How would the motion pictures be if the Hays Code never happened?
How would the motion pictures be if the Hays Code never happened?
The Motion Picture Production Code was forced on Jewish producers after they were threatened by a Catholic boycott. This was just at the moment they had invested in sound movie equipment and were especially vulnerable to boycotts.
The results of the code were spectacular. Both movie attendance and profits rose dramatically after simply human decency was enforced. the 38 yeas of the code (1930-68) were known as Hollyood's golden age, where their content pushed all others out of the market.
Upon breaking the code (in 1965 with the "Holocaust" movie the Pawnbroker) American film quality and general culture would plummet dramatically. In only 7 short years, the top grossing films in the United States were frequently pornographic.
> How would the motion pictures be if the Hays Code never happened?
they'd be far worse, and jewish control of our media would have happened much more quickly. Lot of good that does us now though
Is 1965 where everything went to shit? That was also when the 1965 Immigration Act was passed (duh), and also when hippie counterculture degeneracy began to be noticed.
It wasn't a good year.
alright now let's try and get an answer from someone who isn't a Sup Forumstard
the mid sixties was the time in which the former ruling WASP elite of the US started to die out (due to their own promotion of contraception), and Jews (who had been taking over all institutions after WW2) started to flex their muscles. I don't think you can pin it down to 1965 but the mid sixties were certainly the point where our Jewish masters took the reigns.
The country stopped being in a power struggle between Protestants and Catholics and started to become controlled by Jews
The fucking Jews always try to cater to the base degenerate instincts of the goyim.
They're the ones that started the porn industry, and they're the ones responsible for the gratuitous violence and degenerate sex in film and TV. They are a plague.
Jews and leftists....which are one in the same, really.