Main character is supposed to have a hard life

>main character is supposed to have a hard life
>he's not a virgin

>he doesnt have gyno

Yeah, but being a virgin is easy. You are doing it right now and you've literally done jack shit with yourself all your life.

a character with a hard life is more likely to lose their virginity at a young age because parental protection and authority usually leads to a better childhood

>he doesnt have tree nigger disease

>he doesnt have blood in his stools

What is hard about being a virgin? Perhaps you meant to say that the character should be ugly if they're supposed to have a hard life.

This one pisses me off the most. Just kills any sense of realism

>'loser' main character
>he's able to leave his home
>he has a home in general and isn't homeless or living in his car
>is also eligible for sperm donations somehow

those hands can't fit through those sleeves, fucking GAP.


>character is meant to have a hard life
>they dont have 17 stone legs

>main character is supposed to have a hard life
>they're white


This bothered me in Mr. Robot. Elliot is supposed to be some lonely, asocial, 'don't touch me' kind of autist genius, but he's fuck buddy with the dealer girl and je has something going on with his childhood friend.

>Elliot is supposed to be some lonely, asocial, 'don't touch me' kind of autist genius, but he's fuck buddy with the dealer girl

Gotta have a love interest. :^)

You can't actually portray real social autismos because nobody could stand to watch it. Proof? What is the mass appeal of a show starring ChisChan? How many minutes can you stand before screeching and turning it off?

See also: why isn't programming and hacking in movies accurate?

Related topics: Why don't people take a shit in movies?

Nothing brings me more joy than the losers on this site getting upset that the loser character in a tv show isn't a bigger loser

I'm a lonely asocial sperg and I have a fiancee.

Hardship isn't racially exclusive there just as many poor white people as there are blacks.

refrain from whitesplaining boi

It has to appeal to the lowest common denominator or only the literally 3 or 4 lonely loser virgins above the age of 20 in the entire world could relate to it.

Didn't the actor say himself people love the Mr robot version of a super hacker with mental problems but hate the real life versions of his character.

refrain yourself from paying the perpetual victim of the of the white man asshat.

>I'm a lonely asocial sperg and I have a fiancee.

He could just be lying, but who would go and just fucking lie on the internet like that?

It's not though

I have 2 friends, my fiancee is one of them.

t. white teen who thinks he's poor because he has an outdated iphone

You can't be lonely and have a fiance you stupid normalfag.

Stay mad and self-pitying bro

>has friends and a fiance

user, I got some news for you.

actually I'm 32 old white man that can't find a job that has been on welfare for like 4 years now. I also grew up in a shithole of a town rife with drug related crime and spent my earlier to teen years living a lower-class lifestyle. So I probably know a lot more about hardship then you do.

>being poor

You probably have a good job though.

>being a nigger

Looks like somebody's bark is worse than their bite.

>reddit spacing

get a job you dumbfuck.
drive to a better area
live in your car
get your shit together retard

>on gibmedats
off yourself you dumb cuck

>2011 movie

i make less than 1/2 the poverty line and own a new iphone

is this what white privilege feels like?

>All this reductive minded bullshit.
like said I've been looking for work retards also I don't live in that shit hole anymore, I said early to teen years I lived there. I'm only on welfare because I don't want to end up living at my dads house leeching of his wealth and I have been taking actions to improve my lifestyle and yes I have had jobs before. so come up with something other better then get a job because jobs are just so easy to come by their just handing out jobs right now where I live.

>bad-ass hit man only wears a suit and tie with oxfords

>viewpoint is proven wrong
>"uhh... kys"
good answer

> bad ass hitman is nopan


I work at a bookstore

People with hard lives are more likely to have lost their virginity since people lower on the socio economic totem pole are more likely to breed

Watch idiocracy

yes but I don't think western society is going to devolve into a society of moronic tards because things like an education are pretty much mandatory in western societies.

Being born with autism or being ugly as a male is literally worse than having cancer or slow neurodegenerative diseases. It's a slow death due to the stress of isolation and the realization that literally no one in the entire world wants you around or actually enjoys your company.

>show is called mr robot
>he has sex in the first episode

I dropped out of teacher's college 6 months ago. You would not believe how moronic the people becoming teachers are.

Literally just pretend to find Jesus and join a Church they will at least tolerate your presence

well at least low function autist's can go under the radar because its easier for them to pick up on social cue's and normie behaviour.

"That's why they call me John WICK"

this kill she show for me.

i only watched 1 episode.

Being ugly isn't that bad just hand out with other ugly people.