake Emma?
based pusy poster
>she will never beat the living shit out of me
Best Emma would bully Worst Emma into tears and make her beg for mercy
No way. This is what she looked like after the last time Best Emma bullied her.
Not the one that looks like this.
In a fight ?
Roberts is probably the type would would chew off her opponents clit off in a fit of anger
Why the long face
Roberts would fucking destroy Watson
Has Watson ever even been in a fight in her life?
Roberts is a legit psycho. Watson couldn't fucking handle the heat.
Why anyone would pick worst emma is beyond me
>swn put out her cigarette on your balls
Good and bad pics of everyone, user
yeah haha I couldn't imagine
then why would you post another bad pic?
Emma Thompson > all
i want to be kissed by both emmas at the same time
You're a sick person
go on...
fucking delete this filth
I know right? I'd rather be a Maisiefag than a watsonfag
stupid fucking bitch
We're all Emmabros here, which Emma we prefer is irrelevant so long as we love AN Emma. We need to be friends, not enemies.
Pic related, all three Emmas fused
that's the cringeworthy lunch room scene that turned into aggressive feminism 101, isn't it?
Roberts had the cops called on her for domestic violence. I can only imagine she would beat Watson's face in.
I like how she keeps smiling after she drops the coffee. Literally gives no shits.
She's rich she can afford another one
the fuck is this?
Her Smile and Optimism: remain
Of course Best Emma would win, she's high test. Just look at those arms.
I would wife her in a heart beat.
thats not progressive enough. your obviously a racist and a child molester
emma watson transitions to male and has sex with emma roberts and emma stone does that thumbs up thats awkward as fuck during the sex tap in the shot
>your obviously a racist and a child molester
How is that? Because I want Emma Roberts inside of me?
This. Watson doesn't stand a chance.
>that smile
At least they're all enjoying it even though Watson is left out.
I think it's actually because it's not her coffee, and she doesn't give a fuck about other people.
Did anyone else hear that Emma secretly got married to the bf she glassed?
Fuck her arms. Check out those sideburns. She could replace Jackman as Wolverine with that fucking fur.
goddamn that is perfection
>You will never wake up on Christmas morning, and find her wearing this under your Christmas tree.
life is suffering
although on the other hand mere mortals like us should be grateful for being able to look at a goddess like her
Physically? Roberts would fuck you up.
Mentally? Watson would berate you at every turn.
Stay away from all Emmas.
>swn buy you a shock collar for Christmas and make you wear it on your balls every day
No please. Not the succ. I bet of you.
which emma's hairy bhole is cuter
>Mentally? Watson would berate you at every turn.
Maybe by dragging you down to her level, kek
i want emma to peg me
stand the fuck in line
Snarky bitches like Roberts talk a lot of smack and put on a show, like a small dog barking, but can't really back it up, because they're weak and they overcompensate externally to mask it, or out of insecurity.
You've probably never saw a "good girl" loose her fucking shit and go hogwild on someone. It's amazing. Because all the politeness and calmness can turn into blind tard rage in an instant.
i dont want to hurt my bottom. i just want to kiss emma's privates and make her feel good.
imagine actually being able to sexually pleasure an emma.
>wake up, hear noise of buildings falling and cars crashing and people screaming
>looking out the window, you see this
What do?
become her pusy slave
>our prayers have all been answered
Moar giantess pics?
what's the appeal of giantess shit?
I'd crawl inside my Emma's pussy.
imagine that, imagine entering her pussy like you'd enter a cave, spreading her pussy with all your strength and quickly jumping into her wet tunnel before the outer lips elastically spring back to their normal positions and close the opening to the vagina like a gate.
You're inside the pussy, it's so clean and wet, it smells sweet, just a bit metallic and sour because of the blood and bacteria, but not excessively so.
The walls are so smooth, wet and soft that it feels like you're swimming through her vagina *licks lips*. You lick everything and after each lick you close your eyes and ponder the taste as if you were a respected chef, a vaginal juice connoisseur. You smell it first, you clear your mind of any intrusive thought that might corrupt the experience and you drink it like an animal drinks out of a trough. You try to identify the different components of the pussy juice, the blood, the mucus, all that shit and how it all came out of her. What's part of her is now part of you, after you ingested the substances in her slit. You caress the walls, you try to comprehend the geometry of her pussy, you try to visualize and understand the structural aspects and the biology of her vagina. Everything must be memorized, for this is a very valuable and unique experience.
getting to enjoy juge pusy, tits, ass, etc.
after about 5-10 minutes of vaginal spelunking you reach her cervix. You put both of your hands into the opening, you try to spread it but you can't. You decide to squeeze through the opening that is filled with cervical mucus and white discharge. It has an amazing taste. You lick everything, you're fucking insane. After leaking your way through this wonderfully huge vaginal tunnel you finally exit the cervix and enter the womb. It's like a huge, wet chamber.
You're inside her womb, you decide to cum inside her pussy. You punch the womb walls and nothing happens. The bitch likes it. You're like a bug that crawled up someone's ear but in this case the person doesn't actually mind it, in fact, you're welcomed to this place.
You decide to spend the rest of your life here, inside of her comfortable, soft womb. It's so warm and nice here. What about food and water? No worries, you can drink her tasty blood, pussy juice and eat her chunky period. Her period has the consistency of stew.
I wonder if she'd get pregnant if you were to cum directly inside her womb in this scenario, as a tiny man. Would the baby grow up to be a tiny autist man, like yourself? Or will he be a giant with a huge dick the size of a house that can fill an entire apartment with semen after just one cumshot? This is the sort of question I'd keep asking myself if I was blessed to a life where I'd be imprisoned in a giant woman's uterus.
Life is good in her huge pussy. I wouldn't like living anywhere else.
Idk. I guess it's an aspect of BDSM. Being dominated and helpless at the hands of a powerful woman.
>juge pusy
I mean, now that I think about it, I'd love to use giant Emma Roberts labia as a blanket.
Emma Stone > Emma Watson > Emma Roberts
>its so clean and wet
Objectively wrong, my nigger.
Emma Stone has herpes. ew.
>the one stacked on top of the other fell (you can tell from the paper on the straw)
>decides to make the same mistake again and stack it again
Stone has the lightest natural hair color.
>smiling the entire time
She's so dreamy.
Well logically, stacking the second time is a very temporary maneuver so that way she doesn't have to put the 2nd cup on the ground where all the germs are, while she picks up to throw away the one on the ground.
this :333
>tfw you and best Emma will never tie worst Emma to a chair and make fun of her and call her a stupid whore while Best Emma spits on her face and rips her shirt open then forces Worst Emma to deep throat and gag on your cock until her tiny titties are covered in both of their spit and Best Emma whispers "you're a stupid little whore, aren't? You're an ugly worthless cum slut, aren't you?" until Worst Emma coughs out "uh huh, uh huh" while you ram the back of her throat until you glaze her face and then Best Emma fingers Worst Emma's asshole while she licks your cum off of her face
This. I bet her pusy tastes like hope
It belongs to the realm of fantasy so it's interesting based on that. Plus the idea of being like a tiny pet to a cute girl seems endearing at the very least. I guess there's another layer too, inversion of reality, since Emma is so smol.
What the fuck is this shit.
This can only in tears.