Remember when Penn & Teller's Bullshit BTFO of liberals about Wal-Mart?

Remember when Penn & Teller's Bullshit BTFO of liberals about Wal-Mart?

No, but I like my libertarian bros. I might stream this episode now.

Only thing that episode got right was saying sweatshops are good

What did they say?


Didn't they spend half that episode making fun of the white hillbilly rednecks who were anti-Wal-Mart?

If you're going to attempt to derail Sup Forums threads with pictures of girls, please make them little girls.

low hanging fruit

They said Walmart is good and you should stop whining about nothing and go support the economy by shipping at great prices.

Remember when they confirmed that JFK was killed by a lone gunman and that the towers collapsed on 9/11 without controlled demolition because anyone who believes otherwise thinks aliens did it? Quality show, quality show