Has this level of shilling on Sup Forums ever happened before...

Has this level of shilling on Sup Forums ever happened before? It seems like it has picked up tremendously in the last week.

(Also ignore any blatant shills in this thread so they don't get paid)

The shilling is strong, but I welcome it, at first I was a shill but after reading enough threads I now support Trump immensely and realized all the groups of people whom i sought to protect as an SJW are actually the groups of people who have been making my life a nightmare these last few decades.

fuckin' new fags. Just because ron paul never happened, doesn't mean your mindless pursuit of gay ideologies is some how unique and rare

I dumped trump to feel the johnson.
The guy climbed 7 peaks. He can climb my peak any day

Like seriously, is it just me or have the number of non-factual based threads shaming Trump and his supporters spiked immensely. Same kind of language and everything. It feels systematic is all I'm saying.

ITT: People in denial that people are expressing their opinions.

It's just the collective realization of anyone with half a brain that Trump has finally been stumped.

Like seriously, is it just me or have the number of non-factual based threads supporting Trump and his supporters spiked immensely. Same kind of language and everything. It feels systematic is all I'm saying.

babby's first shillraid

there's a certain percentage that has to be shitposting. I'd put it 70-30%

These posters have a collective penis size of 4 inches.

Yes, but they seem to be like-minded opinions that sprang up all at the same time in mass quantities with the general same talking points and presentation... on a usually pretty like-minded right-wing board.

Mass groups of people don't just change overnight like this. I think it's actual organized shilling. It just seems a little too suspicious to be your average shitposting.


It was like this just before Brexit too

The shills are losing their last effort has been trying to demoralize trump supporters on Sup Forums and reddit. They want us to abandon hope and not turn out to the polls.

this poster is a canadian.

>Sup Forums is down for almost a day
>comes back overrun by shills

wow really makes you think

>Has this level of shilling on Sup Forums ever happened before?
Yes, during the 2012 election.

>seem to be like-minded opinions that sprang up all at the same time in mass quantities with the general same talking points and presentation... on a usually pretty like-minded right-wing board.
>Mass groups of people don't just change overnight like this. I think it's actual organized shilling. It just seems a little too suspicious to be your average shitposting.

you seriously think Sup Forums is a like-minded board? even a right-wing board?

This place is lawless.

Just because the kike babies cry the loudest, doesn't mean they how this place.


and the same fags there expected ron paul to be happening, then fuckin kiked out.

Now they finally got their meme candidate and can't seem to handle the influx of jokes regarding their small hands.

I get paid per post, not per response. Extra $0.05 to slide pro-Trump shit off.

It's only like $100/day which I know is a lot for basement dwellers, but it's better than just collecting unemployment amirite?

This board has always had leftists.
I've been here since the beginning and the current level of discourse is fractional at best.
Besides its fucking Sup Forums (insular to normies by its very culture), why would you want to influence this site?

Yes, you should have seen it in '08 and '12

Maybe this is all advanced level shitposting and not CTR.

Either way, it's definitely shenanigans of SOME sort.


cause she's a newfag who can't tits or gtfo. cause there's fuckin trump shrills getting people to the_donald then bring them here.

it's because the_donald has broken the 4th meme wall, and it's fuckin' hilarious watching the unpriveleged majority, ie white neckbeard neats, celebrate how awful of a candidate they support.

But shit nigger, we been the same discourse forever.

How do I apply? I love shitposting

They realized how powerful we have become in the year of Trump, think it is kind of a compliment that they think our influence is powerful enough that it needs to be disrupted. But I say carry on as usual and maybe even if some of these shills stay long enough, the information we post here will slowly work into them and they will awaken.

The proportion of Trump supporters has appeared to have diminished dramatically given all the recent CRT shills.

>every person autistically labels the shit the keep in their posting directory.

I don't generally measure or have anyway to quantify the amount but it seems pretty standard.

I love it personally. We draw them in and then shatter their worldview and convert them. It's great. Embrace it user.

>$0.13 has been deposited in your CTR account

or, the lack of penis staying power due to how absolutely useless trump is at persuading normies, reminding the autists of their own social inabilities.

>hint: trump is a reflection of you fuckin' autists; his inability to grasp a political necessity is the same as your kissless virgin solitude

>everyone downloads and saves their memes as if the internet didn't exist, because _WHAt if tHATS A RARE PEPE_

I meant like actual arguing.
Not the chaotic nature of the boards actions as they relate to the real world.
Just now when people disagree they just throw shit at each other. There used to be actual debate. Now its just calling people shills.

>shit up every single board for months
>act surprised when people come here to laugh when it appears trumps campaign is coming off the rails
I have said this three fucking times and nobody ever responds

concerning shills

you think they'd only pay me 13 cents for this level of old fag wisdom?

fuckin' neats

nah, that might've been pre-ron paul, but as goes Sup Forums, so goes the political discourse.

People are people, on every single level, whether it's Sup Forums or donald trumps mouth.

Everything trump is doing is prescient Sup Forums behavior. The reason he's not backing off? Same reason these shrills here are so certain that anyone who disagrees is getting the chump trump change.

>$0.10 has been deducted from your CTR account
>low level bait and rhetoric not matching board database

fuck man..wuh

shit..i needed that to help my welfare queen get her porchops

It's both, jackassjack. Paid shills and mindless, pampered lefties, like you.

Or, it's mindless lefties and your lack of valium.

what sub?

Since the hivemind of "Le ebin meem God emperor Trump" is being challenged, all of the sudden, it has to be because of shills. Sure.

You fucking kids are absolutely delirious.

This might be some of the hardest shilling I think I have ever seen since Sup Forums Harbor. It should die down in a week though If we are lucky

Who still takes valium? This is lingo from the past. You are an old, unhip individual.

When you're surrounded you can fire in any direction user.

It's just a coincidence and it has NOTHING to do with the recent scandals surrounding Clinton and the shills are definitely NOT trying to divert the attention from it.

This is one of the only forums where the majority of it's visitors don't buy into the media propaganda and you can be damned sure the shills are aware of it. Notice that they're canadian most of the time. At first I thought they were just poor attempts at shitposting, but now it's obvious that they're paid shills.

The mods need to do a better job at protecting this board.

fuckin new fag never experienbced the habbpening.

No. Nothing like harbor day has happened yet. I think it's coming, though.

I remember the hollowed mass Sup Forums became. But the brits, they didn't quit.

What is the virtual equivalent of lining captured shills up and mowing them down with machine guns?

They're getting extremely nervous, and it's showing even in this thread.

they will go away when they see their small paychecks and/or find out they are being doxxed and are infiltraited

since when does 2011 qualify as a new fag you cock sucker

fucking christ is this what it feels like to be a leaf? I'm embarrassed by this shilling

Nothing has gone on for this long, we have had threads after Obama won twice but that was it, Nothing has ever been this bad or gone on this long besides Pol Harbor

>Has this level of shilling on Sup Forums ever happened before?
Are you this new?

We got raided hard after GamerGate when Moot went full melt down and we all had to deal with the word cuck being spammed everywhere.

I'm still not entirely sure what happened.

I think he was banging (or trying to bang) some SJW and went ballistic trying to cover his ass to be progressive.

No "janitor note" here.

Since every newfag that ever newfagged since 2007

I saw this coming. I knew it would be nonstop 24/7 shilling once Trump got nominated

Do not let them intimidate you!

Exciting times, eh? Problem is, we always push through. People like the truth and to seepeople get burned by the truth.

We do that here.

>Hillary has paid users working to subvert a website for discussing chinese cartoons

pol isn't your hugbox, stop screeching about shills whenever someone disagrees with you


many of us are new, but we try to hide it. We're trying to be good Sup Forumsacks, we promise.

I feel you bro

its a great feeling isn't it brother
who needs to aim with this lot

Well, expect a lot more shilling. This raiding will go on until at least November. Which is crazy because we've never sustained such prolonged shilling before, at least not since I've been here.

subreddits have been raiding us

also /r/the_donald is bringing too much normie attn into Sup Forums

Sup Forums is becoming mainstream

its fucking over

>Are you this new?
All the Trump shills are fucking new. Haven't you noticed how shit this board has become ever since Trump started his stupid campaign?

This board is not the same as it was even a year and a half ago. Now it's the fucking Trump shill zone, and most of them are newfag as fuck.

I bet they'll crash the site. Well be scattered all around the various low level chans.

What else did you have in mind, sweet cheeks? Elite criminality is bring exposed. Trump was a renaissance.

That coming from a leaf. What a suprise.


>Elite criminality is bring exposed. Trump was a renaissance.
actually believing this stupid fucking shit

I think we can expect a lot more aggressive shilling yeah. I mean there is a lot at stake with this election and both sides are furiously campaigning. It's so controversial.

Not even other chan is safe, they know about it by now. We'll just have to endure it.

The information right at your finger tips. Your living a lie by pretending like this.

They call it "point of the day" I shit you not. Basically an email is sent providing information, talking points, and other disinformation to spread on message boards.

Go to correct the record's website, it's detailed on there veiled but easily seen for what it is.

Interns and people they vet are paid and sent to offices with networks where they sit and shit post all day.

I'm dead serious too.

There are a dozen lower chans out there. That is were we convene.

i love these cute poorly drawn pictures of the frog, does anyone have any others?

this is the only other one i have

Dude, the shilling that I'm witnessing today is outrageous. Anyone who has ever been to Sup Forums, even once, can recognize that the entire mindset of the board wouldn't change in the course of one or even several days. They're firing off media talking points like it's going out of style and I would be very surprised if even one person believed it.

>the frog

>the frog
CIA needs to train its agents better.

Please stop trying so hard to look like a newfag, it's cancerous.

i genuinely just want more of these, here have this in return

My Babushka just came into my room to bring me a plate of Chicken Shashlik and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of Shashlik of out her hand. She Started yelling and screaming at Mikhail Gorbachev and I slammed the door on her. I'm so гpycтный right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my babushka but I'm literally in shock from the DNC last night, I feel like I'm going to illegally annex a sovereign nation. ни хyя́ хyйня́, how is he getting stumped??! This can't be happening, I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe that the western world isn't as corrupt as I had thought. I want a future to believe in. I want Trump to be president to destroy this country. I can't deal with this now, I thought he was polling well in Sevastopol?? This is so fucked.

I don't think it's shilling so much as /intl/ raiding the board and mods being lazy faggots.

yes, this media onslaught has been the most focused yet

> implying the CIA gives a shit about Sup Forums

You have shitloads of Clinton/DNC shills, and maybe some law enforcement (FBI, ATF, DEA, etc.) and the NSA (technology) for different reasons obviously, but probably no CIA (tends to focus on HUMINT plus only works outside of the US (supposedly)).



FBI have definitely been here because of various murderers and shooters posting on here etc. I think Moot has even been questioned. They wouldn't be doing their job right if they hadn't come here, or aren't keeping a watch on us.

Allegedly a guy from the CIA did post here before but no real proof. It seems more FBIs area anyway, and desu, the CIA are actually useless anyway. And yeah you're right, FBI is domestic, not CIA.

I was just fucking about saying CIA lad.



Half of those threads are just trolling and anons taking the piss out of you. Lighten up a bit.

who are those people? Apart from trump and farage, I don't recognize anyone else

>As if the CIA isn't using /pol Syria threads for info gathering and communication

A year and a half ago we were laughing at chimpouts and Farageposting. Don't spend much time here do you?

During gamergate and back when the JIDF started raiding this place it was pretty bad.

Why do they come here? Almost every other site on the internet panders to their shit and has hate speech rules so people aren't allowed to disagree with them.
They aren't looking for rational debate. Almost all of the posts they make are just snarky comments about trump supporters or spam.
They certainly aren't interested in anything we have to say. So is it just to shut down discussion on Sup Forums? Are they really that scared of people disagreeing with them on a Mongolian smoke signaling website?

Just in the last couple days, really. CTR sent instructions to all their unpaid interns to spam this board